Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

Its a great conversation. Administrators, yourwelcome for skyrocketing your users interest for the two days.

:blsmoke: Thanks For Everyones Input, even you people that dont make any sense.

Im Gonna End This By Saying That All Of Those Who Disagreed With My Information "Just Think Long And Hard About What It Is That You Really Want, Do Some Research And Then See If Your Desicion Changes"

Feeble attempt to make yourself appear more intelligent. For a person that likes pot to vote against legalization is just moronic. Reminds me of the oil and coal workers that say Climate Change is a scam. You are just afraid of change, even if it is a step in a neccessary direction. Stop being selfish and vote for what's right, not what will get you more profit. I almost hope you get arrested. I've been arrested and trust me, after a few months in the can you would understand that being legal is more important than being rich.
-Mile High Medicine Man.
definately vote to legalize it

No doubt.. legalize marijuana!

the hell with all the mumbo jumbo ppl talk about not legalizing it.

I mean think about it.. if they would legalize it in every state.. think of all the crime rate that would probably drop.. people wouldn't be so "uptight" all the time about everything.. I think it would bring peace to the world.. peace that we need.. especially in today's world.

Plus, the tax that the government would put on it (just like they do cigarettes!)... they could use that extra revenue for all kinds of shit. Fix potholes in roads... it would almost be limitless to what they could do with the revenue from the tax on marijuana.

The benefits from legalizing it.. would be unbelievable.

They'll legalize it.. just a matter of time. Not only that.. but hell they've already started to legalize it... so yea again its just a matter of time.
so your argument is don't legalize it cause it would be too perfect? what do you mean 80% of money comes from marijuana? stores wouldn't go out of business, the price would just go down because there is no monopoly and anyone can now grow. That means that consumers are set, patients are set, and growers are set because in places like Oregon, the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act would create a regulatory commission that is obligated to buy your harvest, ensuring quality and profit. government is a non-profit institution that provides services like education, healthcare, social services etc...which judging by your spelling and logic it might be beneficial to increase how much is allocated to those sectors. Money would not be leaving, it would create competition uninhibited by monopolies like cartels creating entrepreneurial opportunities.

decriminalization without regulation could open the door for tainted products, presenting a health risk and a potentially huge risk that might necessitate enormous spending: medical attention to poisoned consumers, unbridled competition and monopolies undercutting farmers...

Check out and vote yes on the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, the California legalization amendment, and whatever Washington is doing (if anything)

any questions?
wiki -

"Many social problems have been attributed to the Prohibition era. Mafia groups limited their activities to gambling and theft until 1920, when organized bootlegging manifested in response to the effect of Prohibition.[17] A profitable, often violent, black market for alcohol flourished. Powerful gangs corrupted law enforcement agencies, leading to racketeering. Stronger liquor surged in popularity because its potency made it more profitable to smuggle.
To prevent bootleggers from using industrial ethyl alcohol to produce illegal beverages, the government ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols. In response, bootleggers hired chemists who successfully renatured the alcohol to make it drinkable. As a response, the Treasury Department required manufacturers to add more deadly poisons, including the particularly deadly methyl alcohol. New York City medical examiners prominently opposed these policies because of the danger to human life. As many as 10,000 people died from drinking denatured alcohol before Prohibition ended."
at this point i have decided to vote YES and am encouraging others to do so.

lets open the doors.

more people will need glasswares. :cool:
as far as the economy. the average smoker would have more money to spend on the stuff you stated. Not the drug dealers that dont pay taxes on thier income. And most dealers are ripping there buyers a new asshole anyways. Cant wait for it to be legal
since I don't feel like reading all 41 pages can someone tell my why the bill for cali is "shitty"?

I'll try and lay it out in the most non-bias way I can.

It's shitty because it has the potential to put the entire business in the hands of a very few large cannabis businesses and the bill seems to be written in a way that will make Richard Lee very rich.

It's also not full legalization. It will still be illegal to have more than an ounce and grow more than a 5x5 sq foot area. It will require city councils/county boards of supervisors to approve all cannabis businesses. The tax we will have to pay is a large one. ($50 per ounce). It allows counties/cities to pass laws banning non-medical cannabis.

On the upside -

It allows Californians over 21 years old to carry an ounce and a small growing area without getting fucked with.

It is the first state wide legalization bill in the country. Of course it's not going to be perfect. But it's the biggest step towards full legalization we've had since 1937.


In my opinion:

You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. It's a poorly written bill, but it's still a legalization bill. If you favor legalization you have to get out and vote yes for this. It won't get us all the way there but it's a big step forward.
Decrim is for dealers or growers. I do think that the price will remain high for a few years if legalized and the big economic depression is a myth. With decrim people still get busted and the cops remain in control. I can't blame people who depend on the Gov't price support system (called prohibition) however I've seen too many very good people arrested and fucked with over my 45 years of cannabis use, I myself included. Big Pharma and Phillip Morse taking the trade away? Don't think so, that's just a scare tactic. Small farmers and growers will prevail here IMHO but they'll have to compete on a broader scale. Cali growers are the best and they can do it. But I do see why there is so much fear being spread around as I'd be nervous too if my job was going to be de-valued.
I couldn't care less if it is legalized or not. I grow my own and tell nobody and if it was legal I would grow my own and tell nobody. End result is the same.
I'll try and lay it out in the most non-bias way I can.

It's shitty because it has the potential to put the entire business in the hands of a very few large cannabis businesses and the bill seems to be written in a way that will make Richard Lee very rich.

It's also not full legalization. It will still be illegal to have more than an ounce and grow more than a 5x5 sq foot area. It will require city councils/county boards of supervisors to approve all cannabis businesses. The tax we will have to pay is a large one. ($50 per ounce). It allows counties/cities to pass laws banning non-medical cannabis.

On the upside -

It allows Californians over 21 years old to carry an ounce and a small growing area without getting fucked with.

It is the first state wide legalization bill in the country. Of course it's not going to be perfect. But it's the biggest step towards full legalization we've had since 1937.


In my opinion:

You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. It's a poorly written bill, but it's still a legalization bill. If you favor legalization you have to get out and vote yes for this. It won't get us all the way there but it's a big step forward.

Why I won`t be voting yes for this bill.Fist off it is only an infraction of the Health&safety code to have up to on oz. in California.Punishable by a fine of no more than $100.00.(if you do not have a medical recomendation from a doctor) The preposed law would allow you to have an oz.but would ad a tax of $50 plus sales tax and allow local goverments to ferther add taxes without any restraints. Instead of paying a fine of $100 for an infraction of the law if you are caught, you would always be caught with large taxes. If you have more than an oz. existing penal codes would still come into play and you could face jail time. The new law would require you be 21 years of age and not smoke near minors(anyone under 21 years of age)or face jail time. This would include members of the armed service that are under 21. Where could you now go to smoke your `legal` weed? Not at a ball game,minors there! But you could buy a beer at a consession stand.How about the county fair? Nope same thing! The park? Nope minor there! Well where could you smoke your legal weed? At home or at a despencery! As a warrant can not be issued for an infraction of the law,you can already do that!(provided you become a member at the despencery as it is for members and not a public place)

Now about that 5x5 area you can now grow in.Really if you are like most people who smoke you don`t have a place to grow in now or you just don`t want to take the time,but if that isn`t the case the average grower can not grow enough MJ in that small of an area to completely supply themselfs.As it will not be allowed to be sold without a sellers licence you have the choise of a despencery or? Nothing! That`s why the despencery owners are backing this law!

You see there is nothing in this law worth voting for it! It is a sham to get `Taxes,Controls and Regulations`just like the name of the law states. Do you really want Taxed? Controlled? Regulated? This would be a jump backwords in the MJ community! :o
Decrim is for dealers or growers. I do think that the price will remain high for a few years if legalized and the big economic depression is a myth. With decrim people still get busted and the cops remain in control. I can't blame people who depend on the Gov't price support system (called prohibition) however I've seen too many very good people arrested and fucked with over my 45 years of cannabis use, I myself included. Big Pharma and Phillip Morse taking the trade away? Don't think so, that's just a scare tactic. Small farmers and growers will prevail here IMHO but they'll have to compete on a broader scale. Cali growers are the best and they can do it. But I do see why there is so much fear being spread around as I'd be nervous too if my job was going to be de-valued.

People would not be able to be arrested if marijuana was decrminalized.Decriminalization would void all parts of the penal code involving marijuana and it would be just as if no laws were ever passed involving marijuana.However the Tax,control,and regulate law would cause more people to go to jail under state laws.
I'll try and lay it out in the most non-bias way I can.

It's shitty because it has the potential to put the entire business in the hands of a very few large cannabis businesses and the bill seems to be written in a way that will make Richard Lee very rich.

It's also not full legalization. It will still be illegal to have more than an ounce and grow more than a 5x5 sq foot area. It will require city councils/county boards of supervisors to approve all cannabis businesses. The tax we will have to pay is a large one. ($50 per ounce). It allows counties/cities to pass laws banning non-medical cannabis.

On the upside -

It allows Californians over 21 years old to carry an ounce and a small growing area without getting fucked with.

It is the first state wide legalization bill in the country. Of course it's not going to be perfect. But it's the biggest step towards full legalization we've had since 1937.


In my opinion:

You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. It's a poorly written bill, but it's still a legalization bill. If you favor legalization you have to get out and vote yes for this. It won't get us all the way there but it's a big step forward.

Why I won`t be voting yes for this bill.Fist off it is only an infraction of the Health&safety code to have up to on oz. in California.Punishable by a fine of no more tha $100.00.(if you do not have a medical recomendation for a doctor) The preposed law would allow you to have an oz.but would add a tax of $50 plus sales taxand allow local goverments to ferther add taxes without any restraints. Instead of paying a fine of $100 for an infraction of the law if you are caught you would always be caught with large taxes. If you have more than an oz existing penal codes would still come into play and you could face jail time. The new law would require you be 21 years of age and not smoke near minors(anyone under 21 years of age)or face jail time. This would include members of the armed service that are under 21. Where could you now go to smoke your `legal` weed? Not at a ball game,minors there! but you could buy a beer at a consession stand.How about the county fair? Nope same thing! The park? Nope minor there! Well where could you smoke your legal weed? at home or at a despencery! As a warrant can not be issued for an infraction of the law,you can already do that!

Now about that 5x5 area you can now grow in.Really if you are like most people who smoke you don`t have a place to grow in now or you just don`t want to take the time,but if that isn`t the case the average grower can not grow enough MJ in that small of an area to completely supply themselfs.As it will not be allowed to be sold without a sellers licence you have the choise of a despencery or? Nothing! That`s why the despencery owners are backing this law!

You see there is nothing in this law worth voting for it! It is a sham to get `Taxes,Controls and Regulations`just like the name of the law states. Do you really want Taxed? Controlled? Regulated? This would be a jump backwords in the MJ community! :o I won`t go so far as to call anyone stupid if they intended to vote yes to this bill.A better word would be uninformed.
Why I won`t be voting yes for this bill.Fist off it is only an infraction of the Health&safety code to have up to on oz. in California.Punishable by a fine of no more than $100.00.(if you do not have a medical recomendation from a doctor) The preposed law would allow you to have an oz.but would ad a tax of $50 plus sales tax and allow local goverments to ferther add taxes without any restraints. Instead of paying a fine of $100 for an infraction of the law if you are caught, you would always be caught with large taxes. If you have more than an oz. existing penal codes would still come into play and you could face jail time. The new law would require you be 21 years of age and not smoke near minors(anyone under 21 years of age)or face jail time. This would include members of the armed service that are under 21. Where could you now go to smoke your `legal` weed? Not at a ball game,minors there! But you could buy a beer at a consession stand.How about the county fair? Nope same thing! The park? Nope minor there! Well where could you smoke your legal weed? At home or at a despencery! As a warrant can not be issued for an infraction of the law,you can already do that!(provided you become a member at the despencery as it is for members and not a public place)

Now about that 5x5 area you can now grow in.Really if you are like most people who smoke you don`t have a place to grow in now or you just don`t want to take the time,but if that isn`t the case the average grower can not grow enough MJ in that small of an area to completely supply themselfs.As it will not be allowed to be sold without a sellers licence you have the choise of a despencery or? Nothing! That`s why the despencery owners are backing this law!

You see there is nothing in this law worth voting for it! It is a sham to get `Taxes,Controls and Regulations`just like the name of the law states. Do you really want Taxed? Controlled? Regulated? This would be a jump backwords in the MJ community! :o

I can understand where you're coming from, but I disagree that it is a step backwards. Even a bill that is legalization in name only is a step forward because it gets the general public more accepting of the idea of legalization. Also cities and counties will be allowed to pass laws that are more liberal than the state law. I'm sure a lot of places in california you'll be allowed to grow pounds + have 100sq ft growing areas.

And yes, I want it taxed. The only thing greedy politicians understand is money. This bill will give them their first kickback. Once they get a taste, they'll want more legalization because it will bring them more money. People won't support legalization because it's the right thing to do. They'll support it because there is something in it for them. When you tax it, there is something in it for them. That's the way the world works.

This bill doesn't give us full legalization, it's just a big step on the path towards that goal. If this bill passes it will lead to more legalization laws in California and around the country.

If you look at this bill as the final solution to legalization in California it sucks. But you have to look at the bigger picture. It's a lot more than the very modest amount of freedom it will give us. It will lead to bigger advances towards the goal of legalization. That I'm sure of.
People would not be able to be arrested if marijuana was decrminalized.Decriminalization would void all parts of the penal code involving marijuana and it would be just as if no laws were ever passed involving marijuana.However the Tax,control,and regulate law would cause more people to go to jail under state laws.

In New York City it's decrim and they arrest over 40-50K peeps a year so decrim is not the way to go. BTW I can grow plenty of pot in a 4X4 area without a problem as it's not for sale. You could always go "medical" so where's the problem?

Anytime we can vote against the cops and there fucking machine you gotta take advantage of it. There may be a Tea Bagger running things next time then we'll all be screwed. Get it legal now, JFC!