I think mice got my plants

Buzzin like a bumble bee

Well-Known Member
So last year I had some mother plants outdoors, and I got some chicken wire to put around them. The chicken wire was 3 feet tall, but had about a 2 inch wide gap between each wire. It was too small of a gap for a squirrel or rabbit, so I was thinking that it was mice? The thing is, the plant would get nibbled each day, and there would be no evidence of where the plant went! Do mice use the branches and flowers for something? Also, the stem looked pretty chewed up. I cant think of any other animal that could fit through that chicken wire. So what do you guys think it was?

Also, what do you guys recommend....Mouse traps? Poison? Or something else?
I checked up on this mothball thing I see alot of people recommending and its a Horrible idea.

Not only will Mothballs kill your micro-heard. The toxic chemical in mothballs will also bond to your soil and cause problems with nutrient uptake. It could take years for the soil to right itself.

If you throw these things around the perimeter of the garden they will leech down into your water table and screw up the soil.
well your not obviously going to put them in a perfect circle with a 1ft radius.if anything scatter them a good 15 to 20ft away from your garden.
I'm using soap and moth balls and still having problems. I lost a plant earlier in the week and not sure what it was. Nothing was eaten, just looked uprooted. I blamed it on the wind since it was really windy last week. Today when I went to a different plot, it looks like something small was digging in my soil. No damage this time, but have no idea what the hell it could have been looking for! It crossed my mind just to throw a bunch of poison out and just wipe out everything in the area, but that seems a little drastic. Instead I bought some cayenne pepper and garlic powder and mixed like 3 tablespoons each into like a quart of water and sprayed it all around. Hopefully this helps. I was thinking about putting some on the foliage, but I don't know if pepper will harm the plant. That liquid fence stuff is nothing but pepper and garlic, with some egg, so I figured I'd make my own minus the egg.

Most of my plants are about a foot and a half high. At what point can you stop worrying about animals? I know they can nibble all year, but I'm talking about complete destruction. I'm thinking once everything comes into full bloom they will have other food sources and leave it alone.

I did pee around the spot and it didnt help. Poison or traps????

I Don't think pee works. Human piss doesn't contain any pheromones or anything like that.