can i expect purple buds ?


Well-Known Member
i have a "Top44" in 4th week of flowering, sadly no buds on her yet but .. my night temps are getting around 12-13 degrees celcius which is 55-56 Farenheit , what do use think?


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the color of the buds.
ive never heard of top44.
4 weeks in 12/12 and not a pre flower or nothin?

what kinda lights do you have?


Well-Known Member
yeah I would be stressed the fuck out after 2 weeks and I didnt see any flowers. Your strain has alot to do with your bud turning purple. that would be the perfect temp though if your genetics are strong


Well-Known Member
wait theres heaps of pistils"hairs" but thats just it hairs atm , i transplanted at first week flowering lol but thats another topic.


Well-Known Member
hmm , i thought it was alittle slow , when i saw the last 2 journals at week 4 ppl had decent nugs but i thought they were just talking shit , guess something really is wrong .. especially for one of the fastest strains in the world. i use a 250 hps. ill post up some pictures tommorow , i have 2 in my albums but there a week old.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any light leakage when they are in dark cycle. Easy to check. Turn off all light's and have a look to see if any outside light is penatrating the grow area. If you have any light coming in then this significantly will slow down the flowering of the plant's.

Also the plant's in the pic's look to have a Nitroged deff. But if there in flower this will be a Magnesium/calsium deff.

Hope that help's



Well-Known Member
nope no light leakage + my lights are off when im sleeping so deffenetly no leakage , my plants had abit of nitro deff b4 i put them into flower"which i shouldnt of done" and i switched to flower nutes asap when i switched 12/12 , i should of stayed on veg nutes for the extra 2 weeks to save some nitrogen
I don't know anything about this strain but i'll throw in my 2 cents. The buds are coming along, sure a little slow but the thin look of the leaves makes me think there could be strong sativa genetics in that plant which may cause it to take a very long time to finish. as for the purple color the few plants I have had turn purple only did so during the last 3 weeks of flowering, so it could still happen don't give up. If you really want purple buds try using purple maxx they claim 1/3 of all plants will purple with use but I dont know how good it really works.


Active Member
and you way to early in flowering to have the leaves that yellow if you dont belive me well here some words from uncle ben

Fertilizers - I don’t use “cannabis specific” plant foods for many reasons. If you do, make sure you’re able to find the NPK and micro values and understand the relationship between those elements. An overage of one element over another will create an antagonistic affect. For example, too much K tends to create a deficiency of N, Ca, and Mg.

Foliage production - Grow for the most amount of foliage you can going into the flowering response. Maintain those leaves in a green and healthy condition up until harvest, even if it means switching fertilizer to a high N value, like a 9-3-6.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about this strain but i'll throw in my 2 cents. The buds are coming along, sure a little slow but the thin look of the leaves makes me think there could be strong sativa genetics in that plant which may cause it to take a very long time to finish. as for the purple color the few plants I have had turn purple only did so during the last 3 weeks of flowering, so it could still happen don't give up. If you really want purple buds try using purple maxx they claim 1/3 of all plants will purple with use but I dont know how good it really works.
yeah top 44 is sativa , but its known commercially as the fastest flowering sativa ..6weeks they have on seedbank , so its alittle quicker then most indicas...just not in this case


Well-Known Member
and you way to early in flowering to have the leaves that yellow if you dont belive me well here some words from uncle ben
so what i should switch to veg nutes then ? the plant was kinda yellow on the bottom b4 i even enterd the flowering stage from a light nitro deff.


Well-Known Member
atm i have it on canna coco 2 part nutes +big yeild additive whish contains hormones and trace elements +another flowering additive thats has vitamins etc