same prob again

White Noise

Looks like your light could be quite a bit closer. What nutes are you using? And what medium? The more details we have, the better chance we have of being able to help out.

White Noise

What medium? Is that an aero setup? Soil? Hydro? How often do you change the resevoir? They look like they are starving. Either for nutrients or lumens. Since you are feeding them, I'm leaning towards lumens.

A 250 watt light should be 12-18" away from the tops of the plants. If I were you, I would move the light quite a bit closer and check them a couple of days after. If you are seeing no change, then try nutrients. If it is soil or hydro, flush your medium and up your nutes 5% per day until you see a -*slight*- burning on the leaf tips. Once you see a burn, back them off 5% or so. You are using the "Hesi Hydro Growth" nutrient?

Also, on that fourth picture you posted there is a strange abrasion on the uppermost leaf. It's hard to tell because it is so small, but if that patch lengthens you could have leaf miners. Attached is a picture of a leaf miner infestation.



nft hidro often i change the reservoir????????as u can see by the size of the plants i didnt had the need to change it, right???
"*slight*- burning on the leaf tips" that excatly my problem mam.................did u saw my pics????

White Noise

Yes I can see that, just covering all the bases friend. A good buddy of mine had his first grow a few years back, and didn't really know what he was doing. Was actually changing his resevoir daily, and burned his plants from the chlorine! As far as the burned leaf tips, I saw that you had a tip or two cut off, but no i didn't see burned tips. Just trying to narrow it down for you. What medium are you using?

-edit- I see the tips you are talking about now, in the second picture. My bad.

White Noise

Oh sorry guess I wasn't specific enough. By "medium" I mean substance that you are growing in. Are the plants held in net pots and just have roots dangling in the water? Or are you using rockwool? Coco? Perlite?


guys, again im facing the same problem and i cant see what am i doing wrong.
250w bulb
ph 6.0
ec 0.4
temp 28 celcius
They are becoming yellow and weak:(
pls help, i dont want to loose another one :(
Ok man basiclly its NOT ENOUGTH LIGHT!! as you said its 250w im guessing its one of them fat energy saving bulbs? dude they are kinda crap get a hps bulb or AT LEAST get that light about 4 inchs from you plant cos the only real good thing about them bulbs is that they dont burn your plants.... and you trying to do 5 plants under that wattage a 400w hps bulb is only ment for 4 plants so your going to have more problems as they get bigger!!!!

plus you do have a little bit if nuitriant burn thats not the yellowing on it, its the browning almost crispyness on it that looks like its dehydrated when its not lol.. plus with nuit burn sometimes you can get like salty deposits on the leaves that look like tiny bird shits which will wipe off with just your fingers. just agust it or get some seedling/cutting nuits NOT plain ole 'veg phase' nuits!!

dont think they are dieing because they can be easyly saved :)

also if your ph is 6 trrrrry to get it to 6.5 cos 6 is still a little bad it would be better off at 7 and have it netural than too acidic ;)

just LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT........ even generally use this as a rule of thumb you should get 1g to every watt

any more probs message me man and get some pic updates ;)


FYI its 250w HPS, and as far as i now the amount of watts are messured according to the size of the box and not the amount of plants. correct me if im wrong :)


I'm growing with exactly the same set up (NFT + 250w HPS) and had problems at the start with that rockwool rises the ph quite alot so ph should be 5.6 or so....also the 250w was too hot for the girls....I sorted that out by pointing a fan at he light



Active Member
in my opinion, it looks like a nutrient problem. not NPK, but iron magnesium, etc etc.. in soil you can use Algamic. you may want to google that and have a read of what its for and what it does.. this is just my two cents.. but had a couple do that, and a few doses of macronutrients and they were back to 100%