lighting question


I only have two plants that just germinated. I have two 40 watt flourescent plant lights, so 80 watts, in a fixture. I know this isn't a very high wattage. Will they grow under this light setting or not? I don't have the money for an expensive fixture. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
They'll grow, but they won't grow as fast or as big as they will with a more powerful light. They also won't pack on as much bud, and the buds won't be as tight. With the type of system your describing you are going to want to keep the light no more then 3-4 inches above your plants , and even then I would suggest you get a few CFL's and put them on the sides to supplement your overhead light once your plants get to about the 14-16" mark. There are some up-sides to using the set up you have though- you don't have to worry about heat issues caused by your lights, and your electric usage will probably be a lot lower then it would be with an HID. Just don't expect to grow plants that yield a quarter pound. :)


Well-Known Member
I only have two plants that just germinated. I have two 40 watt flourescent plant lights, so 80 watts, in a fixture. I know this isn't a very high wattage. Will they grow under this light setting or not? I don't have the money for an expensive fixture. Any suggestions?
With what you are using now, you won`t be able to can grow them for a few weeks and put them outside somewhere.Thats your best bet.


Well-Known Member
^Agreed. Also, I wouldn't recommend growing much taller than 12" with those lights, because they'll start stretching at that point. That might not be such a bad thing, if you plan to throw them into bloom shortly after.


Well-Known Member
If you are only doing the two plant's and you have money for a higher wattage light then buy one.Flouresents are good for getting clones going but that is has far has it goes.Don't get rid of the tubes though save them for cloneing and might be ok for a small mother plant but they don't produce enouth juice to flower a plant and produce a ammount of bud that is worth the effort.Go for hps lighting this will do you well for veg and flowering.But you will need a good exaust fan and if you a flush chuck a cool tube in the mix this will sort any grow room out without worry of heat.