2 Growers, 1 STRAIN...BLUE WIDOW dual grow.


Well-Known Member
if u alread got one, or even had one! post it UP!!! we got GG13 who already chopped his BW down, and HR is ahead of me!


New Member
Looking good, Fuzzy
It seems the BW is a slow starter, I think they'll pick up in flower
I hope.......
My Bubba Is kicking it's ass....


New Member
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I guessed right didn't I? ahahahahah, now we should really see some growth comming outta her soon.

CHEATER!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Oh, i had to talk her into it. LoL, she didnt want to thats fer sure, she had ahold on the soil like NO OTHER!! shes pissed right now, but i think shell like the new home. im gunna let it veg to about 2 foot (shooting fer 2 months, maybe more) then flower, see how much i can get off her.

Its all in the bag HR. 1/4 pounding it!!!!! hahahaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
thats how ive started them every time now.....well, only 2 times, but it werked every one!!! LoL. shes starting to perk back up!!


Well-Known Member
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I guessed right didn't I? ahahahahah, now we should really see some growth comming outta her soon.

CHEATER!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahaha
Told u, he would DWC eventually. After his last chop. Hes hooked!


Well-Known Member
im sure you blue widow grower can pick out the blue waldo right? theres only one, i think she stands out from the rest.


Well-Known Member
i guess you cant see all of them, clue: shes not in the far right row. their in four rows of 3.