it's probably been asked before, but I need help asap!


ooook, I'm sure these questions have been asked before as I've seen the 101 already asked questions thread, but I just want some help specifically for my little project. I'm trying to just do a test grow on some seeds from some really good stuff my friend gave me. I've semi-converted a basement closet into a newbie grow room. I've blocked off the growing side with some black tarp and then lined the walls with foil.

Now here's where I just don't know....Do I need an exhaust that leads out of the room? because there's no windows or doors near where they'll be growing. I've seen drawings of intake stuff and out take or something like that. and what kind of wattage do I need for 6 plants, which is the amount I'm going to try. How am I supposed to know when to water them, or give them food, and how much of the food do I give it. and how do I keep the bugs away. It is in a basement closet, but from what I've seen, there's just some spiders. Do I need to trim it and how often do I need to do that and how do I know what to trim?

I'm really just looking for any help I can possibly get. I can take a photo of what I'm working with and post it later. I guess I just feel like a pregnant teenager, I have no freaking clue what I'm doing. This is just kind of a new little project my friend and I decided on and we have been trying to plan it for a few weeks now. we did however, buy a bunch of organic stuff because we didn't know what was best. Any insight at all would be helpful for us. we're trying to keep it low key and low cost since this isn't that big of a grow. thanks in advance!


Active Member
Im extremely sorry you are in such a hurry that you feel we should come and design your grow for you. Understand we are also tending plants and had to learn ourselves.

The only way to learn is to read. I know you dont want to, or you would have already but even if i answer all your questions you will just be back asking when to water next, then how much nutes to use, then what temps, then whats your yield gonna be, then how do you switch to flower, then you will ask if they are ready to harvest....

I grew my first grow without a single flesh and blood human ever laying hands or eyes on my grow. I learned everything on here by reading peoples grows who were doing the same as me. I also check the "new posts" section every time i come here, to see what new info i can find!

Basically, foil is a nono it will burn your plants, you can exhaust the box into the room, wattage is up to you, the most you can afford..for 6 plants you could use a 1000w, or a 400w, or a lot of cfls...what type do you want? 600w are generally agreed to be the most far as light per watt is concerned anyways.

Are you growing in soil? If so you will water them when the top inch or so of soil is dry. and by dry i mean dust, not damp! Its not as simple as saying "on day 4 you will put 4 mg of this in this" - You need to know the signs the plant uses to tell you its thirsty, or hot, or if you just burnt the root tips off with straight nitrogen! Read journals, and look at pics.

Theres a whole corner of this site for grow journals...the names are pretty easy to will want to start with something like:
scrog - 6 plants - 600w growbox - look those up and read a whole lot. Before you know it you will enjoy the reading part and be shaking your own head at the guy who comes along and asks you to set their grow up from scratch..when you spent god knows how many hours researching that same thing lol.

6 plants, 600w of light, a well ventilated box, and the right knowledge and you will have some awesome smoke...Just start a journal here and people will offer help anytime...

Once you have set the box up, or planned your plans, and people can help you troubleshoot..but you still did the work!

Dont wanna be an ass, but im saying this more politely than most do, and trying to explain why its the way it is...flame if you must but id rather you didnt :P


ps. The thread you saw probably answers every question you have...and it would take LESS time to skim over that than it would to wait for someone motivated enough to e-babysit your weed for you lol.


ooook, I'm sure these questions have been asked before as I've seen the 101 already asked questions thread, but I just want some help specifically for my little project. I'm trying to just do a test grow on some seeds from some really good stuff my friend gave me. I've semi-converted a basement closet into a newbie grow room. I've blocked off the growing side with some black tarp and then lined the walls with foil.

Now here's where I just don't know....Do I need an exhaust that leads out of the room? because there's no windows or doors near where they'll be growing. I've seen drawings of intake stuff and out take or something like that. and what kind of wattage do I need for 6 plants, which is the amount I'm going to try. How am I supposed to know when to water them, or give them food, and how much of the food do I give it. and how do I keep the bugs away. It is in a basement closet, but from what I've seen, there's just some spiders. Do I need to trim it and how often do I need to do that and how do I know what to trim?

I'm really just looking for any help I can possibly get. I can take a photo of what I'm working with and post it later. I guess I just feel like a pregnant teenager, I have no freaking clue what I'm doing. This is just kind of a new little project my friend and I decided on and we have been trying to plan it for a few weeks now. we did however, buy a bunch of organic stuff because we didn't know what was best. Any insight at all would be helpful for us. we're trying to keep it low key and low cost since this isn't that big of a grow. thanks in advance!
Okay, this is a lot of questions for folks to answer. But, hey, I got some time, though I'm going to point you to some other directions and resources to answer all of your questions.

You don't 'need' anything until your plants say you do. That's a good rule to follow. Some plant setups need venting, some don't. If your plants start to stress, then it's time to change things up.

Most of the time, the plants will do well when there are only a few to start off. I'm assuming you're not trying to start an entire basement full. That's just too much for a newbie.

I'd suggest checking out some links like these:

There are plenty of other links and sites you can use too. Use them! The internet is the best place ever for advice on growing. And you can find advice you can trust when you're not asking other growers - look for sites that are informative.

And read good books - "Marijuana Horticulture" by Cervantes is the best, IMHO.

Most of the time, you'd just going to have to address problems as they come up, not necessarily before they get started. That's what most people here use the boards for. You can post a question about bugs and get it answered pretty quickly. But there's really no reason to learn about these things ahead of time.

Things you need to know how:

*Don't make things too complicated.
*Use less water than too much
*Use high quality nutes - Advanced Nutrients is my favorite.
*Keep your grow room as clean as possible
*Watch your plants to see how they react to things you do.

(And don't worry about the cranky ones here. Though it wouldn't hurt to try to learn a little bit on your own, k?)


Well-Known Member
i grow in 3 gallon buckets full of perlite. get a plastic mop bucket or waste bucket ,can't be clear,.(walmart has 2 gallon square ones for $2) put a 7/16 hole(about the size of a pencil) in it 2 inches from the bottom , fill the bucket with perlite (walmart bag fills a 3 gallon bucket perfect $7) put your seedling or clone right into it and water can just bury the rockwool starter or peat puck in the perlite(walmart has a humidity dome with 72 peat pucks for $6 it says jiffy on it)...this is mimicing your roots hitting ground water,its like a soil hydro mix kind so easy to grow this way ..i ph my water to 5.8 but 5.6-6 is good i use low nutes for veg like 200ppm every other water or 2.for flowering 600ppm every water till it looks like it needs more or follow your nute feeding schedual .....
at first add a cup or 2 of water every day (keeps the top wetter until the roots grow to the bottom) then you can top it off until you get water at the hole 2 inches from the bottom,you can water every day or once a week just don't let the bottom get too dry,its that easy.if you add too much nutes and start seeing nute burn just add a gallon of nuteless water and its fixed..anything else just pm me



Well-Known Member
what foil did you line the walls with? tin foil is bad..i would get a 100ft roll of panda film from a local hydro shop or ebay $100 for a 100x10 roll i line the walls, floor, and ceiling with it ..

get an oscillating fan to blow on the plants and a box fan for an exhaust..

light...if you can spend some cash get a 1000w cool tube perfect for 6-10 me with the amount you get from your first harvest you will think the power usage was well worth it..its really not that much more anyway but you can save by going around your house and replacing all your light bulbs with cfl's then your power bill won't even change.

go to ebay and get the cheapest ppm meter and ph meter about $15 each but you need them..

nutes...i use advanced nutrients but fox farms and general hydroponics have very good stuff as well i'm not into organic but my Buddie is and his stuff is not any better then mine so flush good at the end and you'll be fine.

when you decide if you can get a good light or not pm me either way if your going with floros or cfl's or something makes a difference in how we set up..ok


Well-Known Member
bugs...there are so many kinds just keep clean and pm me as soon as you think you see something or post up some pics and ask.the faster the better.some use neem oil just as a preventative i use the hot shot pest strips with every grow just in case..


Well-Known Member
if you have an electric hot water heater turn it down 10 degrees or so the day you start using your lights this will help the power bill not go up along with the cfl replacing and any other cut backs you can find. more light is better so try to get a 1000w cool tube and a eye hortilux super hps bulb it cost more but its worth it.