Running out of room. Need advice.


Active Member
This picture is from yesterday. The first one with a red box really shot up over night. It is now right at the top of the canopy with the rest of them. It was the runt of the group for the longest time. When I transplanted I moved it to the middle since it was the shortest. Now it seems to have stretched quite a bit in only two days! Not many nodes between the top and bottom. Am I getting over crowded? I started from seed on March 26. They are all about 12" tall or bit taller. I sunk them down a couple of inches into the 2 gallon grow bags when I transplanted last week. Their are 13 plants in 2 gallon grow bags.

Should I start to flower now? I don't want to run out of horizontal space. Still waiting for my HPS conversion bulb to come in the mail. I could start to flower with the 400W MH.


Blazed Hippie

Active Member
This picture is from yesterday. The first one with a red box really shot up over night. It is now right at the top of the canopy with the rest of them. It was the runt of the group for the longest time. When I transplanted I moved it to the middle since it was the shortest. Now it seems to have stretched quite a bit in only two days! Not many nodes between the top and bottom. Am I getting over crowded? I started from seed on March 26. They are all about 12" tall or bit taller. I sunk them down a couple of inches into the 2 gallon grow bags when I transplanted last week. Their are 13 plants in 2 gallon grow bags.

Should I start to flower now? I don't want to run out of horizontal space. Still waiting for my HPS conversion bulb to come in the mail. I could start to flower with the 400W MH.
hey man you could top them a bit. but youll have to veg a little longer.


Active Member
what kind of lighting u using?
I have a 400W MH High Bay over the center. It has a 31" round aluminum reflector. Three T12 24" U-bend flouro's with a pair of 40W bulbs in each around three sides. Here is a pic from last week before I transplanted to the grow bags.

Should I start to flower now? Depending how many males that should give me some room back.



Well-Known Member
I have a 400W MH High Bay over the center. It has a 31" round aluminum reflector. Three T12 24" U-bend flouro's with a pair of 40W bulbs in each around three sides. Here is a pic from last week before I transplanted to the grow bags.

Should I start to flower now? Depending how many males that should give me some room back.
they will double-triple in size approx between the size of when you put them into flowering and the end. you should go ahead and flower if u want. if a plant starts getting to close to the lights just take and tie them out of the way so they are no longer doing so.


Im trying the FIM technique on the two distorted ones and super cropping the other two in the section with distorted leaves


Active Member
i started a week after you. how much co2 are they getting
They are getting whatever Co2 is available from the air in the basement. I have no way to check. They really took off once I put them in the grow bags. I have only used nutes one time and that was last week (with some molasses). I went a little strong with the mix but all seemed to have worked out. I only noticed a couple of leaves with an eagle claw on the tip. I think I am going to do it again with the next watering.

I also installed an exhaust fan in the wall over the weekend. That thing has kicked ass so far. No more smell in the basement creeping up to the side door landing. It pulls air right in from under the door. It is 295 CFM with a 10" aluminum blade. It puts all the air in a closet under the steps. I can now smoke in the same room as the plants again. I just blow it towards the fan. It sucks it right out. Pretty entertaining to watch when your stoned :eyesmoke:



Active Member
Did some rearranging tonight. Moved a couple of the shorter ones to the middle. Topped off some soil. Going to go 36 hours dark starting tomorrow evening.

I took a few pics of one of the plants. It is one of the tallest. There are three others that are about 14" then the rest are about 12".

Taking the shower door off tomorrow. Going install an MDF panel in its place. I picked up a twin window fan with a digital temp gauge. I will CNC cut a pocket to fit the fan in nice and snug. The fan can run both directions independently. You can also set a high low temp to tell it when to turn on and off.



Well-Known Member
the 36 hour dark is bs man, it needs multiple days w/an extended dark period to trigger flowering, giving a super long dark period will not help the process.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
the 36 hour dark is bs man, it needs multiple days w/an extended dark period to trigger flowering, giving a super long dark period will not help the process.
36 hour dark period is good if the plant hasn't preflowered yet. It causes it to show sex immediatly, so u can sort them out quick.


Well-Known Member
36 hour dark period is good if the plant hasn't preflowered yet. It causes it to show sex immediatly, so u can sort them out quick.
I want to see you prove this, im sorry hippie but its just not true, go ahead and tell me its in some grow bible, i dont care about that, i want proof. Dont get all offended like you did last time either. This isnt personal.


Active Member
Okay so we are divided on this one. I think I will go with immediate 12/12 . I still have to pickup a decent timer.

What about using Bud Blood or blossom blood to start flowering? I have not bought or used any MJ specific nutes. The only thing I have used is Peters Professional 24-8-16 and molasses. I was going to keep using the Peters until I sexed them and they start to flower. Then I would switch over to flowering nutes. Probably something that is not MJ specific.


Well-Known Member
I give veg nutes everyother feeding the first 3 weeks-month, the plant uses up a ton of nitrogen when it decides to double or triple in size after being flipped to 12/12.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I want to see you prove this, im sorry hippie but its just not true, go ahead and tell me its in some grow bible, i dont care about that, i want proof. Dont get all offended like you did last time either. This isnt personal.
Ive done it. It works. Period. Want pics? I wasnt offended last time. You didn't have proof and I did last time. If you want more proof than my word I will research and blog it later. I am not saying there is any more benifit than knowing sex early. I do not know if it does anything else

Edit: Blog is completed, take a look at my experience and research considering the 36 hour lights off phase. Thirty Six Hour Dark Period: A Myth With Some Truth
your best bet would be to go to 18/6 immediately for 3 days then switch right to 12/12
this will help ease the transition and will help your girls grow faster.
as far as nutes go, continue using your veg nutes, then you switch after a week or so. a lot of nutes have directions for putting both flower and veg nutes temporarily to ease the transition

that looks like a really cool grow, I am fairly certain that you will get too close to the light if you let em go, I would use wire to Lst, tie the terminal bud shoot of each plant so they are facing 90 degrees to the side, that way only branches and colas will grow up during the surge, not the main stalk of the plant

have you grown before? are your girls liking those florescents on the side?