attitude sucks!

They suck more than creamed corn. I just received my order and of course they gave me freebies but not my original order!! Shit there goes my $100 Tga deep purple seeds. I wish I could go there and fuck em up the ass. Attitude= little kids trying to make money


Well-Known Member
wow where they out of stock no refund? or they just fucked up and not fessing up to it? i'm sorry to here that i hear good things about them all well


Active Member
have you contacted them about your order.tell them you didn't recieved your order correctly....see what they buddy just got some seeds from the seeds but they didn't look that great.................all immature looking and small................only 75% popped...hoping they actually grow now.............
Its sad! It said it was in stock. I really don't know tho. I sent them a nice polite straight to the point e mail so hopefully ill get somewhere with them. Dying this twice they fucked me. Im not letting it happen again.:weed:


Well-Known Member
They suck more than creamed corn. I just received my order and of course they gave me freebies but not my original order!! Shit there goes my $100 Tga deep purple seeds. I wish I could go there and fuck em up the ass. Attitude= little kids trying to make money
They didnt give you what you ordered?? Oh Mannnn.. That Blows!
I feel like a deush. If I would of inspected the package a little more I would of found a little piece of purple paper taped to the back stating " tga deep purple to follow" no shit right? Sorry attitude for jumping the gun but still.. don't play with my emotions lol so all in all I guess I will get what I paid for. Attitude is still cool


Active Member
Send Rachel this link, she should fix because of all the customers here...sorry to hear brah, my order was fulfilled and the beans ALL sprouted...

Ben Danklin

Active Member
people shouldnt be so quick to shit on a seedbank that handles thousands of orders including single seeds and they fuck up probably 5% of the total orders. I have never had any problems with them and their freebies are legit no matter what amount I have to spend to get them since there are always more strains to want to try,

Brick Top

New Member
I have to believe if you deal with Attitude in a polite manner about this things will be rectified. I have heard/read complaints about every single seedbank there is. Sooner or later they all are going to have a mix up. Of the general amount of complaints I have heard/read about Attitude compared to other seedbanks, I would say that a good percentage more of the people who started threads complaining about Attitude, later in the thread said Attitude made everything all better than I have read about other seedbanks.

If you have not already contacted them be sure to do so but remain calm and polite and totally factual and also keep in mind any certain usage of language that they clearly state on their site that they are unable to talk/reply about and do it soon. If you have contacted them I hope you did things that way. It is not that I am saying that Attitude is touchy but in reality all seedbanks can be a bit touchy at times so there is no use tempting fate and charging in like a bull in a china shop, like someone will do now and then … and usually are told by any seedbank ….. bite me.

If you are not helped and if you used a credit card you can always attempt to contest the charge. Attitude uses a different name for billing purposes so it is not like you would have to call your credit card company and say my bean order never arrived. You use the billing business name and say how your novelty item or whatever never arrived, but yet you were billed.

It works on other types of purchases when you do not receive what you ordered/paid for so why not give it a go, if you used a credit card AND only if Attitude would surprise me and just tell you to pound sand.


Active Member
damn man the problem with seeds companys is its just like buying drugs.
i cant go tell the police i got 3 ounces of bud stolen at gun point.

Brick Top

New Member
damn man the problem with seeds companys is its just like buying drugs.
i cant go tell the police i got 3 ounces of bud stolen at gun point.
That is sort of why the Mafia came into existence. They were the police for guys that couldn’t go to the police when they got ripped off or whatever.

Its not like we can form a Weed Mafia or anything, tokers are to laid back to do more than think up funny things that might happen if such a thing existed. About the most forceful thing that might be done is if enough people said they would boycott some seedbank, or possibly just some breeder’s line regardless of seedbank ….. but when one of us wants something we’ll just go ahead and purchase it anyway …. so that pretty much means bean purchasers are at least to some degree at the mercy of seedbanks …. but only to a degree.

I really do not know what percentage of breeders, possibly 100% of them now, stand behind their product and if a seedbank customer receives nonviable beans, and usually some simple policy/steps need be taken, the seedbank will replace them and then recoup it from the breeder.

I know at one time not all breeders would do that and I believe not always for all seedbanks, as in they helped their main sellers out more. Possibly it is standard procedure now and possibly fewer do it, but I rather doubt that to be the case, but that is why it is not unusual for a seedbank to work with a customer who received nonviable beans as long as the customer is cool and the gang about their approach.

Often the breeder can be behind the seedbank so they have nothing to lose by trying to make a customer happy so about the only reasons too not make a customer happy is if in that case a breeder does not stand behind the beans, which then the smart seedbank would if not make things totally right at least do something close, or if the customer starts out their complaint with a string of expletives that would make a drunk Marine blush and they just figure they really do not want any sort of contact with that person, now or in the future, so they just blow them off.

That is just a general, and broad, comment about seedbanks and not any one in particular. I think every seedbank I have ever known of has been guilty of doing it at one time or another with such a customer.


Well-Known Member
Just another case of someone wanting super stealthy, secret agent packaging and then being surprised that they have to look past their nose to find the fucking seeds.


Active Member
yes i ordered aswell and they gave me about 4 different that i didnt even order what a shambles also still waiting 4 free mug and tshirt lol

Brick Top

New Member
yes i ordered aswell and they gave me about 4 different that i didnt even order what a shambles also still waiting 4 free mug and tshirt lol
I might have missed something but if you ordered from Attitude, which I might have been wrong to assume you meant that, but if you are still waiting for the tee-shirt, what kind of shipping did you pick? Unless things have changed since my last order picking the safest/most secure shipping sort of put it hand in hand with one of the things you said you are waiting for, if not both, but incorrect seeds have already been delivered.

I can only surmise that I made an inaccurate assumption and or things have changed at Attitude or you picked some funky cold medina shipping option … or that I am really high ….. because to me things just do not add up the way they should if they actually are what I am assuming they are.


Well-Known Member
yes i ordered aswell and they gave me about 4 different that i didnt even order what a shambles also still waiting 4 free mug and tshirt lol
Did you get the seeds that you ordered plus the free ones? If you ordered during the 4/20 special, they included lots of extra freebies for that promotion. The t-shirt and mug are shipped seperately and take several weeks to arrive.

What makes this a "shambles"?


Active Member
yes the 4/20 special, i just noticed on their site it says they will b shipped at a different time, i didnt c that posted there b4,, as 4 seeds got like 3 out of 4 that i ordered and 3 freebies they said i would get i didnt get any , all different but they were free so cant say 2 much about that .. its just that i was looking 4ward to the white widow but owell..


Well-Known Member
email them, and be nice. Rachel has always taken care of me. Let her know what happened. Give her as much info as you can, it will give her more to work with in solving your problem. Include order number and dates, you know all the important stuff. And remember, she will most likely give more attention to a polite person than an angry one. Good luck with your grow man.

I want to try White Widow too, but there seem to be so many different White Widows out there I dont know which one is best.