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I wanna know, more about this UV light.
I know it's supost to increase resin production.
What size light should you get for it?
My closet is only 2 X 2 1/2 X 6
I see 'em at the pet store and are very cheap. Like $20 bucks and under.
They're heat lamps with UV for the little critters to get cal
I was wondering how much extra heat they'd create.
The highest 1 I saw was 40 watts.
I run a 400 hps and keep it about 16" away, I'm guessing I'd have to keep it the same hight away as the hps?
Are you talking about the heat that it gives off that will burn your plants or the UV?

Well first let me explain that there are infrared (ceramic) heaters for reptiles and UV lights, I am saying this for others reading this since you mentioned heat

they come in 3 flavors 2, 5, and 10,,,,the 10's are to strong for MJ if your gonna do it get the 5's and they need to be 3 feet or more away from the canopy as the UV will burn the plants (UV from the sun is what causes sunburn)

This is why I chose CMH over HPS because it has UVB as well as the same spectrum as the sun

There was a long thread on here last year where a member experimented with UVB here is the link

Now to those that say don't do it,,,it is well known that the trichs we all love and cherish is actually the plants sunscreen the more UVB the more trichs, it's a simple no brainer :bigjoint:
Right on man, I'm actually using my Mh in my last 2 weeks of flower now (I'm on week 7), cause of the UV in it. It's been in for only 3 days and my trich's have almost doubled in that time.

I wasn't sure if you ment the UV or the heat that would burn them.
So 3 feet and #5 eh?
Thanks for the info and the link. I'll give that a peek.
By the way I'm glad to see a good help thread for newb's and general growers, that you can ask a question and get a correct answer without being sarcastic or just being a plain dick about things.
What you and Street Legal are doing is exactly what this site needs.
Much respect to you guys. +rep to you both if I can.....
Keep up the good and positive info and helping others.

Well first let me explain that there are infrared (ceramic) heaters for reptiles and UV lights, I am saying this for others reading this since you mentioned heat

they come in 3 flavors 2, 5, and 10,,,,the 10's are to strong for MJ if your gonna do it get the 5's and they need to be 3 feet or more away from the canopy as the UV will burn the plants (UV from the sun is what causes sunburn)

This is why I chose CMH over HPS because it has UVB as well as the same spectrum as the sun

There was a long thread on here last year where a member experimented with UVB here is the link

Now to those that say don't do it,,,it is well known that the trichs we all love and cherish is actually the plants sunscreen the more UVB the more trichs, it's a simple no brainer :bigjoint:
Right on man, I'm actually using my Mh in my last 2 weeks of flower now (I'm on week 7), cause of the UV in it. It's been in for only 3 days and my trich's have almost doubled in that time.

I wasn't sure if you ment the UV or the heat that would burn them.
So 3 feet and #5 eh?
Thanks for the info and the link. I'll give that a peek.
By the way I'm glad to see a good help thread for newb's and general growers, that you can ask a question and get a correct answer without being sarcastic or just being a plain dick about things.
What you and Street Legal are doing is exactly what this site needs.
Much respect to you guys. +rep to you both if I can.....
Keep up the good and positive info and helping others.


Thank you

I have spent a lot of time here trying to disspell the various myths, not an easy task but I have converted a few :bigjoint:

not much I don't know about growing (in soil)
what do you use for soil?

my last grow I used fox farm happy frogs and ocean forrest because of all the praise they got on this forum, I was disappointed in the end, though using the happy frog for the seedling worked well

my next grow I will be using Sunshine mix #4 ammended with diatomite (which is silica rocks) also looking at adding clay to it, but that research isn't finished yet

thing is I grew back in the day then did a prison bit for possesion of an oz (3 yrs) after that I quit growing, then Colorado went legal and I decided to get back into it, there is so much new stuff that I have spent a lot of time researching it all to bring myself up to date

and now that we are heading towards going legal I want to help as many folks get thier grow on as I can,,,,to spread the love
3 years for an Oz? Damn, I'm glad I live in Canada.
I hope you fast tracked.......
I've never used Any kind of Fox Farms
I've used M.G. Time released, had some good grows with it. (took 2 grows to dial it in though)
Used some genaric brand from Sobey's (1st grow) worked well.
Now I'm using Fa Fard soil from the local nursery, I love it.
It's got a blend of blond and brown peat, lime, sand, composted manure, then I add some worm castings and perlite.
Nice spongy soil, drains very well.
I've heard good things about Sunshine #4 and I hear it's a good price as well
OK SL it's your turn, going to bed

site closed tomorrow, (read the announcement)

see ya on 4/20

Riddleme out
whats this shutdown ridlles?..
sry to leave u with it man, 5 pages since i been on!!.. i was picking up a clone today, Bluecheese, smoked it rids?.. also got given an OG joint, immediate stone, in the forehead..

hows things?
whats this shutdown ridlles?..
sry to leave u with it man, 5 pages since i been on!!.. i was picking up a clone today, Bluecheese, smoked it rids?.. also got given an OG joint, immediate stone, in the forehead..

hows things?

there is an anouncement at the top of the forums, something about maintainance and a 4/20 surprise

no have not smoked bluecheese

and yes it was busy yesterday but some good post came out of it (good info for others)
there is an anouncement at the top of the forums, something about maintainance and a 4/20 surprise

no have not smoked bluecheese

and yes it was busy yesterday but some good post came out of it (good info for others)

its says the better part of the day, calm down its still early lol
Lol ^^ at that statement. Ok so i was told to ask here. I am a legal user now and i want to go pick up some clones. Is it simple? Buy the clones get big pots and put them in there and water them every day? And lots and lots of sunshine. Any special ways of going about this and what do i need to do? What kinda soil?
Lol ^^ at that statement. Ok so i was told to ask here. I am a legal user now and i want to go pick up some clones. Is it simple? Buy the clones get big pots and put them in there and water them every day? And lots and lots of sunshine. Any special ways of going about this and what do i need to do? What kinda soil?

Well I'm Colorado (don't know about Cali) but here you can just go to a dispensery and buy clones, here most are $20, so pretty simple

you don't water every day but rather when they need it

sunshine is good and free

What you need to do is read as much as you can here to learn as much as you can

and for outdoor growing you can use any of the popular soils or just a good compost

I would say look for threads by FDD2BLK he is the king of growing outdoors here
How good of buds have you guys gotten and grown? The best out here in California i have got is white widow, cheese, jet eye, Sour diesel, Super Silver Haze and purple stuff lol.

I mean i wanna try the G 13 and the northern lights. Am i missing out some really good buds? Looks like i have the right idea with the clones? Just put them in the pot water as needed maybe tomato soil and rock it?
How good of buds have you guys gotten and grown? The best out here in California i have got is white widow, cheese, jet eye, Sour diesel, Super Silver Haze and purple stuff lol.

I mean i wanna try the G 13 and the northern lights. Am i missing out some really good buds? Looks like i have the right idea with the clones? Just put them in the pot water as needed maybe tomato soil and rock it?

I'm partial to Northern Lights

and yeah outdoors is pretty much like that, but gotta deal with critters and weather so plan ahead

advise you to hang out in the outdor forum and get some pointers, I'm all about indoor so don't have all the outdoor answers
I am in the dessert. All there is sun and more sun and more dry heat and more sun lol. No rain.

Critters well i am gonna put the pots above the ground a little bit and a round line of salt around it lol.

But yea i got a buddy in Colarado springs he says he dont like it lol. Trying to save some money to get out to denver this summer. How fun is that place? You close at all?
I am in the dessert. All there is sun and more sun and more dry heat and more sun lol. No rain.

Critters well i am gonna put the pots above the ground a little bit and a round line of salt around it lol.

But yea i got a buddy in Colarado springs he says he dont like it lol. Trying to save some money to get out to denver this summer. How fun is that place? You close at all?

Salt is REALLY bad for your plant. Use something else.
Yo Riddle Me !!!!

Just picked up where you said "8/8" has an advantage over "12/12" because you can squeeze in an extra day every 3 days (as far as the plant is concerned) Very interesting. I came on to ask another question on another topic all together but I thought I'd ask this first - I assume that the plant and its buds would finish slightly smaller than they would have done IF they had been given "12/12" - so you get a smaller harvest but in less time - Is that assumption correct? Or is the difference of losing 4 hours so minimal to the harvest that its worth saving aaaall that electricity with 8/8???

I've never heard of 8/8 before, would you be so kind as to Elaborate? Much Obliged !