deja vu while tripping?


Well-Known Member
Ok. So ive shroomed about 10 times now over the past 7 years and my last trip was wild. I eat an 1/8 every time and am on another level. These shrooms kicked in faster than ever, i was fully tripping in 15-20 minutes. Normally its a solid 30-45...but throughout the night I kept having powerful feelings of deja vu. 4 or 5 time during the trip. Could this be because I was with so many people(about 10)? Ive never been with so many people before and I wont do that again. We were just chillin kickin a soccer ball, laughing, watching tv and listening to music. I prefer to be hiking or chilling on the beach but it was a good trip. Fun, intense and fast. I was FINE in 5 hous. But the deja vu was just wierd. On of my buddys felt the same thing. Has this happened to anyone before? Is it a normal occurence?


Active Member
yes i once ate and 8th then proceeded to play a drinking game with 3 other friends and only me and one other person were tripping. about 30 mins into the game i became aware (or so i thought) that this has all happened to me before. I swear i had been there before and heard everything they were talking about. It all seemed too real, sooner or later i couldn't concentrate and quit the game to lean on my chair which made me feel like i was floating and soon after that i forgot about the deja vu. so i think that deja vu is just a natural feeling and when you're on shrooms they seem to enhance the experience making you believe it is more real than it actually is. this has happened to me many times but don't worry and try to just distract yourself and everything will be alright...


Active Member
Ok. So ive shroomed about 10 times now over the past 7 years and my last trip was wild. I eat an 1/8 every time and am on another level. These shrooms kicked in faster than ever, i was fully tripping in 15-20 minutes. Normally its a solid 30-45...but throughout the night I kept having powerful feelings of deja vu. 4 or 5 time during the trip. Could this be because I was with so many people(about 10)? Ive never been with so many people before and I wont do that again. We were just chillin kickin a soccer ball, laughing, watching tv and listening to music. I prefer to be hiking or chilling on the beach but it was a good trip. Fun, intense and fast. I was FINE in 5 hous. But the deja vu was just wierd. On of my buddys felt the same thing. Has this happened to anyone before? Is it a normal occurence?
Yea ive had that happen to me before bad. Same thing, just got some really kickass shrooms and at like 5 g. Kicked in, in like 15-20 min, then everything went ground hogs day for like 5 hours. i kept being like, guys, did we eat mushrooms tonight? everything kept restarting. deja vu all night:-P


Oracle of Hallucinogens
But the deja vu was just wierd. On of my buddys felt the same thing. Has this happened to anyone before? Is it a normal occurence?
Psychedelics bring out thought processes, emotions, and memories from the unconscious mind.. in a sense psychedelics are a manifestation of this.

Déjà vu - "already seen"; also called paramnesia, from Greek παρα "para," "near, against, contrary to" + μνήμη "mnēmē," "memory"


Promnesia, is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has happened in the recent past)

In a sense, you have already seen it (whether a memory, emotion, or some form of thought).

My trippy two cents :-)


this has happened to me on two distinct occasions. the first, on lsd, and the following, on shrooms, have been really interesting trips because of this aspect. i theorized that perhaps, as aldous huxley wrote about, psychedelics release the brain from its biologically advantageous inhibitions. i believe that the subconscious human mind has the ability to sense the past, present, and future, but our waking senses are inhibited by not seeing this all the time, as we would not be able to gather food and survive, which is after all, the highest end that we naturally pursue. the pineal gland has something to do with it, as dmt is the most powerful psychedelic, and i believe that by smoking dmt in the right state of mind (theta wave entrainment perhaps?) one can get much closer to understanding and experiencing these unhindered realizations