New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul would be singing a different tune if all he wanted was to get elected. Media pundits consider him unelectable because of his small federal government ideals and all that entails. I am an undecided voter but I don't think Ron Paul is saying things just to get elected because he is saying the wrong things.

Some things to consider - the first president who had to fight for a small federal government? Thomas Jefferson (he lost) and the Federalists came to power. The Federal government has more or less grown ever since. The only states to really try to get out from under the Federal thumb was the Southern states leading to the Civil War (duh!). Reading periodicals of the time, you'll find much less focus on the "slavery" issue and way more focus on the "states rights" issue. Or as one of the leading confederate generals said at the time (and accurately portrayed in the film Gettysburg): "We should have freed the slaves and then fired on Sumter". After the defeat, no other states have had the desire (or balls) to throw down the gauntlet (which is clearly their right according to our constitution). Please note i am not defending slavery or choosing the confederate side. I am merely pointing out that states rights used to be a real issue in American politics.

and as i've mentioned before, the US is a "republican" form of democracy. So republican should not be a dirty word. It is one of the US founding principals.

There seems to be a real disconnect between Democrats and Republicans. They seem to no longer have the good of the country in mind - instead they seem to have the good of the party in mind. And this two party system (and the electoral college, primaries, etc..) is probably the single worse evil ever foisted on Americans. It limits the debate to a very narrow margin and allows candidates (and unfortunately the media plays host to it all) to define the argument and define the terms of the argument. No truly dissenting voice is every heard and if one ever does squeak - it is trampled quickly.

And so far, Ron Paul seems to be squeaking fairly successfully - which to me is good sign regardless who gets elected.

I added some more to my original post. I hit enter before I was done. I know Ron looks like the guy but he is still a republican. It's not hard to look good when your standing next to the piles of shit he is used to standing by. When it all comes down the line he will still have a republican ideal system. I do pray that if we have to go republican he get's it but that's about all. There are jobs that are too big for the state level. It is just a fact. They will be overwhelmed. We need to fix the federal system not abolish it. Even the best republicans have a general ideal base difference with me. I care about many more issues than just the war and taxes. I follow them closely and when it is time to vote a man like Dennis Kucinch would more likely vote the way I would. He get's little time because he does not stand out like Ron Paul does and he doesn't play to the crowd. I have got to give Ron Paul credit though. He has actually given me a reason to at least look at the other side. The man has balls and I love him for that. I loved it when what he said bothered Rudy Guliani so bad during a debate that he asked Ron Paul to take back his statements. The whole stage thought Ron Paul was crazy but for Rudy to basically want his freedom of speech questioned when they were debating the war where we are trying to instill our democratic, "free" ideals on another country really makes me shake my head. When he is pressured by his team should he become president I don't know how low those balls would hang. I have become used to empty pie in the sky ideas and promisses from both sides.


Well-Known Member
It is not about party affiliation. It is about believibilty. Do you think a candidate will tell you the truth and NOT change a position when he is in office.History is full of candidates that became bad leaders. One political party does not have the market cornered on liars. And in case you don't understand, party affiliation has alot to do with the demographics of your home district and developing a cash-flow machine to get elected.It used to be common to call a candidate a five dollar democrat. Or a twenty five dollar republican, because of the party initiation fees. It ment they were listed as a party member, but, that fact had little to do with their politics.Nothing has really changed in 200 years, about politics.
Your statement contradictes itself. You explain the two party system as a change to the way politics operate and then say there haven't been any changes in politics????
200 years ago it was a personal sacrifice to be in a political office. Friends and neighbors had to convince folks to take an office. Now we spend "Millions of Dollars" to campaign for a $200,000.00 a year job and you don't think anything has changed. According to 'the news media' all Billary had to do was run to be elected.
Show me the IRS, The Federal Reserve etc. all of the things we accept as 'normal controls' in the Constitution of the United States???
And in case you don't understand, party affiliation, doesn't have anything to do with demographics, it has to do with the lines that divide demographics, establishing bounderies favorable to a candidate.
The reasons you try to state as 'politics as usual' with no one having a corner on liars is the reason we must make a "DRAMATIC CHANGE" from politics as usual. Ron Paul has been consistent, has never spent the budget allowed him for office expenses, has returned part of his salary, and never gone on a taxpayer junket.
In Michigan, we used to have that statement, "Whats good for GM is good for the country." Now GM has left the country.
His understanding of how you provide medical care for less money is second to none, as a Doctor, he has seen what can be done, and he understands that "Health Care" should be a personal responsibility. Used to be you only took prescriptions if you needed them, now we go 'ask your Doctor if @##$$%%^^&*(()* is right for you. 50%of 'Health Care' is paid by 'the Federal Government'. You mean you control 50% of the market and you can't negotiate a better deal?? And dude, where does 'the Federal Government' get this money and who is 'the Federal Government'??
DOn't even get me started on "the crisis in the 'Sub-Prime' market". By definition a loan in that market is risky, thats why you get to charge more interest. And now when the gambler loses, you and I are supposed to bail out the 'poor struggling homeowner'. Needless to say 'Wallstreet' rebounded at the hint of a government bailout, and continued counting our money as if they have a right to it.
We simply cannot afford 'politics' as usual. VV


Well-Known Member
Your statement contradictes itself. You explain the two party system as a change to the way politics operate and then say there haven't been any changes in politics????
200 years ago it was a personal sacrifice to be in a political office. Friends and neighbors had to convince folks to take an office. Now we spend "Millions of Dollars" to campaign for a $200,000.00 a year job and you don't think anything has changed. According to 'the news media' all Billary had to do was run to be elected.
Show me the IRS, The Federal Reserve etc. all of the things we accept as 'normal controls' in the Constitution of the United States???
And in case you don't understand, party affiliation, doesn't have anything to do with demographics, it has to do with the lines that divide demographics, establishing bounderies favorable to a candidate.
The reasons you try to state as 'politics as usual' with no one having a corner on liars is the reason we must make a "DRAMATIC CHANGE" from politics as usual. Ron Paul has been consistent, has never spent the budget allowed him for office expenses, has returned part of his salary, and never gone on a taxpayer junket.
In Michigan, we used to have that statement, "Whats good for GM is good for the country." Now GM has left the country.
His understanding of how you provide medical care for less money is second to none, as a Doctor, he has seen what can be done, and he understands that "Health Care" should be a personal responsibility. Used to be you only took prescriptions if you needed them, now we go 'ask your Doctor if @##$$%%^^&*(()* is right for you. 50%of 'Health Care' is paid by 'the Federal Government'. You mean you control 50% of the market and you can't negotiate a better deal?? And dude, where does 'the Federal Government' get this money and who is 'the Federal Government'??
DOn't even get me started on "the crisis in the 'Sub-Prime' market". By definition a loan in that market is risky, thats why you get to charge more interest. And now when the gambler loses, you and I are supposed to bail out the 'poor struggling homeowner'. Needless to say 'Wallstreet' rebounded at the hint of a government bailout, and continued counting our money as if they have a right to it.
We simply cannot afford 'politics' as usual. VV
You are right. Politics are confusing. But, Harry Truman used to tell people to always check the believability of the candidate. Does the candidate remain true to their core beliefs. That should be much more important to the voters than the party affiliation.

Really, when you think about it, Butch Clinton and Dubya have the same problem. Both have left their core beliefs, or they flat out lied. For 200 plus years voters have looked for candidates with consistent values, and the voters have been disappointed many times. But, not always.

You are also right about RP. He has a very long record of consistent House votes.

Oh, since you brought up GM, tax law in particular is insane. Companies like GM are pushed offshore. Investors are pushed offshore. Money talks and money can walk. Walk all the way to tax havens. Crazy people think we will tax the "rich". And the rich just leave. So do our jobs!

Also, no one is talking about is the devaluation of the currancy. That is the last sign of a country in crises; before the fall.
OK class, let's all say "New World Order". That was the Bush1 plan. I guess it was the Bush2 plan as well.


Well-Known Member
<DIV class=article id=content><DIV id=Col1>Ron Paul raises millions in today's Boston Tea Party event

<DIV id=articleText><DIV id=article><DIV class=hideMe>


Well-Known Member
im going to try to get on tv i will say riup and you will know its me wish me luck ps riup standing for rollitup.


Active Member
If I register republican and Ron Paul doesnt win the primary am I then forced to vote republican come election time? Ive been meaning to register but keep forgetting Im only 17 now but will be 18 when voting time comes. I think Im too late now so im kicking myself in the ass. If this country were populated by reasonable thinking individuals Ron Paul would be president.


Active Member
i have heard ron paul wants to stop the war in Iraq and to stop the war on drugs. i have only read about him stopping the war in Iraq. i'm not big in politics but anyone know is he gonna stop the war on drugs too?

vote for ron paul why the fuck is there a war on drugs they will never win look how many people use drugs still there getting now were. there just making it worse.


Active Member
he probably lied just like all the other fucks but i guess we will see. most of them just spread rumors of what there going to do then they don't


Active Member
He's running as a republican but he himself is not a republican. For once the third party figured it out, run as one of the two primary. No president is going to stop the war on drugs, what are they going to say to all the unemployed it creates, and remember most of america still believes in the drug war, they believe the lies.

And I agree with Bwinn vote for the right man or woman, which translates as vote for the lesser of two evils. That being said I do like some of Ron Pauls ideas, but he will get no support from our mostly 2 party system.
People believe all that bullshit because of things like D.A.R.E and commercials that make it seem like if you smoke u become a zombie who just sits around silent all day and smokes pot.


Well-Known Member
he probably lied just like all the other fucks but i guess we will see. most of them just spread rumors of what there going to do then they don't

Ron Paul has the cleaned record in Congress.


Well-Known Member
He is the one that said Washington didn't change him, and he is correct. Get this, the reason he is being dismissed as a candidate is because he doesn't have the backing of the money people, they are afraid of what will happen if we stop trying to rule the world. Who controls the major contracts in this country?? Do the research. VV


Active Member
Look at these intelligent conversations we can have but people say that the herb makes you dumb far from if i do say so myself Hot N Sext Milf nows her shit and im pretty sure she smokes like every day dont we all well most of us


Active Member
why do we have to be the world police we were never appointed for the job. Our country trys to regulate everything like telling other countrys their not allowed to make nuclear bombs. why not doesn't our government do whatever they want. He just sends our troops to other counrys to get their faces blown off for the stupidest reasons. WE HAVE PROBLEMS IN OUR COUNTRY WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH.


Just some idiot
If I register republican and Ron Paul doesnt win the primary am I then forced to vote republican come election time? Ive been meaning to register but keep forgetting Im only 17 now but will be 18 when voting time comes. I think Im too late now so im kicking myself in the ass. If this country were populated by reasonable thinking individuals Ron Paul would be president.
Nope you can vote for who you want to. I'm a republican but I never voted for one for president and I never voted for a democrat according too many I've always thrown my vote away....


Well-Known Member
He is the one that said Washington didn't change him, and he is correct. Get this, the reason he is being dismissed as a candidate is because he doesn't have the backing of the money people, they are afraid of what will happen if we stop trying to rule the world. Who controls the major contracts in this country?? Do the research. VV
Thank you VV... that's why we're donating to Dr. Ron Paul today- so far we've raised 3.7 million today! Donate today, help us make history, and support the only honest candidate in the race..