elixirs wealth of organic goodness...


Hi Folks. This is what i am up to. I currently have 5 ladies in the tent, in soil (70% compost, 10% perlite 10% wormcasts from the farm). They are under a 400w setup, starting with MH, and ending up with SonT.

I am also running a mini-scrog as well as severely LST'd normal plants. I keep them low due to the limitations of my 400w. That way i get a blanket of fat nuggs. These girls are 4-5 weeks into flowering after the stretch.

Anyway enough yabbering on, pictures....

Oh well that was short lived, i guess i cant upload pics then....never mind.


Will wait for pictures
Black Domina

White Diesel

Dutch Dragon 12L scrog (for fun :))

Heavy LST Dutch Dragon (9months old ;) 6 in veg)

And a view across the Ponderosa

I also have Kaya 47, Black Diesel, Critical (advanced Seeds) and a mystery seed in the veg cab as well as Pimp Dogg too.

All strictly organic, no chems within a mile :D



Elixir~ Very nice looking plants. How is the Black Domian? Smoke it before?
Thanks mate, yeah i have been growing her for about a year, this will be my 4th crop of her, shes deffo a keeper if you like couchlock roadkill buzzs, half a J and she'll flatten you, and i've been smoking 20 odd years.

Shes a sweet aroma too, but you get nothing when she burns, the taste is thick and creamy, and a little acrid, just so you know youre smoking a 20% THC strain..

Mind you she stinks all the way through veg as well as flower, you have to have good extraction and smell removal lol, i shit you not mate :)

Ill always keep her now, for a while anyway, i am still trying to build a tollerance, so i can smoke more than half a spliff lol, i enjoy it so much...

Have a go at her mate, the only thing is she only a medium yielder, so you have to veg for 10+ weeks, and flower for 12, if you cut at amber trichs it will be all over for you! :D

lol, and finally, you will have to cure her, pickings and quick dry give you nothing, after 3-4 weeks, stand back :D