Did i overwater my skunkman hazexskunk? (pics)


This is my skunkxhaze. I just put it into flowering a couple of days ago. It had a few days of luxury with both the cfl and the hps (both 250w) and a oscilating fan together with my intake and extraction fan.

But then i moved the cfl and the oscilating fan to another room for vegging, and since it havent been feeling to good it seems. i watered it on friday and sunday it was hanging. Then i watered it and gave nutes on sunday, and it really seemed to be getting better.
Then after i took out the oscilating fan and the cfl. it had become like this.

Is now wednesday and i have just given it water. But now im wondering if i made a mistake. Advice would be appreciated!



Active Member
fuck me mate ,,, If you put that much water down someones neck you`d be getting 15 years for MURDER Lmtorotf ,,,,
Also looks abit like the start of a N deficency to me on the bottom leafs of the second pic ,,
fuck me mate ,,, If you put that much water down someones neck you`d be getting 15 years for MURDER Lmtorotf ,,,,
Also looks abit like the start of a N deficency to me on the bottom leafs of the second pic ,,
They were thirsty. A couple of hours after watering it exploded. Now all is good. Put the fan in there again and now its smiling! ;)