HELP...first grow...grower STILL thinks these are hermies....can someone look...


at these and tell me what you think.

**Disclosure....all pictures are of the same plant**

yesterday these plants were "confirmed" by multiple people on this site to be females...but after further inspection and now better pictures I am still not convinced.

Her main point is that there are bulbous like things in the flower that appear to look like something other than a female flower. Having no experience I cannot confirm or deny this. What I can tell you is that after looking at a ton of pictures and looking again at the flowers I am not sure. I think they are fine...but I can see her point.

I took a bunch of shots with an actual camera today instead of a camera phone. I think they will give a much better look for everyone.

The plants ARE definitely female...but have they gone "hermie" I guess is the question at this point.

Fourth week on 12/12...2 more weeks and they should be ready if they don't all f'ing seed up....



Active Member
looks like on the first and last pic you are starting to get seeds , in the last pic it looks as though a banana has already popped open , sorry to see that but me personally would still grow it out as the smoke will proberly still be lush . I would also say you have more than 2 weeks left till harvest


during flowering, a plant may pop male pollen sacks. it's an emergency mechanism the plant uses just in case it's not pollinated. all females will do it eventually, usually after 10-14 days later than you would normally harvest. they may show these sacks early if it feels stressed. KEEP THESE MALE SACKS!!! you can use them to induce FEMINIZED seeds on another female you wish to cross it with.


Well-Known Member
Id say youre overall good. Maybe slight hermie but not enough to do much damage. And def a couple more weeks at least


Active Member
harvest it. might just be starting to hermie due to some stress,but shuld be fine, i just pull the yellow bananas each day


Well-Known Member
forgot what anyone says from what im seeing your plant is just female , is this your first grow ? thos swollen sacs are called calaxys"whoever u spell it " can u pm when u cut the slut down i wanna know the yeild


** Strain = shishkaberry

I believe you guys are right about the 1st and last pics....that is where my anxiety comes in. If you think I have longer than 2 weeks how much seed production would anyone guestimate I am going to see? Enough to create serious issues? Or just a see here or there?

The banana shaped item appears clearest in the last pic btw. towards the top left of the picture. I can repost and circle if you like but that is what I am concerned about.


Active Member
In picture 6.jpg it at the top center, slightly yellow "bananas" use tweezers lop them off nice and deep. dip tweezers in water wash hands... repeat until the colas are ready to harvest
yeah I just came across my first hermie batch on my second grow... is it better to let them finish or pull them early?... I am 5 weeks into flowering what should I do? sorry to thread jack or anything but just curious.


Active Member
I got those bananas on one plant at 5.5 weeks into flower, as there were more each day, I stopped tryin to pluck away at them and just harvested. Those look like the same thing that happened to my plant. Im gonna vote ya its hermie.