I can't figure out the sex of this "free" seed?????????????????


Well-Known Member
Damm - hope he didn't have too much fun in my 'Amazon Women' room............ Oh, thanks for the quick reply.


Well-Known Member
I'm a newbie at this. I had a free seed from Speedy Seeds and have several clones of it also. I ordered female seeds and didin't even think that Speedy would send a male. I keep looking at all the pictures on the net on how to tell male from female, but you know, I just wasn't sure. It didn't look like my 2 northern lite x skunk girls, so I was suspicius. Just didn't want to throw out the darn thing since seeds are so expensive. Again, thanks for taking a look. I think now I should have a pretty good image in my brain on what a male really looks like, live and in person.


If you're doing an indoor grow, is it possible to keep him in another room? Take his pollen, dip a brush in it, brush it the lower extremities of a good plant to get more free seeds :)


Well-Known Member
Say what? You mean I could take the pollen from this "boy mystery seed" and put his pollen on my flowering NorthernLitexSkunk so then she'll make seeds? Are the seeds within the flower? Would I then have mystery seedxNorthenLightsxSkunk seeds? Does doing all this make the fertilized NorthenLitesxSkunk unsmokable????


New Member
Yep. You can do this, but be very careful only to pollinate what you want seeds in. It'll fucking spread like the plague. I reccomend keeping the pollinating away from your other girls entirely if possible.


Yes, you brush the pollen onto the flowers that you want to produce the seeds, and it'll produce TONS of seeds. It'll have the genetics of both parents, but unless you know the daddy, you can't garuntee the results.
Only brush GENTLY the lowest buds, because the flowers you brush WILL NOT BE SMOKABLE.


Well-Known Member
So if its not true, then why do people kill all there males and make such a big deal out of making sure to kill them right away?
I'm pretty sure he was talking about the stopping the production of thc he was talking about...


Well-Known Member
So if its not true, then why do people kill all there males and make such a big deal out of making sure to kill them right away?
Because most people only want seedless bud. Most people don't grow plants in a deliberate attempt to harvest seeds. Many people here sell the weed they grow and it's worth more without seeds. A male will pollinate a female resulting in a ton of seeds (Unless you do what was suggested earlier and very carefully pollinate only a single bud from a female plant). However, the plant will still continue to produce THC despite having been pollinated.

Case in point, all the people on this site that show off their awesome bagseed grows? Those seeds came from pollinated female plants - some of which produced really killer weed. Weed that continued to produce THC despite having been pollinated.


Well-Known Member
Before I started growing I used to get some really good Mexican midgrade stuff out of Austin. I used seeds from that to do my first couple of grows so I wouldnt waste a lot of money when I killed them. What made it was good smoke.

They could grow some good weed in Mexico, the potential is there. But they let it go to seed and then dont harvest and dry it right. They dont manicure or cure it for shit either. Next step is to crush it between sheets of plywood by driving over it with heavy vehicles. Then, get to work with a chainsaw, and you have a brick you need a chisel to break up.
YUM YUM:spew:


Im not disputing what ffd2blk said, but I was always told that once pollination occurs the plant begins to use all its resources producing seeds and that THC production stopped or slows heavily. Please dont think im trying to pick a fight but from personal experience I have never had any weed with seeds that I would say was above average, and all the above average weed I have smoked/seen/smelt/lusted after, had no seeds.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the sticky resin, (tricks) are formed to protect the plant from bugs and uv rays, that keeps going even after pollination , the plant wants to protect the seed until they are finished