Anyone ordered from Attitude before?


Active Member
I'm thinking about using these guys... they have an option when you're ordering to remove the original breeders pack and put it in a dvd case. Does this mean I will have no way to know which seeds are which or will they still be labeled somehow?


Active Member
i just orderd on 420 i orderd bubba kush,afghan kush and they gave me 4 free seeds -cole train,white widow,red diesiel and blue cheese!! i got mine repackaged they just take it out of the original packaging and put it in a baggy with the label on the baggy of what kind of seed it is!! i should get my beans tommorow since i orderd it like 7 dayz ago!!!


Active Member
Wait so you know for a fact they'll put a label on it if it gets repackaged? a lil confused cause you said you haven't gotten the order yet.


Well-Known Member
I ordered from them twice in the past month and received my seeds both times within a week. They had a good special last week for 4/20 and I just got them today. My first order I did the DVD case option. Its suppose to protect them in shipping so they don't get crushed. I don't think you really need it though. Don't want to go into too many details but the envelopes are pretty well protected. Don't worry they are legit. From my order from a month ago I germed 7 seeds and all 7 germed. 2 of the 7 weren't looking too good so I pulled them like a week ago. That wasn't their fault though. Could have been my fault or could just be the strain.

They come labeled. Like if you order 5 different pick and mix they will come in 5 separate little baggies that are clearly labeled. If you order a pack of 5 all 5 will come in one baggie that is also clearly labeled. Don't worry you'll know what's what.

If I could give you a bit of advice, order more than you think you will need. If you order a pack of 10 regular, a good rule of thumb is only expect 8 of the 10 to germ. Of the 8 that germ expect only 6 to be strong and survive. Of the 6 that survive, expect half to be male. That leaves you with 3 females. This isn't always the case, but I think it is a good rule to follow.


Active Member
Ok thanks guys.

Do you think it's necessary to use a prepaid card from walmart or whatever or am I good with my own debit card?

I mean it's a UK based company so the feds would have to put a shitload of pressure on them to get my info right? (not like I'm a big time grower or anything either LOL)


Well-Known Member
there was some shit on here a few weeks ago about them frauding cards i think its bullshit myself iv never had a problam but get a prepaid card if it makes u sleep better


Active Member
its secured and they are not allowed to give any info on any customers the worst thing that can happen is that the homeland security can seize the package and all that they do is send you a letter saying that they took your shyt!!! you can use a prepaid card if u want watever floats your boat!!!


Well-Known Member
There are a few post on RIU giving them negative reviews, I call BS. They are without doubt one of the best seed banks out there that ship to the USA.


Well-Known Member
I got my order but i suggest you add the cd case, Two of my free femmed seeds were crushed in the regular delivery.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks guys.

Do you think it's necessary to use a prepaid card from walmart or whatever or am I good with my own debit card?

I mean it's a UK based company so the feds would have to put a shitload of pressure on them to get my info right? (not like I'm a big time grower or anything either LOL)
I used a prepaid. You still gotta use your name and social security number and wait a week for them to send you a permenant card before you can use it online for an international order. The one you get when you buy it is only a temp card and can't be used for international order. It will only scan, so anywhere where you gotta actually put the numbers in it won't work, ya know. Also, visa charges a 3% service charge for international orders. DO NOT get the student one. It can't be used internationally. I heard people were having problems with fraud with their regular cards a few weeks ago, so I wouldn't use your regular debit card if I were you. They said their site got hacked, but it is fixed now. The prepaid can't be overdrawn, so if it was to get hacked they can't spend more than what's on it.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and i know cause i read alot and ask questions b4 i do anything just like your doing!!! ;)

Completely agree. I'm pretty new to this too and did a lot of reading and asking questions before I ordered. As far as I'm concerned, Attitude is legit, I'm 2 for 2 with them.

Brick Top

New Member
Ok thanks guys.

Do you think it's necessary to use a prepaid card from walmart or whatever or am I good with my own debit card?

I mean it's a UK based company so the feds would have to put a shitload of pressure on them to get my info right? (not like I'm a big time grower or anything either LOL)
Don't be paranoid. I have made my purchases for YEAR and YEARS with credit cards and debit cards. When it comes to prepaid cards some seedbanks do not take them. If you decide to use one make sure Attitude accepts what you will want to use before you get it. Try reading their FAQ and if that does not answer your questions, drop them an email .. minus anything said about germing beans or growing them out. They cannot/will not reply to things mentioning growing so stick to how may I make payment, do you accept this or that and you will be told what is up.


Well-Known Member
whats up everyone!! I have ordered about 6 orders from Attitude in the last couple years and have received them all..placed two orders in the last couple months..gotta love they're monthly specials..but I have used my personel debit card everytime with no shows up on your bank statement like attitude gifts or something similar to that..but no cops have knocked down my doors you should be safe!


Well-Known Member
i grew Super Lemon Haze outdoors last year and it is awesome!! the best smoke ive the lemon..matter of fact I am getting close to being out..yes.lots of tears..but I just received two more SLH beans in my last attitude order so I am planning on growing it again...btw Mr.Ganja I love your Avatar..did you grow that? and if so what strain?..absoletly gorgeous!