12/12 from seed, mainly sativa

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
wow i feel kinda stupid now haha... my bad, ive just never heard of doing this at all. ever!! well the buds nexto the soda cans look pretty damn legit to me so it must work. I might hafto give this a try

Cannaman C

Active Member
I use plagron batmix soil from seed 2 finish if u change the medium thru the grow u will stress the plant and it could go in2 a state of shock so stick with what u got for now. All mj plants will strech when they go in2 flower it jus depends if u have missed it. are there pistils everywhere or can u just see a few? Make sure u slill giv the plants nitrogen while they are not properly flowering so up 2 5 weeks ive jus stoped using nitro and have gone on 2 bloom nutes. From gh seeds bb and ls are 60/40 sativa im sure

Wondering Star

Active Member
Here's a link, don;t know if I am allowed to post links to other sites, but fuckkit... it's to enable discussion here. This guy does amazing with 12/12 from seed...:


From what I can figure out, 12/12 from seed will take 75 days at least??? I think you could veg for 2 weeks and then harvest in 60 days quite easily on most strains. So not only does the time issue not get much better, but also the yield is a concern when doing 12/12 from seed.

A real bonus would be not having to vegg at all, which for most people means a seperate chamber or box with a seperate light and all the hassle that brings with it.

Cannaman C

Active Member
People comment on wot they dont know coz thats how it woz bak in the day. Well this a new dawn its an new day and the results are good from wot ive seen my buddy always puts straight in2 12/12 except in the spring and early summer when he veg summer thru a skylight and he never takes less then a oz per plant when put sraight into 12/12
. im not sayind do away wiv veg jus sumtimes it aint possible

Wondering Star

Active Member
I use plagron batmix soil from seed 2 finish if u change the medium thru the grow u will stress the plant and it could go in2 a state of shock so stick with what u got for now. All mj plants will strech when they go in2 flower it jus depends if u have missed it. are there pistils everywhere or can u just see a few? Make sure u slill giv the plants nitrogen while they are not properly flowering so up 2 5 weeks ive jus stoped using nitro and have gone on 2 bloom nutes. From gh seeds bb and ls are 60/40 sativa im sure
I wouldnt change the medium. I think I caused the problem. I have read that when you transfer into a larger pot with a saturated medium, that medium will stay wet for weeks maybe. When i transplanted into my 11 ltr pot, I may have over watered thereafter. What do you do in this regard?

Yes I gave veg nutes, just formulex, up until a few days after the first pistils. Now switched to bloom. There are pistils coming up daily now... they are everywhere but not in huge numbers [i think].

Yeh I just checked one site and it said indica/sativa for the big bang... I believe it's 60/40 sativa. Sweet man, gl...

Cannaman C

Active Member
Yes m8 it does stay wet 4 a week or so but it has 2 b done u have 2 soak the medium when repoting jus let it dry out wiv a 600 it shouldn take 2 long i would still giv nitro at small doses 4 another 1-2 weeks. u can tell wot ur plant needs just by looking lol i have been growing 4 well over a year now and i have never ever measured the ph and the only problrm ave ever had os over watering get 2 know the weight and look of ur plants wen dry and same 4 wen they are wet and ur sweet. im no pro by any means its jus how i do it

Wondering Star

Active Member
Yeh over watering has been my main downfall thus far. I do measure the ph but I have a friend who does what you do with no problems. I have an air-stone on 24/7 so that might help with the nitrogen.

Last time I transplanted 2 two-week old plants from 1ltr pots to 11 ltr pots - they both stopped growing and yellowed out and died :( they were beautfiul until then. When I emptied them I found that the medium was wet at the bottom of the pot, but pretty dry where the roots were. So they hadnt explored for water? I may have transplanted too early, or over watered after transplanting... I have transplanted from 1 ltr to 5 ltr to 11 ltr with no probs.

Actually, I only recently switched to pots, had a NFT kit before but its too big for my requirements, a bit like my light. SO just learning the best way to grow in pots, transplanting etc... I do measure watering-needs by weight of pot too now.

I think 12/12 is the way forward, I would love to exclude the vegging altogether. An oz per plant is fine, I don't need more than a couple of oz each month to smoke. I dont have any hieght restrictions but I dont want to grow monster plants. I think your buddy has the right idea, does he grow any strains in particular which are better? Or does he find generally all strains react fine under 12/12?

Cannaman C

Active Member
I would 4get the 1 litre pots and go wiv party cups then the 5 then the 11 as soon as they show sex put them in the 11 and raise the light 2to 2-3 feet and jus watch em grow. Did u soak the plants soil b4 transplanting? Mj plants go in2 shock wen transpanting how good or bad u r at it will depend on how long it takes em 2 get bak 2 normal growth could take a couple of weeks. Practice makes perfect. He used bagseed b4 he met me now im his main souce of seed lol

Wondering Star

Active Member
Yeh I do all the pre soak, which you have to when you use cellmax growcubes - tiny "1 cm cubes" made of rockwool - cos they have a high ph, so you have to soak them in water at ph 5 for a while before use. I just need to figure them out fully. When a transplant goes well I see no shock or growth stop, and as you say, it needs practice. I decided today to just prepare all my medium now and keep it ready for use for later. It'll dry out enough by then and will have all had the same pre-use treatment, sounds like a winning strategy to me lol

So you must transplant twice in the first 3 weeks roughly? Party cups to 4ltr and then 11ltr. I'll grab some cups and follow suit, why the hell not hey :)

Cannaman C

Active Member
Yea pretty much bud. make sure u make drainage holes at the bottom of ur cups. im sortin me journal in the nex couple of hours keep a look out. my plants r quite lanky but judge me on yield per plant and not wot the plants look like YIELD IS WOT COUNTS!!!

Wondering Star

Active Member
YEP! I can see the sense in keeping them lanky to increase yield. Trouble is with a 3ft distance from the tops I havent gotten much stretch on my little 12/12 from seed one, about 9" now after 25 days exactly, I guess that is taller than it would be by now at vegg so maybe fine. Definitely, it'll be good to see your journal and make changes accordingly, I'll keep a look out matey..

Cannaman C

Active Member
I am totally confused i wanna start a week by week diary of my plants but i am finding it very difficult any help??

Wondering Star

Active Member
Well what type of help do you require?

I would start by filling in this list:

Here is some important information to include in your report, I taxed this list from somewhere else :) :

1) your experience level...just put a short note in there about how long you've been growing pot.

2) Lighting...type of light and its wattage.

3) Container size...can be container volume or dimensions. This can affect plant and bud size.

4) Soil recipe/mix...just like a cookbook, don't forget the perlite %

5) Watering schedule...what is your technique?

6) Nutrients used...and the schedule you employ when adding them.

7) Time until sexing...how long from the time it sprouts until it shows its sex.

8) Total flower time...how long did you flower it, mention trichome and pistil appearance at harvest.

9) Conclusion...your general satisfaction level, things you might do differently next time.

Apart form this, I guess it is just a case of taking pictures on the same day every week and uploading them in your thread. Hope that helps. Let me know if you need anyting else here


Well-Known Member
I didn't plan on doing 12/12 from seed
It just worked out that way this grow
250w hps-five seeds sprouted march 28th
two males and three females sexed by april 12th
Pics of the three girls at 29 days since sprouting
and fourteen days after showing female.
All are unknown strains, two mostly sativa, one mostly indica.
Grown in one gallon pots using fox farms soil/nutrients

Wondering Star

Active Member
I am 23 days into a 12/12 from seed on a mostly indica but mine isnt anywhere near as developed as any of yours. I did LST it slightly a couple of days ago. It is 7.5" tall now, that's the hieight it would be if I hadnt trained it..


Well-Known Member
I should of said two are more sativa
one is more indica. They're unknown
seeds so i don't know the strains.
But i'm sure none are pure indica or sativa
They're all three heavily lst'd too.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Started in half gallon grow bags, will finish in same bags. They are currently under a t-5 with two 6500k lamps and two 4100k lamps. One started flowering about a week ago and the others followed. Today they are three weeks old. I'll switch out the 6500k for 3000k this weekend. So far I've given them a few waterings with fish fertilizer and kelp. I'm trying to keep the phosphorous at low levels to keep the plants from stretching the first couple of weeks of flowering. Around the third week I'll start to ramp up the flowering nutes and cut out the growth nutes. I never use a flower nute with no nitrogen. For flowering I use Jack's Classic Blossom Booster npk of 1-3-2. I also use other things like molasses, liquid karma, silica, worm castings, mushroom compost and a mix of different soils with perlite added. I stick to no schedule for feeding. I like to go with a lower strength with my nutes and give it to my plants more often rather than a massive dose once a week. After about three weeks I'll put them under my two six hundreds and start another batch in the tent. I'll have to see how the half gallon grow bags work out and determine what size I want to use for the next go round. I'm not trying to grow monster plants, I would prefer to keep them two foot or so. These are all indica dominant strains. Some of the seeds are of my making others are mystery bagseed and one or two is a thc bomb.

Just like a stoner, I forgot to upload the pics, be back shortly.