Need Help! My freind is stuck on A High.


Well its been about more than a week now that my freind has been high, he went over to a freinds house who smoke weed do coke and meth sometimes..he came over a few days ago to chill and hes been acting high as if he had done the shit instantly, he sits in a corner by himself or cant stop moving, talks and laughs byhimself and trys to fight with everyone. his been high ever since last week his parents took him to hospital and they didnt do nothing. me and my freinds are starting to suspect he got stuck, meaning he got high and cant come back down from it. shit is sad for us, i wanted to see if anybody cant help me out and give me some advice in helping him come back down to reality.
Im not bsing this shit is real and im just asking if anybody has seen something like this and has seen people return from it, because ive seen a few people who are old and still high have not been able to return from their last high... thats what truly scares me.
well thx for all the help i just thought the Roll It up community would be more helpfull. but thx anyways..
My budy went nuts for 3 years, but he took 14 caps, back in the days when 1 cap was enough to make you crap your pants.
well what he told us was that he did a few lines i think G, but what im thinking it was maybe laced with something because he keeps triping i jsut went looking for him a little while ago, his parents told me hes acting psycho and hes acting like he lost his mind and he did the drug last friday!.
Damn. Maybe pCp?

thats what am thinking, hes acting like a true crackhead man, we dont know what to do imma smoke him out with some kush tommorow see if he changes. if not imma let him unleash his anger and let him fight me. if that dont work ama talk to psychologist at school, see what he tells me.
maybe the problem is your friend is a fried out junkie that lies to cover his ass. and you i must say are a sucker for buying his shit, you obviously dont understand the nature of the chemicals your friend is consuming. dont be naive, for your friend's sake a little tuff love is in order. also, the whole "getting stuck high" thing makes me a little suspicious your 5-0 or havent been smoking weed long if at all. shit, i WISH i could get stuck high, prolly save me a lot more money. if your looking for help with a junkie id imagine would be more useful than

good luck. ja bless.
you should tell you boy to stop fuckin with that shit and if he doesnt you should remove him from your list of friends.
he will only bring you down.
maybe the problem is your friend is a fried out junkie that lies to cover his ass. and you i must say are a sucker for buying his shit, you obviously dont understand the nature of the chemicals your friend is consuming. dont be naive, for your friend's sake a little tuff love is in order. also, the whole "getting stuck high" thing makes me a little suspicious your 5-0 or havent been smoking weed long if at all. shit, i WISH i could get stuck high, prolly save me a lot more money. if your looking for help with a junkie id imagine would be more useful than

good luck. ja bless.

Thx. i will try that site. its just that you can tell a lie from the truth when its a freind that you consider like a brother. he loves weed the other bullshit is some random shit he does, because of peer pressure i imagine. and what do you mean by "freid out" is that the same terminology i use for "Stuck", i mean i know shrooms can leave people stuck on trips that they cant come back from at times ive read a few articles, but can other drugs get people stuck on a trip as well ...
i have seen this happen to someone mixing speed prozac weed and alcohol on a regular basis when they were not that used to it before. They had to cart hime from out dorms in straight jacket! Non violent but gone in the head. I think prozac and speed set it off. Like skitz o phrenia.
He goes into rages suddenly and talks and laughs in the corner? Maybe he got his hands on a benzo script and has dem hidden or opiate rage. Just guesses.
yeah i know man he doesnt do it often thats what suprised me, he try it and got stuck, almost like the same feeling you get with salvia high, that you want the high to end sometimes because its so powerfull you believe in your mind its gonna last forever, but yet it stops.
A peer of mine was doing shrooms constantly and got stuck in her trip for months. Her parents entered her in a mental hospital, I don't know what she went through, but she's outa it now. I wouldn't say she's back to normal though, she stuck on zani bars now. @_@

Don't know what to tell ya man.
thats exactly what im talking about. acting like a skitzo has multiple personalities. im also thinking that maybe some chemicals in his brain might of develop some sort of mental disorder.

like earlier their was a song playing (its going down tonight) and he started telling himself remeber that one time hahaha then he had a blank look on his face and started to mke weird sounds...
yeah im sure he will end up there this kid is loose on the streets and it aint safe around here hope the cops get him first and gets a mental evaluation. or jumps back to reality.