Club 600


Well-Known Member
glad to heqr u liked it, not super funny but really interesting to see and just imagine being that guy chasin it and then takin his cam back, i would have been scared shitless.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Day 50 right now, 4th flush just happened today.

EC came out at 1.1, as soon as it runs at .1>EC I'll
be choppin.

I'd never seen that video before! Great find, Scuba is the shit!


Well-Known Member
thanks shrubs. i am actually supposed to strat learning how to scuba. my sister has been doin it now for awhile and she is now waiting to take the test for being a master scuba diver. the top of the top i think. but she is supposed to get me and my girl some good deals on how to do it and gear and what not


Well-Known Member
right, about to buy some new 600w gear...whats the latest n greatest makes/models?

Is it still the 600 Watt Lumatek Electronic Ballast?

Which 600w bulbs are rated best? I thought the 600 Watt Sodium Grolux with both red and blue spectrum...I already use MH for veg...what you guys reckon would be the best setup? Cost (As long as its not crazy expensive) is not a problem


Well-Known Member
been in the medium for 3 and a half days,,,left for work this morning was nothing,,,got home and 2 Northern Lights times Skunk in the green containers are up outta 5 so far,,and the one Afghan Mafia is up,,,not bad for no germination,,just drop and play,,medium of Pro -Mix HP was pre-soaked with Advanced Nutes for 2 days,,,,6 more to come up ,,3 Mystery seeds(was dynamite shit) and 3 more Northern Lights times Skunk,,temps a lil warm so I'm gonna put my glass back in my hood,,,,(had it out for heat on a winter grow),,go 6 Hunnners:mrgreen:


mr west

Well-Known Member
wota pularva for 420 day riu has been down best part of it lol and now its gone all horrid lol happy four twenty guys>>>>:joint:

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
thanks shrubs. i am actually supposed to strat learning how to scuba. my sister has been doin it now for awhile and she is now waiting to take the test for being a master scuba diver. the top of the top i think. but she is supposed to get me and my girl some good deals on how to do it and gear and what not
I took classes and did pool safety tests when I was livin in minnesota and did my open water
cert in Hawai'i.... EPIC! I got my open water cert, but haven't done it since then, and that
was like 8 years ago, but i'll get out there again!


Well-Known Member
Hey there peeps just got back from probably the coolest life experience ive ever had.

I made some time to get away from it all with my dog Rocco and my partner life long friend and his dog lincoln for some good ole guerilla gardening in gods country. I got 4 of my original 5 still going strong and after a 4 hour 5-7 mile hike this morning i planted 20 more of the purp clones. So without further jaw heres some pics.

Purp Momma 4/16/2010

Rooted purp clones vegged week under 1 600 MH. 4/16/2010.

Set #2 just 1 week in the soil. & by god they had some nice roots when i put em in the ground.

Time to rock the headband lol.

Rocco Loco guarding the stash haaahhaa..

Welcome to GODS Country. This is our camp and party pad lol. Me and a few of my brothers had a nice fire in the TP last night got hella fried and drunk of course haha. Slept right next to the fire. IT WAS FUCKING GREAT....... First real camping trip ive took with my dog where he could just run wild. All pot growing aside this time with my dog was just ZEN..

Alive on arrival getting climatized for the night.

The ultimate HPS. This is my SPIZZOT. Its 4pm and on a south western valley. Just a fucking beautiful spot. Theres alot of thorny berry bushes which are gonna be key in this lil patch. No fucking way any bubba is gonna wanna belly crawl under thorn bushes to see whats on the other side lol. Deer cam will catch that dumbsky.

This is just 1 of the original 5 purp clones i put out 2 weeks ago. No attention at all has been givin to it. She looks perty fkn good.

New patch this clone is 2 weeks old from roots. Most all of the clones look jus the same.

This is the one i lost last trip. couldnt find it for the life of me. This would be clone 5 purp original set. 2 weeks in the woods in gods country.

Man words just cant express how fucking cool this weekend has been. My hippy fellow growers of gods country have really liked how my caddy cloner has been pumping out the roots. That is the 2nd 1 i built for them. any ways off to the fart sack peace 1BMM.....
What in the FUCK is going on here. Those are not my pics?????????? And why the new confusing interface??? I liked RIU the way it was. Fucking pissed me off last night tired as fuck in the midst of a huge update on the journal and wam all is FUCT. WTF:evil:


Well-Known Member
ah no that sucks and i hate this setup to almost to hard for my stoner ass. specialy the journal part is really stupid keeping a blog or somthin like that for your own grow


Well-Known Member
i love the new layout. its so awesome! it makes me sad that some people are really wanting to leave just because of the way it looks. it still has the same great content but now it even has articles!!! thats so awesome!! i think we should allow some of the most known/best growers have something like an "Ask Ed?" article posted maybe once a day or once a week. that would be really cool to read tips by someone on a regular basis on here!


Active Member
haha no she wishes. She likes to sneak in there and nip the leaf from time to time. Its pretty amazing, that plant drinks a lot!


Well-Known Member
haha no she wishes. She likes to sneak in there and nip the leaf from time to time. Its pretty amazing, that plant drinks a lot!
Hey 600's. Happy 4.20... not sure what to say or think about the new site. I think I don't like it. I still like you guys though... so until you all leave, I'm staying right here.

My buds are looking fat... but I can't post a pic right here. Oh well... we'll get there. I think. ?