Ever been to the 14th floor?


Well-Known Member
hey, you're on the property. that's all that matters.:mrgreen:

I don't post a lot, but I read an assload. Still nowhere near as much as someone with 14k+ posts, but I wonder how many of those posts I've read. I'm still in the veg phase of my first grow (600W over 8 square feet, seven plants [bagseed]) which is why I don't really have much to contribute. Right now, I'm thankful just for being on the property.

And by the way, I live on the ninth floor and have an unblocked view of the part of the city where I grew up.


Well-Known Member
I don't post a lot, but I read an assload. Still nowhere near as much as someone with 14k+ posts, but I wonder how many of those posts I've read. I'm still in the veg phase of my first grow (600W over 8 square feet, seven plants [bagseed]) which is why I don't really have much to contribute. Right now, I'm thankful just for being on the property.

And by the way, I live on the ninth floor and have an unblocked view of the part of the city where I grew up.
you can come up for the party tonight. i like your avatar. nice colors.:mrgreen: your names on the guest list.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i just realized if fdds 14 floors up i'm 30cm above sea level. i feel miniature and insecure.:D go fdd, ganja god.


Well-Known Member
HF and myself were considering a visit to the 14th floor,,in February,,just wondering if there would be anyone at reception when we get there,,no joke:hump:

Keep on Growin(and meetin ppl)



Well-Known Member
i'm just waiting for the doors to open. :)

happy new year.

1 year = 15000 posts.

Total Posts: 14,989 (41.16 posts per day)


Well-Known Member
Hope there's an elevator,,cuz I ain't walkin up the stairs,,lol

Keep on Growin
