Well-Known Member
Why do people get so hung up on this? The bible is a philosophical work. Why do people argue about whether or not it is scientifically accurate when it isn't supposed to be?
I'll tell you why, it's because the human brain tends to make false dichotomies or put another way likes to set up eaither, or scenarios. And simple people tend to look at things in a simplistic ways. Simplistic people take the bible literally and then argue about whether or not it is right or wrong. It is a simple argument for simple people.
More sophisticated thinkers understand that things in the bible are there to teach us something. And often, the challenge of figuring out what it is trying to teach us can be just as valuable as the actual message. Often, we learn more from our journey than we learn once we arrive at our destination. But I digress.
Evolution is a fact of life. It is why complex organisms reproduce sexually as opposed to asexually. There are actually formulas and complex statistical models that demonstrate how traits are passed through a population. What we know about it is amazing. And we know this on a molecular level now that we understand DNA.
But, contrary to popular belief, there isn't very strong evidence as to how humans came to exist. There is just such a monumental chasm between humans and our closest relatives in terms of what we are that there is currently no hard science demonstrating that evolution is the only logical cause.
This, begs the question of why God couldn't have created evolution or be guiding it along with regard to humans. Really, the more you study biology and genetics, the more difficult it becomes to believe that such amazing complex systems came to be solely by chance and not by way of some divine guidance.
Then if you really want to get philosophical you can ponder the very nature of creation and a creator. After all, is not the existence of a human being not a divine truth in and of itself? Think about it.
Look around at what we have done and what we are capable of. We are capable of such amazing things, how can one not see that by our very existence, divinity exists?
But of course many people are just not philosophically inclined and would argue that we are just really smart apes and nothing spacial. in the end, I don't know if there is a creator or not. But what I do know is that if there is a creator he can create any way he choses and if he chose to create through a system of evolution, that is a perfectly acceptable possibility.
I'll tell you why, it's because the human brain tends to make false dichotomies or put another way likes to set up eaither, or scenarios. And simple people tend to look at things in a simplistic ways. Simplistic people take the bible literally and then argue about whether or not it is right or wrong. It is a simple argument for simple people.
More sophisticated thinkers understand that things in the bible are there to teach us something. And often, the challenge of figuring out what it is trying to teach us can be just as valuable as the actual message. Often, we learn more from our journey than we learn once we arrive at our destination. But I digress.
Evolution is a fact of life. It is why complex organisms reproduce sexually as opposed to asexually. There are actually formulas and complex statistical models that demonstrate how traits are passed through a population. What we know about it is amazing. And we know this on a molecular level now that we understand DNA.
But, contrary to popular belief, there isn't very strong evidence as to how humans came to exist. There is just such a monumental chasm between humans and our closest relatives in terms of what we are that there is currently no hard science demonstrating that evolution is the only logical cause.
This, begs the question of why God couldn't have created evolution or be guiding it along with regard to humans. Really, the more you study biology and genetics, the more difficult it becomes to believe that such amazing complex systems came to be solely by chance and not by way of some divine guidance.
Then if you really want to get philosophical you can ponder the very nature of creation and a creator. After all, is not the existence of a human being not a divine truth in and of itself? Think about it.
Look around at what we have done and what we are capable of. We are capable of such amazing things, how can one not see that by our very existence, divinity exists?
But of course many people are just not philosophically inclined and would argue that we are just really smart apes and nothing spacial. in the end, I don't know if there is a creator or not. But what I do know is that if there is a creator he can create any way he choses and if he chose to create through a system of evolution, that is a perfectly acceptable possibility.