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found this... no cheating and looking up the answer riddleme:

Suppose you die and awaken in a room with two doors and one guard at each door. A voice speaks to you and tells you that one door leads to eternity in Heaven and one door leads to an eternity in Hell. You are allowed to approach a guard and ask him a question and only one question that will help you determine which door to choose since the doors are unlabeled and you are unable to look through a door before entering.

However, you are also told that one of the guards ALWAYS lies and one ALWAYS tells the truth, and you cannot know which one is which.

What question do you ask so that, no matter which guard you ask (remember, you CANNOT know which one you are asking), you get an answer that guarantees that you choose the correct door?

which door would the other guard point to? is the question you ask
ok so i was informed young plants do not need a dark period. so what i was wondering is for seedlings and young plants how much will this really increase growth and how long before you put the lights on a timer for 18/6???

Like was already stated, go with 18/6 you'll be happy you did

okay thanks Ill probably go out and get sum type of potting soil dis week; and what is root spinout?

root spinout is when the tips of the roots hit the edge of the pot and follow it in a circular pattern

roots smell like squash and then leaves wilt. dwc hydro technaflora nutes. plz help

have to wait for SL (or others) as I don't do hydro?
found this... no cheating and looking up the answer riddleme:

Suppose you die and awaken in a room with two doors and one guard at each door. A voice speaks to you and tells you that one door leads to eternity in Heaven and one door leads to an eternity in Hell. You are allowed to approach a guard and ask him a question and only one question that will help you determine which door to choose since the doors are unlabeled and you are unable to look through a door before entering.

However, you are also told that one of the guards ALWAYS lies and one ALWAYS tells the truth, and you cannot know which one is which.

What question do you ask so that, no matter which guard you ask (remember, you CANNOT know which one you are asking), you get an answer that guarantees that you choose the correct door?

which door would the other guard point to? is the question you ask

Ask one of the guards what door the other guard would recommend and than you know it will be the other door.

The explanation is that, if it is the guard that lies you speak to, he will also lie this instance. So while he knows the other guard would recommend you the right door, he will lie and tell you the wrong door. Now if you have the guard that speaks the truth he knows the other guard will recommend you the wrong door when asked and he is truthful so he will inform you about which door he recommends and you know you have to pick the other door. So with the question "What door will the other guard recommend" you can break the deadlock.
Hey Riddle, can you take a look at this girl? I let her dry out a little last week.(celebrating birthday!) Watered them with 1/2 strength cal/mag because of the R/O water.
I am worried about the bud leaves. They are a looking clawed up like it may be a ph thing going on. I have been keeping my water at 6.5 and I don't have a meter, just the fish tank drop's. My soil should be buffered pretty well with dolomite so I don't think it should be giving me grief?

Anyway what do ya think? Should I let it ride itself out of maybe give her a flush with just straight water. I am worried about a deficiency starting with her because she has really grown and the medium they are planted in is heavy pete and coco choir.

Thanks for your time.

Hey Riddle, can you take a look at this girl? I let her dry out a little last week.(celebrating birthday!) Watered them with 1/2 strength cal/mag because of the R/O water.
I am worried about the bud leaves. They are a looking clawed up like it may be a ph thing going on. I have been keeping my water at 6.5 and I don't have a meter, just the fish tank drop's. My soil should be buffered pretty well with dolomite so I don't think it should be giving me grief?

Anyway what do ya think? Should I let it ride itself out of maybe give her a flush with just straight water. I am worried about a deficiency starting with her because she has really grown and the medium they are planted in is heavy pete and coco choir.

Thanks for your time.


advise that you water the next 3 times without nutes, cause while it looks like they are overwatered (shuting down transpiring) it could also be the begining of too much N or nitrogen toxicity and if I'm right no nutes for the next 3 waterings will show improvement
I'm Just Using Some Universal Soil Called Asef With Osmocote Time Released Nutes In It But The Burning Is Just Cauz my Lamp Got Caught Up In My Plant And Burned Down The Top Leaves A Little
I'm Just Using Some Universal Soil Called Asef With Osmocote Time Released Nutes In It But The Burning Is Just Cauz my Lamp Got Caught Up In My Plant And Burned Down The Top Leaves A Little

does,t look like light burn, but I'll take your word for it

time released nutes will give you problems you'll want to get away from them
Is this normal? I assume this is a good sign, but a sign of what?

24/0, 400w MH @ 18" with Mylar all round.


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What Kind Of Problem ? I'm A Total Noob So i Just Picked The Soil I had At Home

time released nutes are released everytime you water, so overwatering becomes a huge problem but also as you start to feed em you have a higher chance of nute burn and lockouts and your possible ways of fixing these problems is reduced as well
time released nutes are released everytime you water, so overwatering becomes a huge problem but also as you start to feed em you have a higher chance of nute burn and lockouts and your possible ways of fixing these problems is reduced as well

Well I Only Water 1/Day And Is It Possible To Make It Grow Without Buying Nutes Cauz I'm 500% Broke
Well I Only Water 1/Day And Is It Possible To Make It Grow Without Buying Nutes Cauz I'm 500% Broke

watering once a day is a bad thing as well should only water when the plant wants/needs it

need to learn to read your plants, it will grow it just won't be all it can be