Sorry Crackerjax, what YOU fail to recognize is that higher WAGES ( what a concept ) means the people can afford higher taxes without it having a direct affect on GDP. The great republican lie is that we should lower taxes, while continuing the farce that fair wages are available if people apply themselves. Disturbing reality is that due to a lack of realistic tax structure, 79% of bridges and dams in this country are in need of replacement or major upgrades, our electric grid is an antique, our education system ranks very low compared to other industrialized nations, and ( contrary to another great republican lie ) our health care system ranks 35th in the world right behind Costa Rica. Doesn't it disturb you that we have a higher infant mortality rate than a country in which most of it's people don't even have shoes? Sorry, I'm all for higher taxes and a return of America to the pinnacle to which other nations strive to emulate. We need to lose the focus on greed, and make the personal sacrifices required to once more be a great nation.
What on earth are you babbling about?
Higher wages and tax rates are not linked son..... the percentage of taxes paid is going up up ur actual wage is moot.
One of the reasons why the country needs so much infrastructure repair is BECAUSE of liberal economic policies..... for years the $$$$ has been spent on entitlement programs, not rebuilding infrastructure. If you even bothered to look at the stimulus, you would know that $$$ for infrastructure is practically non existent.... just spin. Liberals have been more concerned with buying votes through welfare than actually helping the country. Obama is now the king of welfare, undoing one of the ONLY good accomplishments of the Clinton administration.
Higher tax rates will only turn us into Europe ... hardly the pinnacle of anything.
You can't make economic progress by handing more money over to the govt. which loses $$$$ in everything it touches.
The govt. is not King Midas.... it is the exact OPPOSITE.
Stay in skool kidzzzz ... holey mackerel.
Hahahah.... another alias? Keep them coming folks!!! It doesn't make you any smarter!!!