New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Democrates and Bill clinton are trying and were trying to destroy America.Republicans take care of our country as a whole democrates worry about each individual which can not be done and keep a country running fully.You have to support the greater cause instead of the individual persons wants or desirers.Im voting republican as always but not sure on Ron Paul I like the idea of marijuana decriminalization but want a strong president who understands the need for a strong miltary and to not be afraid to use force where force is needed.


Well-Known Member
Democrates and Bill clinton are trying and were trying to destroy America.Republicans take care of our country as a whole democrates worry about each individual which can not be done and keep a country running fully.You have to support the greater cause instead of the individual persons wants or desirers.Im voting republican as always but not sure on Ron Paul I like the idea of marijuana decriminalization but want a strong president who understands the need for a strong miltary and to not be afraid to use force where force is needed.
Ron Paul served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force and the Air National Guard. Ron Paul supports a strong military and is not afraid to use force when it's needed. Ron Paul was against the war after 9/11, not because he didn't think force was necessary, but because he doesn't think a "war" should start without Congress announcing war- he thinks we should proclaim war approved by Congress, go in there, win, and leave. No more of these never-ending "wars" that aren't technically wars... no more troops in other countries (when there is no war).

Furthermore, Ron Paul has the most contributions from military personnel than any other candidate in either party, and more contributions that all the other Republican candidates combined.


Active Member
He is what Republicans once were. That is…small government, civil-liberty respecting, states-rights kind of people who actually beleive in the Constitution. Although he is certainly has a libertarian streak to him. Republicans are now big-spending, fear-mongering, immigrant-hating, one-religion neo-cons. Ron Paul is the ONLY republican candidate who believes the war on drugs is a total disaster. Rudy and the rest of them will continue the raids on medical marijuana patients and further their imposition of morality on us “law breakers.”

One might find it interesting that these type of people, the moral majority, were the same types that used the “fear of immigrants” and “reefer madness” to ban marijuana in 1937.

I’m not a Republican. If I was, I would vote for Dr. Paul

-“When fascism comes to American, it will be draped in the American Flag and carrying a cross.”-Sinclair Lewis


Well-Known Member
He is what Republicans once were. That is…small government, civil-liberty respecting, states-rights kind of people who actually beleive in the Constitution. Although he is certainly has a libertarian streak to him. Republicans are now big-spending, fear-mongering, immigrant-hating, one-religion neo-cons. Ron Paul is the ONLY republican candidate who believes the war on drugs is a total disaster. Rudy and the rest of them will continue the raids on medical marijuana patients and further their imposition of morality on us “law breakers.”

One might find it interesting that these type of people, the moral majority, were the same types that used the “fear of immigrants” and “reefer madness” to ban marijuana in 1937.

I’m not a Republican. If I was, I would vote for Dr. Paul

-“When fascism comes to American, it was be draped in the American Flag and holding a cross.”-Sinclair Lewis
Great quote, rings very true.

However, as I've kept saying this thread...
If someone has finally come along speaking the truth, and has the Congressional record to prove it- WHO CARES WHAT "PARTY" THEY ARE FROM.

Have a fuckin' brain and research your candidates- not just what they say they want during the campaign- BUT RESEARCH THEIR RECORD IN CONGRESS, LOOK AT WHAT THEY'VE BEEN DOING BEFORE THEY DECIDED THEY WANTED TO RUN THIS COUNTRY.

Ron Paul 2008!


Active Member
Great quote, rings very true.

However, as I've kept saying this thread...
If someone has finally come along speaking the truth, and has the Congressional record to prove it- WHO CARES WHAT "PARTY" THEY ARE FROM.
I agree we should pick the best canidate regardless of a party. It just so happens that I missed my state's deadline (Dec 7th) to switch parties to vote for Dr. Paul. I certaily sent him some $$$ (sounds kind of funny that a Democrat would send $$ to a republican. I find myself agreeing with much that he stands for) Speaking of his record, he is certainly the most conservative member of congress (what conservatives used to be at least.)

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither liberty or security"-Benjamin Franklin


Well-Known Member
I agree we should pick the best canidate regardless of a party. It just so happens that I missed my state's deadline (Dec 7th) to switch parties to vote for Dr. Paul. I certaily sent him some $$$ (sounds kind of funny that a Democrat would send $$ to a republican. I find myself agreeing with much that he stands for) Speaking of his record, he is certainly the most conservative member of congress (what conservatives used to be at least.)

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither liberty or security"-Benjamin Franklin
Sorry to hear my friend. I hope you are still doing your part- "make up" for your missing vote :blsmoke: Another great quote....

Here are some of my favorite quotes... and some food for thought..:blsmoke:

The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations to have as little political connection as possible... Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalships, interest, humor, or caprice?... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.
~George Washington

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
~John Adams

If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of Almighty God, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave.
~Samuel Adams

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.
~Samuel Adams

I know no class of my fellowmen, however just, enlightened, and humane, which can be wisely and safely trusted absolutely with the liberties of any other class.
~Fredrick Douglas

Any power must be an enemy of mankind which enslaves the individual by power and by force, whether it arises under the Fascist or the Communist flag. All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded to the individual.
~Albert Einstein

The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.
~George Washington

The scary thing, is the last quote...from a man with immense immense power in this world...he was an honorary chairman in the CFR for 10 years, chairman of Chase, honorary chairman on the Trilateral Commission, founder and honorary chairman of the Council of the Americas, a founder of the Bilderberg group (and head of the "steering committee"), Class A director of the Federal Reserve Bank, JUST TO NAME A FEW...

This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.
~David Rockefeller


Well-Known Member
Man am I late to the party. Ron has allot of support up here so far which is surprising. He says allot of the right things about current situations. I agree with him in many places. However he is still a republican which means he still prescribes to a certain set of ideals. I really think the idea of limiting the job to two candidates is a foolish and broken system. I really think it's going to be democratic this time. I am not thrilled with the fact that some want to hand the job to Hillary right now. She would be very bad for the job. It's a damn shame too. I really like the idea that we have come so far that we have finally accepted the thought of a woman,blackman and latin american running for president. Then I wake up and realize the reason they are taking these candidates serious is how bad things have been.

Hillary is no democrat. She is to the democratic party what Ron is to the republican party. She has a track record of not only throwing our liberties to the wind to serve her own agenda but also has sold out more than once to pharmaceutical and other lobbying. She also was asked awhile back if she would still vote to go to war if she knew what she does now and she said yes. That automatically ruins her for me.

Like I said before Ron Paul says allot of the right things for the present but to me only a fool would not say most of the things he is saying. He has some way out there ideas that even I cannot get on board with. He is not for small government he is for almost no government. That only leads to the privatization of everything which leads to the capatalistic mess we are in now getting worse.

I would like to end my rant by saying that I don't claim political affiliation. I am in no gang and refuse to cast myself into ideals that I would be held to above rational thought. I think we need much more than a fresh idea. We are in need of a revolution. You may think that sounds drastic. It is but failure is worse. Our entire way of life is being threatened due to the capatalist neoconservative movement that has our country in a stranglehold. Our political system is so rife with corruption and weakness that no one man or administration will change the course we are on. We need a drastic change in the people of this country. We need to take our country back. In closing I urge you to RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Man am I late to the party. Ron has allot of support up here so far which is surprising. He says allot of the right things about current situations. I agree with him in many places. However he is still a republican which means he still prescribes to a certain set of ideals. I really think the idea of limiting the job to two candidates is a foolish and broken system. I really think it's going to be democratic this time. I am not thrilled with the fact that some want to hand the job to Hillary right now. She would be very bad for the job. It's a damn shame too. I really like the idea that we have come so far that we have finally accepted the thought of a woman,blackman and latin american running for president. Then I wake up and realize the reason they are taking these candidates serious is how bad things have been.

Hillary is no democrat. She is to the democratic party what Ron is to the republican party. She has a track record of not only throwing our liberties to the wind to serve her own agenda but also has sold out more than once to pharmaceutical and other lobbying. She also was asked awhile back if she would still vote to go to war if she knew what she does now and she said yes. That automatically ruins her for me.

Like I said before Ron Paul says allot of the right things for the present but to me only a fool would not say most of the things he is saying. He has some way out there ideas that even I cannot get on board with. He is not for small government he is for almost no government. That only leads to the privatization of everything which leads to the capatalistic mess we are in now getting worse.
there going to gang up on you and call you stuped leave now lol give them hell


Well-Known Member
Man am I late to the party. Ron has allot of support up here so far which is surprising. He says allot of the right things about current situations. I agree with him in many places. However he is still a republican which means he still prescribes to a certain set of ideals. I really think the idea of limiting the job to two candidates is a foolish and broken system. I really think it's going to be democratic this time. I am not thrilled with the fact that some want to hand the job to Hillary right now. She would be very bad for the job. It's a damn shame too. I really like the idea that we have come so far that we have finally accepted the thought of a woman,blackman and latin american running for president. Then I wake up and realize the reason they are taking these candidates serious is how bad things have been.

Hillary is no democrat. She is to the democratic party what Ron is to the republican party. She has a track record of not only throwing our liberties to the wind to serve her own agenda but also has sold out more than once to pharmaceutical and other lobbying. She also was asked awhile back if she would still vote to go to war if she knew what she does now and she said yes. That automatically ruins her for me.

Like I said before Ron Paul says allot of the right things for the present but to me only a fool would not say most of the things he is saying. He has some way out there ideas that even I cannot get on board with. He is not for small government he is for almost no government. That only leads to the privatization of everything which leads to the capatalistic mess we are in now getting worse.
I absolutely agree with checking into whom you're voting for. Ron Paul has the cleanest record in Congress.. and he isn't for no government. He's for nearly no FEDERAL Government.. he wants the local governments to handle almost everything. Letting, we the people, have a say in the area we live in.

Ron Paul doesn't "look like a Republican" when he's standing next to people who are the furthest thing from republican.. for some reason the normal beliefs of a conservative republican are no longer the definition of a Republican...Ron Paul is the only one in the republican race that stands for traditional conservative Republican beliefs.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely agree with checking into whom you're voting for. Ron Paul has the cleanest record in Congress.. and he isn't for no government. He's for nearly no FEDERAL Government.. he wants the local governments to handle almost everything. Letting, we the people, have a say in the area we live in.

Ron Paul doesn't "look like a Republican" when he's standing next to people who are the furthest thing from republican.. for some reason the normal beliefs of a conservative republican are no longer the definition of a Republican...Ron Paul is the only one in the republican race that stands for traditional conservative Republican beliefs.

I added some more to my original post. I hit enter before I was done. I know Ron looks like the guy but he is still a republican. It's not hard to look good when your standing next to the piles of shit he is used to standing by. When it all comes down the line he will still have a republican ideal system. I do pray that if we have to go republican he get's it but that's about all. There are jobs that are too big for the state level. It is just a fact. They will be overwhelmed. We need to fix the federal system not abolish it. Even the best republicans have a general ideal base difference with me. I care about many more issues than just the war and taxes. I follow them closely and when it is time to vote a man like Dennis Kucinch would more likely vote the way I would. He get's little time because he does not stand out like Ron Paul does and he doesn't play to the crowd. I have got to give Ron Paul credit though. He has actually given me a reason to at least look at the other side. The man has balls and I love him for that. I loved it when what he said bothered Rudy Guliani so bad during a debate that he asked Ron Paul to take back his statements. The whole stage thought Ron Paul was crazy but for Rudy to basically want his freedom of speech questioned when they were debating the war where we are trying to instill our democratic, "free" ideals on another country really makes me shake my head. When he is pressured by his team should he become president I don't know how low those balls would hang. I have become used to empty pie in the sky ideas and promisses from both sides.


Well-Known Member
A list of taxes the American people pay:

Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Social Security Tax
Medicare Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax
School Tax
Sales Taxes (State and Local)
Real Estate Tax
Property Tax
Building Permit Tax
Well Permit Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Utility Taxes
Severence Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Accounts Receivable Tax
Privilege Tax
Inventory Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Expense
Capital Gains Tax
IRS Penalties
IRS Interest Charges
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Trailer registration tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Watercraft registration Tax
Gasoline Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Dog License Tax
Fishing License Tax
Hunting License Tax
Cigarette Tax

Let us remember- we had NONE NONE NONE NONE of these taxes 100 years ago- also at the time we were the most prosperous nation in the world (for real, not just because the mass media told us), we had NO national debt, we had the largest middle class in the world, and moms stayed at home..

Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants to start hacking away at this list of taxes effecting the American people- and unlike other candidate's he wants to replace them with NOTHING.

This list isn't even including the most dire- the "inflation tax". The US dollar dropping in value "taxes" Americans already struggling financially. The printing of money out of thin air by the Federal Reserve (a PRIVATELY OWNED BANK BTW) is wrecking the American economy- why is Ron Paul the only candidate standing up for the middle class American population?!

Gawd! She sounds like a macro-economist! A smart lady. Great legs. What a combination.


Well-Known Member are right he does not sound very republican...except for the racist comments he made early in his career..

Excuse me, republicans are NOT the racist party. Lincoln was a republican. The voting rights act, and all the anti segregation legislation, that Lydon Johnson wanted was pushed through by a block of republicans.

Southern democrats tried very hard to key to keep racism alive. Republicans and Johnson broke the cycle.


Well-Known Member
Gawd! She sounds like a macro-economist! A smart lady. Great legs. What a combination.





Well-Known Member
If you want to keep Bushes tradition alive go ahead and vote for Hilary. She's the next puppet in line by the powers that be. Democrats, Republicans they're the same team you fool. Wake up.
I think that is pretty close to accurate. Besides, Hillery has a huge percentage of people who will come out to vote against her in the general election. So, a primary vote for Hillary helps most republicans in the general election.

Look at some of the Rausmussin polling data for more information. Look up the comments of pollster Dick Morris.


Just some idiot
That was such a stupid thing to say. It makes you sound like a complete idiot. Don't you think you should apologize for the retarded claim?
LOL, I kinda feel like he was still calling me a racist...and I'm not. But Bongspit seems like a good guy I'm sure he didn't mean to say we are all Politics gets a little heated sometimes which I think we all understand, everyone is entitled to their say.