Aussie Growers Thread

whats going down for me kmoo??

i hadn't updated the page in ages when i posted that, i'm 100% on side with lace.

but i am also knackered tired lol

isp is internet service provider - ip address is what matches, as does syntax
Just ignore her people... Its Yada, my hubby has 4 years electronics engineering with a degree in computer sciences.....
Haha thanks man,.. Na none of those, most of them are spoons,.. Wot I've got he calls a 'blow out'
pretty gnarly thing, green reptile scales like that goes into a yellow pink highlight tripped thing
Anyways I'm done lads, madly ripped and drinking white Russians cos we just watched the big lebowski not long ago, movie one I think
well im sad - i was looking forward to learning from you all - but i will contact the admin of this site so they can check your claims and prove you all wrong... actually very hurt...Barb
Its really sad, I'm about to PM your computers details to everyone, they can be the judge...:-)
i have just sent a message to the admins over this - go right ahead i have never heard of this site before 3 days ago... i came on here to learn from others, in australia. as most sites are for northern hemisphere...
I think it's actually in his chest man.. And yeh that part got re-wound and played a few times!

Sorry been a while since i have seen it. Ninj i am in. Am i set to lose anything...? I think there are 13 clones and i think 6 & 7 will be the ones to suffer. I think they already look like they need a triple serving of nutes next feed haha.
Oh no.4 for me!

Ninj i am in. Am i set to lose anything...? I think there are 13 clones and i think 6 & 7 will be the ones to suffer. I think they already look like they need a triple serving of nutes next feed haha.

You lose ur man hood if ur wrong - seriously, a Ninja will come in whilst ur sleeping, chop it off & then make a 'mini' bong replica of the 1 u were kind enough to post here for us ;)

There will b 16 in all. (Ran outta cubes). It's for a SOG setup. As for needing nutes, they are lovely green.. Deny ur plants Nitrogen before u take cuttings. It makes cuttings root faster as they get their legs out there and go looking for it. Giving them too much water or nutes will make them think they dont need to do anything as their already getting everything they need.
You lose ur man hood if ur wrong - seriously, a Ninja will come in whilst ur sleeping, chop it off & then make a 'mini' bong replica of the 1 u were kind enough to post here for us ;)

No more posting of weird pictures. I understand. Impressive knowledge of the cloning and their desires. Hat off to you young sir.
Street, I love Paulie Shore movies... I just do... :-) Jury duty is one I haven't seen in ages, will flick over to show comedy and see if its on again.. Thanks man...
i proudly love pauly shore lol i dont think i'd swerve to avoid hitting him if he were crossing the road but i have a geeky adoration for his movies. encino man is my favourite of the bunch lol

sorry barb, you've been voted off the island, again lol

ignorelist, fabbadoo
.. Will I get banned for saying this? Maybe I'm just showing my age, but i have no Idea who Pauly Shore is..
I shall Google him tho..
Ok, so Google search is complete..
Apparently this guy is big enough to be touching Paris Hilton in the Hoo-Haa, but i still have never heard of him..
Guess I'm a lil more exclusive than her, haha :lol:

this one is awesome, he's off his face lol