Trimming, Manicuring, or whatever..

Ok how do you determine what to cut off when you're trimming dried flowers? Pretty much just leave anything with crystals on it?

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
It a matter of personal preference really. I myself like to take any and all leaf matter i can get to without cuttin calyxes. Watch out for the stems right behind the fan leaves or u will have more popcorn than anticipated. But there is others that leave the small sugar leaves on during initial dry to protect outer trichomes. Personal preference I guess. It is a lot easier to trim wet tho. Just remember leaves don't add flavor they only take away. Connoiseur nuggets should have maybe one or two partial leaves just for aestetic value


Active Member
I like to cut off all the fan leaves then hang to dry for 4 days the cut the rest of the leaves i can off without cutting the bud and then put all the bud in brown bags and put in a cool dark area to dry the rest of the bud out for like 1 week