My first plant.... i need help starting....


Well-Known Member
I have alot of questions... i am growing but i have to hide it.. im growing one plant.. just to start off to see how i do... 1st question... do i have to use HPS lamps or any fancy lighting for just one plant? or can i just use 60W light bulbs from walmart. another question is... does the plant have to be in an enclosed space or can it be just on a floor in my room? if not do u have any suggestions on something i can make that is small enough to hide... well thats it i think... please let me know.


Asshole Patrol
Check out the Grow FAQ.

To answer your question on lighting; you will not want to use a standard incandescent light bulb from a grocery store. What you can use, that should be as easily accessible, are the compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), which look similar to a cork screw. These use lower wattage, arent as hot, and put off as much, or more light in some cases. Now, if you can afford to purchase a 250w, 400w, or larger HPS light system the go for it! I think I got my 400w system for around $130.00, give or take a few.

After you've read into the FAQ a bit on how to get started, check back and let us know if you have any other questions.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
okay thanks man i appreciate it... ill def. look for that lightin instead... i have a low budget and no credit card to order all that high tech stuff


Well-Known Member
aka... your growing in your parents house.. and they cant know. if thats the case your lame.


Asshole Patrol

My suggestion is that if you have roommates, then you tell them what you've got going on. Be mindful that in the event that you break the law, they're also liable for possession and cultivation. They may be able to slide out of the charges a bit easier than you, but you still put them at risk. Be responsible.


Asshole Patrol
yea it does... if ur growing in their house.
It doesnt make you lame... It makes you irresponsible, immature, and a number of other things.

Really, how many of us did some stupid shit when we were kids that could have, or did get our parents into trouble that they didnt deserve? I was a pretty good kid in retrospect, even after some of the high points of my stupidity.

If you're going to bash someone with words, take the time to leave an explanation other than "You're lame."


Well-Known Member
are you serious dude? i dont gotta explain myself to anybody on this site. not you and especially not some guy the doesnt have the balls to ask his roomates.... AKA his mom and dad.

so get a job, or maybe a hobby.


Well-Known Member
What if its a case of like...lets say George Costanza living at home with his parents on Seinfeld...could he grow bud and not be lame??

Or the guy in Weekend at Bernies...he lived with his parents and I bet he grew nugs. Bernie didnt think he was lame.



Well-Known Member
squigggs stop being an ass, even if he does live with his parents i think you need some parents more than anyone else here. now we all signed up to this amazing forum for the same grow some dank buds:mrgreen: yo! so leave the guy alone he'll tell his "parents" when the time is right.


Well-Known Member
lol... corester... i can tell from your first grade avatar drawing that you are doing the same thing... growing in your parents house with soil from out front, and a strand of x-mas lights hoping to grow something.,


Well-Known Member
not soil from my yard, and not x-mas lights:hump:. i'm actually experimenting with a 50-50 mix of potting soil, sand, and other organic materials. now i currently have 5 26 watt cfls.:blsmoke: im done here.


Asshole Patrol
parents house....
I hope you get lots of satisfaction from tossing rude comments at people.

The fact that you cant bring anything to the table other than putting someone down says enough for 99% of the folks that read and participate in these forums.

If we get to make blind assumptions about people that we dont know and based on a few lines of typed conversation, then I think Squigggs loses at life.

Take a couple pain killers, smoke a bowl, boot some black tar... Whatever tickles your pink to calm yourself down. Next time you post, why not try to say something productive.


Active Member
squiggs get a life bro and stop bashin ppl for tryin to learn u fuck....
im sure u were once inexperienced as well and needed some advice so shut the fuck up if ur not gona say anything to help this person


Well-Known Member
ok brock you will want roughly 10,000 -8,000 lumens per plant is what iv'e heard thats about 8 26 watt cfls and will prob cost you around 25 dollars. an encloser will prob help a lot especially if it is mylar or flat white paint. but if you do enclose your grow area, you will want good ventilation. try to keep lights about 1 to 2 inches away from your plants. ok? thats about it from me. i know i haven't covered much so theres a lot more to know. i'm still learning but while i do, i also present my info to the table. peace:peace: and gl