What if Ron Paul took intellectual steriods?


Well-Known Member
(Employ; Make use of) (Capitalism: the exploitation of workers by those with capital)
Before the business is created, a group of wealthy men work for FREE to benefit the economy. They take on RISK with the money that took them alot of hard work and smart decisions to acquire. They place their money in a way that is revolutionary for the people of America and there is no GUARANTEE that the plan will work.

It really sounds like exploitation to me too, Marx. These guys are crazy!


Well-Known Member
Before the business is created, a group of wealthy men work for FREE to benefit the economy. They take on RISK with the money that took them alot of hard work and smart decisions to acquire. They place their money in a way that is revolutionary for the people of America and there is no GUARANTEE that the plan will work.

It really sounds like exploitation to me too, Marx. These guys are crazy!
Very well said! If we only had more who understood the issues with such clarity. :clap:


New Member
Before the business is created, a group of wealthy men work for FREE to benefit the economy. They take on RISK with the money that took them alot of hard work and smart decisions to acquire. They place their money in a way that is revolutionary for the people of America and there is no GUARANTEE that the plan will work.

It really sounds like exploitation to me too, Marx. These guys are crazy!
Hey TLO, where did these guys get their money? Right off the backs of the American labor force that has allowed them (The elites) to live a life of luxury. It's just like gambling, If you have excess money, you can take a gamble, but if you need that money to feed your kids, then it's off to the salt mines. Wealth is accumulated off of other peoples labor. You may have the plan, but the work gets done by workers, workers that you pay the least amount possible to fatten your bank account or the bank accounts of investors, that is Capitalism my friend, exploitation of the many for the benefit of the few.


Well-Known Member
Hey TLO, where did these guys get their money? Right off the backs of the American labor force that has allowed them (The elites) to live a life of luxury. It's just like gambling, If you have excess money, you can take a gamble, but if you need that money to feed your kids, then it's off to the salt mines. Wealth is accumulated off of other peoples labor. You may have the plan, but the work gets done by workers, workers that you pay the least amount possible to fatten your bank account or the bank accounts of investors, that is Capitalism my friend, exploitation of the many for the benefit of the few.
So you would have everyone suffer so that none would be wealthy, God forbid! Hard work, motivation, and intelectual acumen would not exist if the free market we formerly had did not exist. But this philosophy of yours fits nicely with the current welfare state we are in.


New Member
So you would have everyone suffer so that none would be wealthy, God forbid! Hard work, motivation, and intelectual acumen would not exist if the free market we formerly had did not exist. But this philosophy of yours fits nicely with the current welfare state we are in.
OK...........................If you say so, I guess you must be an elite then. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be wonderful to be wealthy, I just never had the ability or opportunity or drive or what ever it takes. I realize that some people, Very few, come from poverty and achieve great wealth, but they are driven, I've never been driven. So enjoy your wealth before the revolution, Viva la revolution.


Well-Known Member
OK...........................If you say so, I guess you must be an elite then. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be wonderful to be wealthy, I just never had the ability or opportunity or drive or what ever it takes. I realize that some people, Very few, come from poverty and achieve great wealth, but they are driven, I've never been driven. So enjoy your wealth before the revolution, Viva la revolution.
You said it yourself..... "no drive". I am not sure what governmental system or economic theory you could invoke where all citizens were just given wealth with no effort. You have or have had opportunity, failure to utilize it does not constitute lack of awareness of it, but absent the impetus for success of course you will not prosper to the best of your ability.

Just as not everyone has the ability be an NFL quarterback or NBA star, not everyone has the ability to succeed to the same level of "wealth" however you define it.

Why must the federal government run our lives? This is a choice we all have to make, I choose to run mine as I see fit not as others would have me run it. Of course Liberty comes with personal responsibility....... I accept!


Well-Known Member
I guess you must be an elite then.
OMFG!!!!! Marx! DUDE! I think if ANYONE made it clear it was I when I showed how I have been in the bottom 1% NOT 10% NOT 5% not even 3%...BOTTOM 1% "POVERTY" I have never missed a meal because of lack of funds (even if it meant eating nothing but oatmeal and bananas) I have a fucking MOTORCYCLE worth more than 3,000 chinese children's year of labor. I could go on and on about capitalism...and how I am rising from bottom 1% to the top 50% in the last two years and upcoming year. It was HARD WORK..and if people aren't willing to be smart and work hard....off to the salt mines.

OH and btw.... not everyne who believes in capitalism is an "elite." CHANGE THE F#@$%G RECORD!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey TLO, where did these guys get their money? Right off the backs of the American labor force that has allowed them (The elites) to live a life of luxury.

In supply-side economics, the first people to benefit are the workers, who carry absolutely NO risk. There is no chance of missing a meal or losing face from faulty investment of time, energy and resources. If you ask me, the fact that I can wash dishes for living and never take on financial risk or heavy responsibility for a business....its almost sounds like a scam, but its not. It's labor and you actually get paid for it regardless of the number of customers that walk in and regardless of what they order, regardless of the profit margin of the food that is delivered and regardless of the overhead involved. Sometimes I wonder how people get stuck in a dead-end job for life....and I always come back to the above reasons.


Well-Known Member
think it would be wonderful to be wealthy, I just never had the ability or opportunity or drive or what ever it takes. I realize that some people, Very few, come from poverty and achieve great wealth, but they are driven, I've never been driven.
Wow med those are the most profoundly honest sentences I have ever seen you write!!!

How or why would you have us penalize those who are "driven".

A significant percentage of Millionaires are self made......not just a "few"!
If you possessed even a little "drive" you could have done it.
Actually, you can still do it.


Well-Known Member
Wow med those are the most profoundly honest sentences I have ever seen you write!!!

How or why would you have us penalize those who are "driven".

A significant percentage of Millionaires are self made......not just a "few"!
If you possessed even a little "drive" you could have done it.
Actually, you can still do it.
A very good point! Again, he can still suceed in life, there are so many opportunities to take advantage of, just open any newspaper and look at all the jobs!


Well-Known Member
Hey TLO, where did these guys get their money? Right off the backs of the American labor force that has allowed them (The elites) to live a life of luxury. It's just like gambling, If you have excess money, you can take a gamble, but if you need that money to feed your kids, then it's off to the salt mines. Wealth is accumulated off of other peoples labor. You may have the plan, but the work gets done by workers, workers that you pay the least amount possible to fatten your bank account or the bank accounts of investors, that is Capitalism my friend, exploitation of the many for the benefit of the few.
Commarade medicineman, you vould agree, vould you not, that zee beauty ov the socialist system, iz that everyone becomes equally poor. Vonderful thing. iznt-it!


Well-Known Member
A very good point! Again, he can still suceed in life, there are so many opportunities to take advantage of, just open any newspaper and look at all the jobs!
Lmao, I thought we were agreed that you can't get rich working a 9 to 5? You have to have the entreupeneurial spirit if you want to get ahead in this country.


Well-Known Member
Before the business is created, a group of wealthy men work for FREE to benefit the economy. They take on RISK with the money that took them alot of hard work and smart decisions to acquire. They place their money in a way that is revolutionary for the people of America and there is no GUARANTEE that the plan will work.

It really sounds like exploitation to me too, Marx. These guys are crazy!
Nicely said Threat. That's one thing you got to love about America, everybody from the ghetto to Beverly Hills has a chance to get rich.

Med, you are right it takes money to make money. And usually the ones without money are exploited by the ones who have it. The good thing is you can change this...

All you need to make money is money to invest with. So, the only real obstacle I see that prevents one from being rich is large amounts of cash. All it takes to get this money is a plan, dedication, brains, and most of all balls. Oh yeah and you have to be driven too:mrgreen:

Here's my plan
https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/38252-2008-season-dreams.html- Hey if you can't get the money legally get it however you can. Fuck being poor, I don't care if I have to break laws to get out.

I was born poor too. But, how much do you want to bet within a year or two I'll have enough to open my own business? And at that point it's up to me, I can run the business into the ground and lose everything or make it succesful and get rich. I'll let you guys know when I make the first million, it would be nice to get it before I turn 25.:blsmoke:


New Member
A significant percentage of Millionaires are self made......not just a "few"!
If you possessed even a little "drive" you could have done it.
Actually, you can still do it.
I think it's a little late for me to go on a millionaire quest, the drive needed to attain that much wealth is in only in one out of ten thousand and I'm not one, especially at my age, so peddle your success stories other places. I'm content with my status and only criticize those with megabucks for not being more giving. There is enough to go around. I don't have the plan, but I'm not convinced there isn't one.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who "we" is...but I disagree entirely.
You said-Before the business is created, a group of wealthy men work for FREE to benefit the economy. They take on RISK with the money that took them alot of hard work and smart decisions to acquire. They place their money in a way that is revolutionary for the people of America and there is no GUARANTEE that the plan will work.-
That sounds like the definition of an entrepeneur to me. Like I said, your not going to rich working a 9 to 5. But you will make the entrepeneurs you work for rich.


Well-Known Member
You said-Before the business is created, a group of wealthy men work for FREE to benefit the economy. They take on RISK with the money that took them alot of hard work and smart decisions to acquire. They place their money in a way that is revolutionary for the people of America and there is no GUARANTEE that the plan will work.-
That sounds like the definition of an entrepeneur to me. Like I said, your not going to rich working a 9 to 5. But you will make the entrepeneurs you work for rich.
Yea....I was explaining capitalism-responsibility on the supply side to Marx. I don't think he ever heard the concept before. It's not the only way to get rich, though. Most people is 9-5 jobs net more after expenses and taxes than small business owners, so thats one thing. The other side is if you can land the highly competitive jobs you can be rich alot faster and alot safer than if you started a business. Those big bank buildings, skyscrapers they call them, have like the top5 floors dedicated to people that make more money than some of the most brilliant and resourceful entrepreneurs.