DWC big tub or 5gal bucket?


Active Member
i would like to set up a dwc im think'n about putting 6 net pots in a big 32-50 tub or 6 5gal buckets under 1 1000k hps which set up would yield more and less work?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
6 five gallons would be nicer or maybe 6 27 gal containers on sale at lowes for 10 bucks right now. The 6 in one pot makes me nervous for root mass getting mixed and 6 five gal buckets is ok and is what i use but i dream of rwdc in 27 gallons for 1 lb trees like this one dude has. But that requires lots more light than I can afford. However the more root mass the more growth. That means more space. remmeber air is one watt of airpump power pergallon. I would hit buckets if no other choice.


Well-Known Member
Yea.. I also agree on doing the bucket grow.

You dont want the roots all tangled up, it'll get ridiculous after a while.

Cheers, CG :)


Active Member
i was think'n big 32-50 tubs so it would b 5+gals per net pot so their would be alot of room for root mass and i can check ph and ppm from 1 big tub rather than checking 6 5gal buckets


Active Member
if you build the bucket system with a controler bucket and link them all together you would only have to check your resivour *sp. or you can get uber anal and check the ph and ppm at the rockwool base or the run off after it soaks through the root ball.


Well-Known Member
Guys, guys, guys,,,,,

If I may.

The "big" tubs without a scrog is gonna lead to problems. Straight up Vertical growth of the plant. Not many bud sites.
Running 1 1000 watt light on a mover will give you bigger yields with the scrog. I tried the big GH 16 plant fiberglass tubs for growing
in my shed. FAIL. Pure and simple. Water temp issues, crowding issues, just a whole lotta work for a very poor yield.
I use those two big tubs for the Veggie garden outside now. And the green beans and snow pod peas love it. Running tap water. Pure tap.
No ph down. No nutes.

The Rubbermaids. Yeah, I got em. And I now use them for what they were intended for. Storage. Again heat issues and vertical grow issues inside.
And I have a 12 foot ceiling.

When I got into the Igloos my entire Grow Life changed for the better overnight. I used to keep a couple dozen 1 liter soda bottles filled with water and frozen to drop into the buckets to cool them down. My Igloos run a steady 67.5 f for a week or more.

Vegging i use the 100 qt cooler with an 1 1/2 styrofoam taped top, bottom and sides. I can fit 6 plants in mthat one in my veg room.

Flowering I only put a max of two plants in each 120 qt Igloo. Continue 18/6 for a week or two then shut em down to 12/12 and continue to weave as the plant still grows for two weeks.

Then the magic happens. All those pretty, uniform bud sites start popping up. Very nice indeed.

We all have our own ways of doing this. Some things work for some and not for others.
This is what I have been working on for many years. From outside grows to the indoor dwc/scrog and even my Hydro Veggies.

Hope it helps,,,,





Well-Known Member

I like the cooler idea, but even still with rdwc you really should have a chiller. I wouldn't do them as standalone buckets, like you said you'd have to ph and feed and top off each one, what a pain in the ass.

I'd like to hear what ambient temps the coolers let you get away with though boomer.


Well-Known Member

I like the cooler idea, but even still with rdwc you really should have a chiller. I wouldn't do them as standalone buckets, like you said you'd have to ph and feed and top off each one, what a pain in the ass.

I'd like to hear what ambient temps the coolers let you get away with though boomer.
I run 2 1000 watt lights in Flower room and a 600 watt in the veg room. Both in the same 12x12x12 shed. My air temps run between,,,

Lights off 81.5 to 82 degrees f
Lights on 72 to 78 f depending on how the girls are doing.

I have the shed sealed, insulated, heat and a/c. I draw fresh air up from under the shed.

The Igloos keep that water at 67.5 for days on end and even a week plus.

Hope that helps

