My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made


hey. What's up ya'll. This is my first time at attempting to grow weed hydroponically i guess. Here are some of my pics.
I have it set up where i have a tube & airstone running from an air pump so it can provide oxygen. I made all this from stuff i had laying around. Where i live i can't find any rockwool cubes so i just planted it in perlite like i would in soil. So far it is doing well.
I can't even remember the numbers of the food i'm giving the plant. Someone gave me some in a bottle, saying it is for starting out your plant, not the hydro way.
I really don't know what i'm supposed to use or how much.
For the whole coffee jug, i used 1/2 of what i was told.
I need any and all help you guys are willing to give.
For some reason it seems like the perlite is discoloring. I don't know what it might be, maybe too much light.
For some reason i put aluminum around the inside of this cardboard box so the plant can get as much light. I don't know if that is the right thing to do, but it seems to be doing okay.
I don't know how to set up a drip system so it can do that automatically. I use a mist sprayer like twice a day to keep the plant's leaves moist because i heard it is good to "foliage feed" a plant, and i also spray the perlite maybe once a day, but it seems to be moist.
What else can i do to improve this? The cardboard box is just temporary until i have enough money to order a good grow tent. And this will also serve as a good learning experience for me in the future.
Thanks for everything yall. Tell me what you think of the pictures. Nothing fancy. I'm sure you've all seen it a million times.



Active Member
OK first props on the good idea!!!! second I dont know shit about hydo or bubbleponics but I can sat GET RID OF THAT FOIL!!!!! Tin Foil creates hot spots and can actually be more harmful. The light reflects off of it and will fry spots on your plant. Take that down and either get some mylar or just put some white paper in there....

What kind of light do you have over it???


Active Member
Looking good so far hope you are secuessful on your first hydro grow. The best advice i can give you is to make sure you keep your water temps below 70 degress at all times. My first hydro i have battled root rot and algae and fungus becasue of the res temps being to high and light leak. So make sure no light hits that water and make sure you keep the water below 70. I wish i knew how important it was on my first hydro grow it would of saved me alot of time and effort and some money. I spent so much time having to try and correct the problem and it taks a toll on the plants. KEEP THEM RES TEMPS DOWN!!. Other than that goodluck its lookin great


ok first props on the good idea!!!! Second i dont know shit about hydo or bubbleponics but i can sat get rid of that foil!!!!! Tin foil creates hot spots and can actually be more harmful. The light reflects off of it and will fry spots on your plant. Take that down and either get some mylar or just put some white paper in there....

What kind of light do you have over it???
i took the foil off. Thanks for the tip. As for the light, i believe it is a 25w. It's just temporary until i can get a better system going.


looking good so far hope you are secuessful on your first hydro grow. The best advice i can give you is to make sure you keep your water temps below 70 degress at all times. My first hydro i have battled root rot and algae and fungus becasue of the res temps being to high and light leak. So make sure no light hits that water and make sure you keep the water below 70. I wish i knew how important it was on my first hydro grow it would of saved me alot of time and effort and some money. I spent so much time having to try and correct the problem and it taks a toll on the plants. Keep them res temps down!!. Other than that goodluck its lookin great
what should i get? What type of food, the numbers they should be. Is it ok that a bit of perlite is in the water? Some of it falls down thru the holes in the pot. I dunno if that is harmful. Do i need to keep the perlite moist because of the lack of a dripper? I have the lights on 24 hours for now. How long should i leave it like that?
And also, i only want the plant to grow about 12 - 16 inches tall. I know it aint much, but this is just an experiment. And plus the box isn't that big. Can i make it bud when it reaches that height? This is not no crypi or skunk or no fancy weed, but it is from some fire ass regular weed.
Do i have to change the water in the jug? How often do i add food to the water? I just don't want to do nothing wrong here on the first try.
I got a fan blowing air at a medium speed, not too harsh to keep the box cool.
Appreciate any advice you can give.


Active Member
Wow thats alot of questions ima try my best to answer them all just let me know if i forget anything. Ok first off you should try to not have the perilite get in the res. You want to keep that res as clean and cool as physically possible. Do you have an airstone or air pump in the water making it casue bubbles? As long as you have one of those it creates a mist that the medium that your plant is in which im assuming is perilite should abosrb. So the mist will casue the perilite to stay moist. you dont want to keep the medium soaked becasue the roots at the top need to breath. If the top of the medium gets dry i would water it but not a crazy amount just keep it moist and realize the bottom half of the medium is probly already moist. Go to your local hydropponics store and buy some nutrients. You def need nutrients to feed your plant or they will die since they dont have anything feeding them. If they have it at the hydro store what i would suggest is a thing called kit for success. Its made by technoflora. Its not the best nutes out there but there good and they work. I used them for my frist grow and i suggest you do the same. The reason im suggesting you use these and not some of the better nutes is becasue this is a little box that already has all the nutes you need assembled in the box. So you dont have to be confused and buy wrong bottles of nutes or things you dont need and waste money. It also has a feeding chart in the box that gives you exact details on how much to feed them and when to feed them. It tells you exactly how much of the nutes to add to the water which is very helpful your first time to make sure you dont under or overfeed your plant. It has all the nutes needed from the seedling stage all the way through flower and gives u very easy detailed instructions on when to use what. You want to switch your lights from 24 hours to to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark when you are ready to start flowering your plant. Do you only have 12-16 inches in total for your plant to grow? If so that is a very small space. The first three weeks of flower plants really start taking off and grow fast. A Plant can double to triple in size during the flowering stage. So if you have a max height of 16 inches to grow your plants you need to switch them over to 12/12 and start the flowering once they are like 6 inches tall. You will have very low yeilds off this plant. However there are other things you can do to keep your plant short and still get high yeilds. If you would like to know how to get higher yeilds and keep your plant small let me know and i will explain, but im not going to type how to do it if you just want to get a little bit off weed off this plant and you dont really care about the yeild. Ok next it is very important to change the water in the tub. You want to change your water every 5-10 days. I always do it every 7 days. I change my water every 7 days becasue it makes it easy for me to remember its like oh hey its sunday time to change the water. It also helps me remember how long its been growing so i can see how my plant is coming along. You know what i mean its like if you change the water every 7 days you change it once a week so you can just know ok this is the third water change now im on week 4 of growing. Just helps me remember since my memory isnt to great lol. Anyway for the nutes and feeding that plant. Like i said if you get that technoflora kit for seucess box it will tell you how much and when to feed them. Just to let you know though every time you change the water you add a new batch of nutrients. So every 7 days you empty all the old water give the bucket a little rinse to get anything out of there that shouldnt be there mix your nutrients in the new water, ph the water the ph should be no lower than 5.5 and no higher then 6.2, and then add the new ph'd water with fresh nutes into the bucket. If i forgot anything just let me know as im a little high right now and am probly rambling and probly forgot something


Active Member
Just answer these few questions for me real qucik so i can better understand what you are looking to get out of this. How much weed would you like to get off this plant? How quick do you want to have this plant finished? What is the max hieght your plant can grow in that box (make sure you factor the light in you cant have the plant hitting the light or it will burn) how much space do you have width wise like how long and wide is your box? And last what type of light are you using to grow the plant?


Active Member
Sorry i wrote a book lol your probly looking at it like what the hell i dont want to read all that but alot of the info is important to help you have a good snd secuessful first grow which i want you to have. I dont want you to have to go through all the bullshit i went through. Hopefully i didnt ramble to much in my response just ask anything i may have forgot or any other questions u have


just answer these few questions for me real qucik so i can better understand what you are looking to get out of this. How much weed would you like to get off this plant? How quick do you want to have this plant finished? What is the max hieght your plant can grow in that box (make sure you factor the light in you cant have the plant hitting the light or it will burn) how much space do you have width wise like how long and wide is your box? And last what type of light are you using to grow the plant?
as for how much bud i want off this plant, what's the most you think i can get from it? I was hoping, shit at least maybe a minimum 1/4 oz due to space.
Oh, sorry for all the questions. I too am a bit buzzed. I need all the info i can get.
The box size is 2ft. Tall, 2 1/2 ft. 2FT. Wide. It's pretty small. I can make a better one, but i'm a wait till i get paid to buy a tent for it.
So you say around when it is 6 inches tall, change the light cycle to 12/12 to start flowering?
Once i get the hang of this, how i need to take care of the plant and all, i'm going to switch to a much bigger grow space with more plants. But i don't want to jump into that blind.
The light i think it's 25w. What light should i use for now? I'm probably going to go find a hydro store and buy food for it.
If the perlite keeps falling thru, (it's not that much that goes thru, just a few bit's and pieces.) should i switch pots to one that has smaller holes?
Thanks again!!


sorry i wrote a book lol your probly looking at it like what the hell i dont want to read all that but alot of the info is important to help you have a good snd secuessful first grow which i want you to have. I dont want you to have to go through all the bullshit i went through. Hopefully i didnt ramble to much in my response just ask anything i may have forgot or any other questions u have
i also have a pretty little garden going on in the sunshine. I will post pics of those probably tomorrow. They are all from good bags of bud, so they should be good. I used potting soil and put 6 of them in the ground, about 18 inches seperated from eachother in all directions. i think they might be close together, but i don't give a shit, maybe they will all twist and turn into eachother and grow into a spiraling the other i have in big buckets and a big tub. 1/2 of them are 1 week old, and the others are 2 weeks. Just starting to sprout the second set of spiky leaves. It's gonna be a nice thanksgiving for me this year!! Lol.
i have 13 in total. hopefully all will be females. (i wish) i better at least get a pound off of all those plants.


Active Member
Well ya if you only have 2 feet of space in your box and your light takes up like 6 inches you should flower around 6-8 inches becasue it will outgrow your box if you dont. You also better hope its a female lol. That 25 watt cfl will not cut it. You need atleast 4 of those for that one plant or you can go buy a 100watt cfl there big and like 80-100 bucks but it will be much better for your plant. Or you could go buy like 4 of those 25 watt cfl's that are super cheap but you couldnt fit them all in your box becasue you have such a little amount fo room. The only thing i could tell you is you could get a 48 watt cfl from the store they are still pretty cheap and try to do your grow with that. Or you could go spend money on the 100 watt cfl. You def need to go buy some nutreients for the plant as soon as possible and be switching out the water every 7 days with fresh ph's water and new nutrients


well ya if you only have 2 feet of space in your box and your light takes up like 6 inches you should flower around 6-8 inches becasue it will outgrow your box if you dont. You also better hope its a female lol. That 25 watt cfl will not cut it. You need atleast 4 of those for that one plant or you can go buy a 100watt cfl there big and like 80-100 bucks but it will be much better for your plant. Or you could go buy like 4 of those 25 watt cfl's that are super cheap but you couldnt fit them all in your box becasue you have such a little amount fo room. The only thing i could tell you is you could get a 48 watt cfl from the store they are still pretty cheap and try to do your grow with that. Or you could go spend money on the 100 watt cfl. You def need to go buy some nutreients for the plant as soon as possible and be switching out the water every 7 days with fresh ph's water and new nutrients
what's up. I bought these type of bulbs:

2 new plant grow light cfl bulbs 2700k+6500k. 100 watts each. And i got a fixture for them also. I'm about to order a grow tent with this size: 1ft 4in x 1ft 4 inches x 3ft 11 inches. I ordered this online so hopefully i can have it by next weekend.
I know i still have some stuff to get. Check this, i go on in search of grow lights, and i came across an ad and went to dude's house to check them out, and he had all this shit that he had from when he had a grow room set up. He explained to me a bit about growing hydro weed. I still need a bunch of stuff even for the tent. I was told timers, this silver duct that sucks air or something, not sure. And of course the nutes. I'll be getting some of those by the end of the week.

I had to ask, just to have more than 1 view on things. Besides having the grow tent, the light bulbs & fixture, and nutrients, what exactly else am i going to need? So far i've spent $138 on the tent & bulbs. I'm going to get technoflower starter kit.
Will it be more complex doing it the hydro way, or just soil?
I've been looking for a good seed so i can restart everything, but i can't find one from any one i know at the moment. And it takes too long to arrive if i order online.
2 new plant grow light cfl bulbs 2700k+6500k


Active Member
You dont need all that stuff. The silver stuff he told you about is just some flexible ducting which if used with an exhaust fan will bring some hot air out of the tent and u canuse use another one and hook up an intake fan and this will bring in fresh air. Its not necessary tho. You are going to be using cfls which generate next to no heat so you wont really need and exhaust fan to bring all the hot air out becasue there wont be to much heat. Those cfl's will work great with one plant i wouldnt suggest growing more then 2 plants under those lights tho 2 plants will get enough light but anything over that nd they wont get enough light. Anyway you should recieve your tent in enough time to let your plant grow bigger. I told you 10-12 inches then flower now with more room i would suggest letting it grow to like 15-16 inches. This will let you yeild substainially more. However if you just want to have this grow get on the roll and get the bud sooner i would say go ahead and flower at 10-12 inches. Once your plant hits 10-12 inches it will only take 1-2 weeks max to get to 15-16 inches and will yeild you alot more which in my opinion the 1-2 weeks is worth the wait but if your just trying to crank this thing out then 1-2 weeks seems like forever and you dont need to let it grow that big. If you grow it to 10-12 inches and you get these new lights and new tent hooked up and you have a sucessful grow and take care of the plant you should yeild around 1-2 ounces without a problem if you let that thing go to 15-16 and do everything right you might be able to pull off like 3 ounces. That would be a really good yeild for a plant that size and it is your first grow so i wouldnt get your hopes up to high but if you keep asking questions and take care of her than you should be satisfied with the outcome. Anyway keep asking away and i will keep giving you all the answers i can provide you with


Active Member
Whats wrong with the plant you got going right now? Attitude seed bank is a really good seedbank that doesnt take to long to get seeds and they are very secure and private. I would suggest and reccomend this seedbank to anyone and everyone. They do great business. The big buddah blue cheese plants im growing now where from attitude and i couldnt be any happier. In hydro you only have to water 1 time a week. You just get a new batch of water and the nutrients ph it and put it in your resivoir. the main things you have to do with hydro is check the ph everyday and make sure it isnt to high or low, check the resivior temps to make sure they are the right temp and just change the res weekly with new water and nutes. For soil you have to water like 3 times a week you normally feed,water,feed,water etc,etc, So like 304 times a week you have to fill up water and ph it for the plants and 2 of those 4 times you have to add all the nutes where in hydro you do it once. But you dont have to constantly check the ph in soil. In my opinion i think there might be just a tiny bit more work in hydro but the outcome is 100 times better. I started doing soil and switched to hydro and wont look back. In soil i had problems with my plants with either heat nute burn or some sort of deffiency where u could see the leaves burning bending or turning diff colors due to problems. In hydro my plants seem to be alot healhier and have never shown 1 sign of any problem even tho i had some problems with some off the roots. The yeilds are like 30% more in hydro then in soil and the plants look alot better and it seems the weed is overall better with hydro.


you dont need all that stuff. The silver stuff he told you about is just some flexible ducting which if used with an exhaust fan will bring some hot air out of the tent and u canuse use another one and hook up an intake fan and this will bring in fresh air. Its not necessary tho. You are going to be using cfls which generate next to no heat so you wont really need and exhaust fan to bring all the hot air out becasue there wont be to much heat. Those cfl's will work great with one plant i wouldnt suggest growing more then 2 plants under those lights tho 2 plants will get enough light but anything over that nd they wont get enough light. Anyway you should recieve your tent in enough time to let your plant grow bigger. I told you 10-12 inches then flower now with more room i would suggest letting it grow to like 15-16 inches. This will let you yeild substainially more. However if you just want to have this grow get on the roll and get the bud sooner i would say go ahead and flower at 10-12 inches. Once your plant hits 10-12 inches it will only take 1-2 weeks max to get to 15-16 inches and will yeild you alot more which in my opinion the 1-2 weeks is worth the wait but if your just trying to crank this thing out then 1-2 weeks seems like forever and you dont need to let it grow that big. If you grow it to 10-12 inches and you get these new lights and new tent hooked up and you have a sucessful grow and take care of the plant you should yeild around 1-2 ounces without a problem if you let that thing go to 15-16 and do everything right you might be able to pull off like 3 ounces. That would be a really good yeild for a plant that size and it is your first grow so i wouldnt get your hopes up to high but if you keep asking questions and take care of her than you should be satisfied with the outcome. Anyway keep asking away and i will keep giving you all the answers i can provide you with
i really appreiciate all of these tips that i know will become of use to me. So i really won't need that exhaust fan? That is a relief of some sort for my pockets.
Check this, tell me if i would be good to go with what i have:
Tent, lights, food.
I know the tent has some hole for the air to flow thru. Would hooking up a small fan that would fit in that enclosure work fine to keep the tent cool & not hot?
I was about to say fuck it with the hydro way when i got that tent, but i know now i won't need as much stuff as i thought i would.
I would probably need all the complicated stuff if it were to be for a big grow right?
But for something this small, i should just keep it simple. All i have left to buy is the fan and a little tub where i can set up maybe 2 hydro plants.


Whats wrong with the plant you got going right now? Attitude seed bank is a really good seedbank that doesnt take to long to get seeds and they are very secure and private. I would suggest and reccomend this seedbank to anyone and everyone. They do great business. The big buddah blue cheese plants im growing now where from attitude and i couldnt be any happier. In hydro you only have to water 1 time a week. You just get a new batch of water and the nutrients ph it and put it in your resivoir. the main things you have to do with hydro is check the ph everyday and make sure it isnt to high or low, check the resivior temps to make sure they are the right temp and just change the res weekly with new water and nutes. For soil you have to water like 3 times a week you normally feed,water,feed,water etc,etc, So like 304 times a week you have to fill up water and ph it for the plants and 2 of those 4 times you have to add all the nutes where in hydro you do it once. But you dont have to constantly check the ph in soil. In my opinion i think there might be just a tiny bit more work in hydro but the outcome is 100 times better. I started doing soil and switched to hydro and wont look back. In soil i had problems with my plants with either heat nute burn or some sort of deffiency where u could see the leaves burning bending or turning diff colors due to problems. In hydro my plants seem to be alot healhier and have never shown 1 sign of any problem even tho i had some problems with some off the roots. The yeilds are like 30% more in hydro then in soil and the plants look alot better and it seems the weed is overall better with hydro.



i have a set-up of 6 babies in a patch with potting soil surrounded by chicken wire to keep small animals out. i wanna say they are 1 1/2 weeks old.
i have one baby in this big ass white plant bucket. it's about the same age as the ones in the patch.
the 2 i have in a black tub are the same age.
the 4 in the buckets are about 2 1/2 weeks old. i really can't remember.



Active Member
So far All the plants are looking super healthy. Do you have airstones or an airpump running in your hydro bucket? You absolutly need something in the producing bubbles. Without the bubbles the water does not get oyogynated and the plant will drown since there is no air for the roots to breath. You will need atleast 2 airstones in your new setup for 2 plants i would suggest 4 plants love more air and will grow a lot better with more airstones. You only need one for the plant you have going right now but you have to have one. I use airstones but you dont have to get air stones you could go to a fish store and buy an airpump hook a little hose up to it and stick the little plastic hose directly into the water the little plastic hose should be pumping out air and when put into the water it should casue bubbles which will oxygenate the water and let the plant breath. Also the bubbles put off a mist which shoots up to the bottom of the net pot and keeps whatever medium you are using damp and wont let it dry out so you dont have tro water your plants from the top. About your net pots you 100% need more holes then that. I would say 2-3 times more holes. The holes should also be going like 3/4 of the way up the pot I will add a picture of my net pots. You can go out and buy them at like a lowes or home depot or any garden store near your house. Airstones and airpumps are not that expensive at all but are one of the most important parts of the setup. If i forgot anything ask and ill answer it. Happy Birthday by the way sounds like you started it off right with a little wake and bake and some breakfeast. Also people are overrated i only have 2-3 good friends that i actually trust and i know will be there for me so dont worry about it just enjoy your day!!!! Oh ya the air bubbles casue a mist which sprays up to the botom of your pot and the roots can sense were the water is coming from so they will grow faster and start to grow rapidly towars the water. So if you dont have airstones or an airpump of some sort down there the roots are just growing in and around the pot which is not good you want them to grow straight down and into the res. Hopefully if you dont have the airpmup or airstones we caught this early enough before the roots really grew into that pot and got all tangled and what not. Anyway im hoping i typed all this for no reason and you have something oxygenating the water



Active Member
I wish i would of gone back and read your first post before i wrote all that lol i see now your have an airpump and airstones. Ok now the part about the pot. We have def caught this problem really early becasue the plant is so small and will take atleast 1-2 more weeks before the roots make their way down the whole pot and are ready to start coming out. One main problem i might see is if that perilite is already coming out with that little amount of holes when you get the right net pot or make it the perilite is probly going to some out everywhere. You should really try and find a new medium like get some clay pellets or something else This is what i use they work great and are not that expensive especially if you onnly need enough for 1 plant. Either way the most important thing is getting a new net pot thats looks like the one i posted in the pic above. It needs alot of holes and all over the pot


So far All the plants are looking super healthy. Do you have airstones or an airpump running in your hydro bucket? You absolutly need something in the producing bubbles. Without the bubbles the water does not get oyogynated and the plant will drown since there is no air for the roots to breath. You will need atleast 2 airstones in your new setup for 2 plants i would suggest 4 plants love more air and will grow a lot better with more airstones. You only need one for the plant you have going right now but you have to have one. I use airstones but you dont have to get air stones you could go to a fish store and buy an airpump hook a little hose up to it and stick the little plastic hose directly into the water the little plastic hose should be pumping out air and when put into the water it should casue bubbles which will oxygenate the water and let the plant breath. Also the bubbles put off a mist which shoots up to the bottom of the net pot and keeps whatever medium you are using damp and wont let it dry out so you dont have tro water your plants from the top. About your net pots you 100% need more holes then that. I would say 2-3 times more holes. The holes should also be going like 3/4 of the way up the pot I will add a picture of my net pots. You can go out and buy them at like a lowes or home depot or any garden store near your house. Airstones and airpumps are not that expensive at all but are one of the most important parts of the setup. If i forgot anything ask and ill answer it. Happy Birthday by the way sounds like you started it off right with a little wake and bake and some breakfeast. Also people are overrated i only have 2-3 good friends that i actually trust and i know will be there for me so dont worry about it just enjoy your day!!!! Oh ya the air bubbles casue a mist which sprays up to the botom of your pot and the roots can sense were the water is coming from so they will grow faster and start to grow rapidly towars the water. So if you dont have airstones or an airpump of some sort down there the roots are just growing in and around the pot which is not good you want them to grow straight down and into the res. Hopefully if you dont have the airpmup or airstones we caught this early enough before the roots really grew into that pot and got all tangled and what not. Anyway im hoping i typed all this for no reason and you have something oxygenating the water
thanks for the advice. i do have an airstone. it's this small blue one i got for 75cents at pet supermarket. it's in there now doing fine. i figured that i needed to drill more holes in the pot. should i take out the perlite and plant to drill the hole or should i do it when that stuff is in there??
once i have my tent set up, should i start with plants from scratch? or can i use some of the plants i have that are outside?
i just feel scared to take the plant out of a bucket. because i have done that before and damaged the roots. i was digging a circle about 1 1/2 around it to dig it up. maybe i'm doing it wrong.
i'm in florida so the climate now is ok. sun is back out, not full strength, but enough.
last time i grew outdoors, i had like 3 plants, all ladies. they took until october to start showing bud. i planted them around late april, early may. but then the cold started coming and i chopped them down in fear of losing them.

do you think it is better that i go buy a new netted pot for the roots to grow bigger? i still have some shopping to do. i do still need the ph reader for the water i guess. and i need to get the technaflora kit for success, because i am only using this food because it's all i have for now.
the plant food i'm using is schultz 10-15-10. i'm posting a pic so you can see. please tell me if this food would be ok to feed my baby dro?
i still have to get all the feeding schedules done right, know how much to feed them.



Active Member
Ya that plant food is really not going to do much for your plant. You really need some good nutes and that kit for success is like 40 or 60 bucks i cant remember might be 50 but it comes with everything and like 8 different bottles and i used it for my first grow and i had 7 plants and i didnt even use half the nutes so you get enough for mroe then 1 grow. I would not recomend bringing your plants from outside into your tent unless you are going to keep growing them in soil. its not fun and very easy to kill your plants if you dont know exactly what your doing when transplanting them from soil to hydro. I would suggest letting your plants that are outside stay outside. and when your tent comes just put the one plant you have indoors in the tent and let it have all that space to itself and all the light to itself and it will love you and will show you how much it loves all the space by giving you bigger denser and prettier buds. I would also suggest going and buying a new net pot. You should have your new tent and lights setup by next week right? If so i would suggest you let the plant be as it is now and when you get the new setup just take the plant out of that pot and put it in the new net pot when you move it to its new home. When you go buy better nutrients wherever you buy them should have good net pots like i have and there only like 2-3 bucks i would also buy some clay pellets or some other medium while your there it is very cheap as well so you can put that in the pot with the perilite or take the perilite out complety becasue if u just use the perilite it will def go through those holes in the new net pot since there are alot more holes and bigger. Anyway your to do list is go buy a net pot and go buy some nutrients and see if they have a different medium for you to place in the net pot instead of the perilite. Those are the main things you need to do that food isnt doing anything for your baby right now. Once you get all these things and set it up in your new tent with the new lights this thing is going to love it so much and grow so much faster and stronger.