Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
hey Solo...thanks for sharing that....I'll read the entire piece. 'preciate that a lot, thanks! :hump:
"After many years of first-hand experience breeding herb indoors as well as outdoors, I am of the opinion that the two most influential factors involving phenotypic variation and expression among current indoor herb breeding projects are the photoperiod (hours of light per day) and the angle of light in relationship to the growing plant.

Specifically, I find the single most powerful influence to the Indica dominant phenotype is the traditional 18/6 veggie cycle and 12/12 flowering cycle. The 18/6 veggie and 12/12 flower cycle is an attempt, however poor, to mimic the Indica-producing photoperiod. It is my belief that this light cycle strongly influences for Indica phenotypic expression.

Sativa phenotype characteristics will manifest under a more equatorial photoperiod, closer to a 13/11 veggie cycle and an 11/13 flower cycle. This is the light timing range to use to elicit more Sativa dominant expression from your plants.

As for the exact photoperiod formula that I incorporate into my growing/breeding regime, this will presently remain a trade secret. My advice is to experiment with different photoperiods, keep good notes and pay attention. Avoid the 18/6 and 12/12 photoperiods, while tweaking the times a bit differently with each breeding cycle until more desirable results in the finished product and their offspring are noted. Here's a hint: work in half-hour increments or a little less, and good luck" - Dj Short

Link to entire article:
Breeding tips


New Member
I read a thread here somewhere a while back, it might have skunk talking about benefits of 12.5/11.5, I could not find it though. I have had mine 12.5/11.5 for a week...can't tell any difference yet. your right this is fun...lol:mrgreen:
The fact that you can't see any difference yet should help you at least realise that you are doing no harm.

This is not something you'll be able to see, until the end of harvest... but the more light you give your plants the more food you are giving them... the more they can photosynthesise and produce bud.


Well-Known Member
hey Skunk.....I agree with the real ewvidence coming at the end of the journey...... but as with other processes, is there a threshold?, like with ur pot sizes and root/aboveground development?....is there a limit....? I know you mentioned to me about the absolute requirement for dark. I suppose I'm gonna find out to some degree with going to 14/10....:blsmoke:
The fact that you can't see any difference yet should help you at least realise that you are doing no harm.

This is not something you'll be able to see, until the end of harvest... but the more light you give your plants the more food you are giving them... the more they can photosynthesise and produce bud.


New Member
I have noticed one thing the in last couple of days. Before I changed the light cycle, the leaves just hung there...not drooping just "normal", now the smaller leaves seem to be turning and twisting to aim themselves at the bigger lights.


Well-Known Member
The quote and the article found behind the link I posted above are excepted from "Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis" by DJ Short

If you haven't read it yet, I recommend it highly. It isn't your run-of-the-milll abc's of growing in your basement book. The author is a well respected breeder of fine weed, and is credited with, among others, the Blueberry strain. He glosses over the essentials of growing, but spends quality time describing his breeding methods and ideas. Older stoners will appreciate the historical perspective he offers in his review of the original landrace varieties.

You can likely find this book at your local Border's. It's quite compact, and easily read over a cup of coffee or two, but I bet you'll bring it home if you get halfway through it.



Well-Known Member
excellent Solo....muchly appreciated.....I will follow up as you have suggested. Thanks again. :blsmoke:
The quote and the article found behind the link I posted above are excepted from "Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis" by DJ Short

If you haven't read it yet, I recommend it highly. It isn't your run-of-the-milll abc's of growing in your basement book. The author is a well respected breeder of fine weed, and is credited with, among others, the Blueberry strain. He glosses over the essentials of growing, but spends quality time describing his breeding methods and ideas. Older stoners will appreciate the historical perspective he offers in his review of the original landrace varieties.

You can likey find this book at your local Border's. It's quite compact, and easily read over a cup of coffee or two, but I bet you'll bring it home if you get halfway through it.



Well-Known Member
well....a young man has fallen, 36 days young was he, but he has taken one for the team, and laid his soul to rest allowing those that follow a fuller, richer, and buddilicious existence - smellier, gooyier, and more powerful in their intended pupose.

In falling, several momento pics were taken, to honour his sacrifice, and to be instructive to those that wish to ID balls in progress.

ENJOY..with a moment of silence........



Well-Known Member
hope ya got that bastard out early tahoe,,I started with 9 on my first grow of Big Bud,,and 7 went male,,leaving me with 2 hermies in the end,,sorry for your loss man,,now you know what I say:mrgreen: before I sign my nick

(Keep on Growin)



Well-Known Member
hahahaha hey HoLE...thanks for you continued support. Yea he's done...and the girls breathed a sign of relief....he was already starting to bug the sh*t out of them girlies....they are much happier...and I am too...for having made the decision... cheers! walk on! :blsmoke:
hope ya got that bastard out early tahoe,,I started with 9 on my first grow of Big Bud,,and 7 went male,,leaving me with 2 hermies in the end,,sorry for your loss man,,now you know what I say:mrgreen: before I sign my nick

(Keep on Growin)



Well-Known Member
hahahaha...yupppers.....I am very glad that I did that....peace once again without hoodlums raising hell with the girls!


New Member
I agree LDB. At first I was a bit disappointed that I got a variety mix that was unlabelled but I know that I do have a variety. I can tell by just looking at all the different leaves and varieties of greens.:blsmoke::peace: I am not sure how many different strains I have but it will be interesting to try and figure them out.

Nice variaty of smoke there. I think I need to stop growing just one strain at a time. I need to mix it up some.


New Member
Hey Tahoe. I read that you are going to Banff in a while. Thats awesome. If you don't answer I will know you left already.
I was wondering who is going to look after your plants.:roll:
I'm sure you have taken care of that already.:-|
I really hope you have a great time and happy holidays Tahoe!!!!:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
hey girl....just went for the weekend....a Christmas party....its only a 45 minute drive....it was awesome....plants pretty much take care of themselves....they are....just....growing.....and I seem to just be an observer in the process....waiting....and waiting.....and waiting......oh well...waiting is theraputic right?! at least what I still keep telling myself....hahahahaha:mrgreen:
Hey Tahoe. I read that you are going to Banff in a while. Thats awesome. If you don't answer I will know you left already.
I was wondering who is going to look after your plants.:roll:
I'm sure you have taken care of that already.:-|
I really hope you have a great time and happy holidays Tahoe!!!!:blsmoke::peace:


New Member
Hey Tahoe!!! I hear you GOT BALLS!!!:hump:
Well I'll just leave them with you. :lol:bongsmilie
Sorry Tahoe. I just couldn't resist. :twisted:;-)

hey girl....just went for the weekend....a Christmas party....its only a 45 minute drive....it was awesome....plants pretty much take care of themselves....they are....just....growing.....and I seem to just be an observer in the process....waiting....and waiting.....and waiting......oh well...waiting is theraputic right?! at least what I still keep telling myself....hahahahaha:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha....yea....took care of that one rogue young man....and had him escorted out of the building stage left....the girls are all happy again....no nagging teasing balls hanging around....only sweet pungent odour of flowers and resin......I'll post some pics maybe tonight if I get a moment.....the Top44 is almost 25" tall this moring, and the two remaining BigBuds are also doing very well. The six clones of the Top44 are doing well....I am just waiting for the roots to show, and I'll throw them into their pots, and away we go again. I'm gonna do these 24/0.....and see what happens.... have a great day! :peace:
Hey Tahoe!!! I hear you GOT BALLS!!!:hump:
Well I'll just leave them with you. :lol:bongsmilie
Sorry Tahoe. I just couldn't resist. :twisted:;-)
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