should i put my lights on a timer OR?


Well-Known Member
veg/clones/seedlings 18-6
flower 12-12

veg = cfls
flower = 600w hps

18-6 seems to work for me so no real reason to change seedling/clones do them all the same dont have the space to run 3 different light schedules...20/4 or 24 dont really make much sense to me (not very many places on earth get 24hr light)and im by far no pro...but i just like to give them a lil able to get clones to root in less then a week and still get good growth from seed on 18/6 also...thats my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
some people run 24 but i agree 18/6 plants need time dark as much as light forgot what exactly they do but the energy they get from the light they use to make the sugars or protiens or what ever at night that they use for food. lol sorry dont member the exact terms

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
some people can sleep for 4 hours a day and not need anything else.

i don't disagree that 24/0 works, but nature has been giving day and night cycles to marijuana for how long now? i don't see any logic or purpose in changing it.


Active Member
Does. Make a lot of sense so what timing do u think would be best
some people can sleep for 4 hours a day and not need anything else.

i don't disagree that 24/0 works, but nature has been giving day and night cycles to marijuana for how long now? i don't see any logic or purpose in changing it.


Well-Known Member
I have done 18/6 whilst vegging and my plants are doing fine.I think dark time is important.Good luck..


Active Member
The reason i do 18/6 is because the roots grow upto 75% quicker than they would if lights were on for 24/0 . I thought some of the experienced growers would of told you this by now .

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
there seems o be lots of conflicting arguments. some say that due to cannabis being a C3 plant, it can happily photosynthesise 24/7, as said, other arguments claim that root growth is increased at night, meaning that if you were using 24/7, depsite it growing upwards lots, it's got a crap root system meaning slowed or lessened growth during flowering. at the end of the day both meethods will get you a similar amount of bud