Wanted to offer some personal feedback regarding the AG


Well-Known Member
It's been great so far!

Have 8 6500k 42W CFL's (4 stacked in a light housing I have) vertically. One on either side of the AG.

I planted 2 seeds (one Blue Mystic & one Mystery; all from Nirvana)

march 9th i think it was.. I've since added a 3rd..

well; today when I emptied the water and prepped it for some clean water and nutes; I noticed the sheer mass of roots that have recently developed and am concerned that I'll end up loosing 70-80% of the res to root growth.

I have been adding 4L coupled with 1 tsp of Veg Nute. Todays rev refill; I'd say 90%, maybe a bit less...

I am planning on Vegging for another 2 months; but..... I do not think that will be possible considering the growth experienced during the flowering stage.

Perhaps, one plant.. maybe two........ NO MORE....

In retrospect; using an existing 8 inch deep Rubbermaid container coupled with some items I believe are easy to come by (aquarium supply shops..etc..etc..)

I believe that next run at it, I will run the AG in the lower part of by 6-7 Foot wardrobe and a homemade substitute on the upper half.

i look forward to the results. :>

I enjoy my AG though.. i will continue to use it; however perhaps limit it to autoflowering lower plants. I'm curious if the root growth of the auto flowering (10 week cycle, for example) plant is on par with what i've experienced thus far or perhaps more/less? I wonder if I could get away with 4 Lowriders in the AG and have enough room for the 10 week growing period.. anyone chime in?


Well-Known Member
Here are a few from today

(One Blue Mystic grown in AG; almost one month old) (2nd last picture)
(pic: Top)

(One Mystery seed from Nirvana; also almost one month old) (3rd last picture)
* Topped 2 days ago *
(pic: side)

(One Blue Mystic (Grown in soil) that I had severely damage accidentally; nearing 2 months.
* Topped 5 days ago *
(pic: Top/Side/Topped view) (1st, 2nd and third pictures)

(One Collage shot ) (Last one)


There is also small little one that I purposely avoided; give it some time to grow..



Active Member
Here are a few from today

(One Blue Mystic grown in AG; almost one month old) (2nd last picture)
(pic: Top)

(One Mystery seed from Nirvana; also almost one month old) (3rd last picture)
* Topped 2 days ago *
(pic: side)

(One Blue Mystic (Grown in soil) that I had severely damage accidentally; nearing 2 months.
* Topped 5 days ago *
(pic: Top/Side/Topped view) (1st, 2nd and third pictures)

(One Collage shot ) (Last one)


There is also small little one that I purposely avoided; give it some time to grow..
Have you tried anything in the aerogarden on a 12/12 light cycle from the start? I hear you can autoflower anything, just force flower it early enough, thats how the sun does it in tropical parts of the world. Hence why tropical sativas take so long to flower ( the year is a constant state of 12/12 ).


Active Member
trying 12/12 from seed with my first grow since my autos died lol.
Sweet. I totally think that was how we should have done our first aerogrows. I went online and bout a pack of lowryder mix. Got 2/10 to go. One male and one female. Saved some of that male pollen... tried to breed on my second order of fast bud, but bitch decided to do an abortion all by herself.... ended up with a bunch of white aborties. I was trying to do way too much. I wish i could go back two years when i first got my aerogarden as a gift... never did the lettuce and just put bagseed in there on 12/12.... could have saved myself alot of money these past few years


Well-Known Member
Here are a few from today

(One Blue Mystic grown in AG; almost one month old) (2nd last picture)
(pic: Top)

(One Mystery seed from Nirvana; also almost one month old) (3rd last picture)
* Topped 2 days ago *
(pic: side)

(One Blue Mystic (Grown in soil) that I had severely damage accidentally; nearing 2 months.
* Topped 5 days ago *
(pic: Top/Side/Topped view) (1st, 2nd and third pictures)

(One Collage shot ) (Last one)


There is also small little one that I purposely avoided; give it some time to grow..

Here's an updated shot of the group. The poor looking blue Mystic in Soil and the three other in the Aerogaden. Top left is the female Blue Mystic (not Topped), in front is a small, recently topped mystery seed and to it's right, the topped other mystery seed.


Active Member
Very nice grow, I plan on trying a few more at first...Looking forward following along on yours too....Good Luck


Hey krozone - Just adding to everyone elses compliments... That plant is looking terriffic, I can't wait to see the buds it produces!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the great feedback! I am going to be building my Scrog Screen next week as I am going into Flowering as of Monday morning. :>:>

cannot wait!!!

After this run, I am going to pick up some autos.. Not 100% sure yet.


BTW: the Soil BM is doing 100% better.. She sat out on my balcony yesterday all day and LOVED IT!!!


Well-Known Member
Bit of an update.

Both BM are doing VERY well.. These pics are of the one in Soil only; I have the other updated pics at home on the Camera.

This is about 4 days after flowering started.

* Now about 1/2 weeks in; WOW, very exciting time; pistols all over the place..:>

