AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Active Member
thats so wierd! i had a white widow drying in my closet recently and for like 2-3 days it smelled like barbeque sauce. So damn wierd. Fortuntaetly it went away after I began to cure it, and smells like herb now


Just some idiot
LOLOLOL! oh my god. breakfast. it only smells like it when you touch the plant and then smell your hand.
Sausage hands...ewwww. Just messing with you, plants are looking good. Is it as much fun as you thought it would be? You're also the one doing Big Bang next, correct? I want to try that soon, it'll be cool to see what that turns out like. Getting ahead of myself here, do you find yourself doing the same? Thinking ahead to the next grow, if so you might just have the bug you know the growers never goes away. This is when the pics get fun too, buds and what not.


Just some idiot
thats so wierd! i had a white widow drying in my closet recently and for like 2-3 days it smelled like barbeque sauce. So damn wierd. Fortuntaetly it went away after I began to cure it, and smells like herb now
LOL, never heard of that one either...I had a plant once that smelled like a new football, you know that raw hide smell? It was a crappy plant anyways but it was a weird smell. You two should cross those plants start a BBQ Sausage strain:mrgreen:


Too many brownies
ok as far as the funny smells go...ive had girls that smelled like nasty cat piss, hay, and rotting fruit.

They turn out good but that smell usually slightly carries on to the end product.

But for the most part my girls either smell citrusy, fruity, or skunky. (or a combo of the different scents)


Well-Known Member
ASIDE from the Sausage.... Does anyone think I should do the flora kleen for an hour before changing the nutes.


Just some idiot
ASIDE from the Sausage.... Does anyone think I should do the flora kleen for an hour before changing the nutes.
sure it can't hurt, you can use it every change if you want. I use Clearex instead it says 20 minutes, as long as the Flora says an hour is good you can't hurt anything


Well-Known Member
yeah it says an hour.

Im running it right now.

I figured out what the tea stuff that i got for immunity is called if anyone cares, humtea.

^^picked up some of that too.

ALRIGHT well ill post pictures after im done with the actual water change.


Well-Known Member
i actually spoke to a tech at general hydroponics
called the 800 number on the site
he said that you could run it safely for 2 days to disolve all salts and stuff
but whatever if the bottle says an hour im sure that would be fine


Well-Known Member
look foward to seeing the pics, very informative grow! Keep thinkin about trying this method but im still just learning soil, i may stick to that.


Well-Known Member
Oh man! Ive been so busy with finals! I haven't had a chance to take any I will take some when I get home. Im at a friends house right now.


Oh yeah some of the little colas are getting little ball looking things in them, but theirs hairs fat hairs coming out of them ::shrug::


Well-Known Member
Right on Right on, I understand the whole final thing..Thing's get stressfull, but atleast you know how well they are doing considering your there mommy:)


Too many brownies
Oh man! Ive been so busy with finals! I haven't had a chance to take any I will take some when I get home. Im at a friends house right now.


Oh yeah some of the little colas are getting little ball looking things in them, but theirs hairs fat hairs coming out of them ::shrug::
If hairs are coming out of the ball looking things then those are calyxes, normal for a girl. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace: