bringing a baby into this world while growing. opinions please?


Well-Known Member
okay to start this off i want to mention the fact that i am a pot smoker myself & i love the idea of growing for free weed.
but here is my dilemma:
dont care what your opinions are, just try to see it in both points of view.
thank you.

comment away.(:
Your grow will have to be put on hold. A baby is very demanding and so will be a flowering garden. You also have many people who will be over to see the baby and there will be no hiding the garden in an apt. That will cause a big fight with those who are not 420 friendly (parents of all sorts).
On a happier note, My daughter is now 5 but when she was 3 she was going with me to work a garden for a client and there was 5 1k hps and 4 plants per bulb. I would take her some coloring books etc, turn on several green lights and go to work. Now she is still active in my gardening and asks how different strains are doing and never opens her mouth outside of the house and never did. We don't hide the truth from our children but we do let them know that a lot of people are not for Medical Marijuana.


Grow one or two plants small just for personal use dont get involved with selling sure the extra money would be nice but its not worth the risk of getting caught. also it may be best to wait until you have a place with more space or find a way to grow more stealth because like the fresh prince said "parents just dont understand"


Active Member
I have a neighbour who lost his kids for 3 months. I live in Canada, where there are many draconian laws regarding marajuana, just abseloutly none of them are enforced. Anywho he had a lot of plants in his basement. I don't know how many, but way over being able to claim they were for personal use. He got busted, somehow. NO CHARGES WERE LAID. 2 weeks later social services shows up and seizes both kids. They say there are ozone generators used in grow ops and they are deadly. He said I don't use ozone generators. They said that was nice. SO he asked if his basement was full of tomato plants AND he WAS using an ozone generator, would they take his kids away? They said ofcourse not. Anyway he got his kids back eventually and isn't growing anymore. Outbuildings are different, you can grow in your shed and not necessarily lose your kids.
well. we ended up talking about everything for a while. it kinda helped. but not really. i read him everything on here. and what people were saying.
(mind you, i wrote on this website because i figured you guys are all for pot growing. i was gonna write this somewhere else (as in, yahoo answers or something) but i figured i would get too many opinions against pot all together and thats not what i wanted. so thank you for everyones thoughts and opinions and helping me out a little.)
but he ended up saying that he will look for a job, he will tear down the room for now and everything. but he just left to go out drinking and smoking tonight with all of his buddies cause he doesnt want to think about this anymore. running away from reality? i think so.
who knows. i dont even think hes actually gonna get his head out of his ass. im thinking maybe give it a week & see what changes.
but, its not all about just having to do with this growing thing. our relationship isnt the best. he doesnt treat me like i should be treated either.
so i have a lot to contemplate and to think about here... :p


New Member
It's good he goes out tonite.... that sounds about right (I'm a guy). Now you can see if any of his friends are level headed :wink:, and which ones aren't.

A guy wants what he wants so don't expect miracles. When are you due if I may ask? That usually makes the real change in a man, if it ever happens at all. It changes you both, or it should anyways.... :peace:
ehh. i used to think that his two best friends were the best influences for him in that kinda mind set, but ive been seeming to be wrong lately.
and i am due august 24th. so im a little bit more than half way through this pregnancy.
i am REALLY hoping that something with hit him upside the head sometime soon about this whole getting his priorities straight situation. but i seem to think that it wont happen until the babys here. but by then, it might be too late. hes gotta start treating me better too. he has a tendency to talk to me like im some kinda trash or something. :p


Well-Known Member
the thing is that he has already started this. hes at the stage where they have started budding. and all of his close friends already know about this. and they are cheering him on for his idea because they are planning to get some free weed out of it.
i believe he is planning on growing about 4 plants. and yes, we are in the US. so they will call child services if my kid is caught in the middle of this. and that is the only reason why i am not agreeing to what he is doing.
If he told his buddies, then something bad might happen. loose lips sink ships.. Hate to see ya guys have problems

When you grow, you cannot have people over at the house if your serious about it.

And Having 4 plants aint gonna yield much in a closet...

Is it worth all the risk?

He's already blown the golden rule .. "Dont tell anyone"

Not good at all.

He's not the brightest bulb in the pack.

Maybe he's not the "one" Only you can decide.

Wish you guys plenty of luck, whichever road you choose :)


Hey bong not to be mean tell him to get a job im young ass hell and im busting my ass to pay for my house and have mmy girl and my kid with me yeah i grow it but its only one plant away fro her and the kid but trust me a 2 bedroom apt trying to grow hell na my shit is upstairs and there is times that i come home from work and it stinks like hell and there like a month old my girl knows about it so does my brother and sister but thats it they know its personal since we all soke but back to my point you need a lot of things for the kid they us diapers like there is no tomorrow and man they need clothes and by the first week they outgrow most of there baby clothes tear that shit up move out and then move back in wen he has a job he has time to drink and smoke but not to find a job GHETTTOOOOOO
haha. THCLUV- that just made my day. you just said it exactly how i have been saying it to him for a while. but when i say that, im just a fucking bitch or something like that.


Yeah, I'd say mums the word is key. If you or your bf have any sketchy peeps in your life and word slips think of how it could go bad fast. good luck

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
first finish your grow before you let that messy little thing into the house , then get your life into some type of sanity because there will be no sleep for the first six mo. or longer , you will get back into a somewhat normal day to day routine then think of growing again... family first congratulations...rob

i heartmj

Active Member
the thing is that he has already started this. hes at the stage where they have started budding. and all of his close friends already know about this. and they are cheering him on for his idea because they are planning to get some free weed out of it.
i believe he is planning on growing about 4 plants. and yes, we are in the US. so they will call child services if my kid is caught in the middle of this. and that is the only reason why i am not agreeing to what he is doing.

bad idea. plain and simple. And if I were you, I'd flat out tell him take it down or move it somewhere else outside of the home, or I will come and tear it all down myself. And follow thru with the threat. If you get your kid taken away by CPS over FOUR plants- then what does that say about you?


Well-Known Member
Can i just say first of all,congrats on the pregnancy.I have a boy and a girl 4yo and 1yo.I grew right thru my wifes pregnacys in a tent in my closet and shes not a smoker.It sounds like your having a real hard time at the mo and i bet being preggers isnt helping how your feeling.As for your other half telling all his pals...big mistake,Closetgrowth nailed it with his sinking ship comment.I dont really know what to say,frankly your whole situation sounds doomed.All I know is that if my wife wasnt totaly cool with what im doing i would of knocked it on the head from start.Family and friends will want to visit and see the proud new mummy and sprog and thats the most important thing.

i heartmj

Active Member
hey bong,
I am growing in a pc box very cheap to make and get started. I am using some bagseeds and spent less than 100 total for everything. I have a thread on here showing my progress, im inot the end of week 2 and doing great.

very stealth and able to hide in a closet. MY Girlfriend dosnt even know im growing and I have a two year old.

Just IMO,

You're an idiot. So IF you get busted for that small op and they snatch your kid away I bet you'll feel like a real winner huh?

i heartmj

Active Member
yeah. he is sitting right beside me as i am writing all of this and reading every single thing that you guys are saying.
i just gave him a choice to tear it down and keep this house clean because my childs life depends on it. or he can let me move back into my parents house with the kid and he wont be able to have the child over here.
an he just said, well leave then. he is really stuck on this wanting to grow his own weed thing.
WOW. Tell your baby daddy he's a fucking pussy.


Well-Known Member
No brainer, DONT DO IT! Also if you are pregnant and still smoking weed do you know you are risking the health of your unborn? Be smart and do the right thing. Raise your child and not weed. And kick your boyfriend to the curb unless he can step up to the plate. IE, get a job.