Club 600

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I finally finished chopping the rest of the malawi 99 and the sour cream after work today. I have a good half ounce of fluff bud for hash along with the trimmings of the four girls. I moved my 12/12 from seed under the hps lights and I'm using the tent to dry the buds. Here's a rundown before zipping up the tent. I also have a bunch more bud inside a brown bag and some more sitting on top of the bag. I am very pleased with the harvest.

The strawberry haze is the first two rows on the left, the arjan's haze is in the middle and the malawi 99 is on the right but being a bit obscured by the remainder of the sour cream. If she smokes half as good as she smells, I'll be in heaven with this malawi.

I forgot about the two nice little balls of scissor hash, one from yesterday which we promptly smoked and another one today for me since I finished the chop myself. Looks, smells, tastes and works just like the black hash I used to smoke...forty years ago...ouch!


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Some of the closeups are stunning. My question is do you guys use a special lens to get such good closeups?

Thanks DST, your girls are lookin' great too. Sorry but RUI won't let me share the rep with you yet.


Well-Known Member
Whats up 600 just a lazy coy pastey from my journal. Heading out to gods country again with locco for some guilly suited gardening lol. Im sorry to report that im putting all growing under my 600s on hold till the winter months. I hope im still welcome in the club. Yall my friends and i cant leave my homies. Ill post a few pics now and then of the guerilla patches. Heres a couple pics from my journal update.

Here we go folks just wainting on the Lemon skunk. Its rooting so only a few days maybe a week and ill be ready to force these 5 to show sex. Then its on like donkey kong. I do belive ill be shutting down the flower veg portion of the room simply because my power bill is gonna be huge if i keep the AC and both lights running. That and hot weather is on the way so that lil AC unit wont be able to keep the temps down. I Think im gonna hang a couple floro hoods where the 600s are once i get enough clones. The floro hoods are cheap to run and dont put out hardly any heat. They will still give the plants enough light to grow but probly not nearly as fast as they are under these BAD ASS 600s.

Once winter 2010 arrives ill be doing a full scale hydroponic scrog and the heat in the winter is not an issue at all. Its stays just perfect in the room with the 2 600s fired up. And its not as smelly too. :leaf:

Time for a cold beer and some good ole red meat. I built this bbq pit yesterday in my back yard. I guess i got a bit artistic with it. It only took me about 20 min to slap it together with some leftover granite slabs i had laying around and a few block.

Thats it for now from the badman. Going on a adventure into the wilds of gods country tommorow with my dog loco. Be back soon with some more pics and rants for that ass. Peace :weed: 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Some of the closeups are stunning. My question is do you guys use a special lens to get such good closeups?

Thanks DST, your girls are lookin' great too. Sorry but RUI won't let me share the rep with you yet.
i shoot with a canon rebel xsi,its 12.2mp,has a 18-55mm zoom lens "nothing to crazy its all stock"..when shooting close ups u wanna shoot on macro mode "lil flower on ur camera"..stay as far away from the bud and zoom in as much as u can,then work ur way in with the camera if u still wanna get closer!


Well-Known Member
they look soo good right now....the red meat that is,i'm high as hell...that 99 looking good to,hell all of it looks good...what the hell am i talking about.everything always looks good in here.
dam im high..


Well-Known Member
To dst and heads up great lookin plants and nice harvest heads up looks very tasty indeed. also godfrey my grower didnt say anything about hash to me nor did i think to ask. i usally always have hash though some how.the other day he gave me some bottom of the bag of the last jackripper or frost cant remember about a half o and i made some hash out of it, he pretty much will give me whatever i ask for as long its not huge amounts every other day. i have hash that i made with permafrost trim, some shishkaberry trim and some jack bottom of the bag buds and man is the hash potent and taste with all the different types in theri. i feeel my new grower is very cool and is already hookin me up so im happy now. also i am getting an o jackfrost or ripper in the next few days from his indoor harvest he just had so im excited got about half a p and still gettin weed. my shishkaberry is still curring and smells more potent by the day


Well-Known Member
ahhh i cant wait to make hash now!!!! :D got my buckets today! i need to buy a new egg beater "old one burnt out" anything work better than egg beaters for bubble hash?!? i was thinking of checking home depot for a plaster/mud mixer,and slaping that on a drill!..anyone have good tools/ideas for bubble hash? throw them my way as this will only be my second time makein bubble hash! :D


Active Member
Mortar paddle at Home Depot is the shit. Just watch the side of the bags.
Still no fuckin check. But my girl got one today. I am now the proud father of seven new girls and a tankful of gas. I leave in the morning for the outdoor. 4 Mazar's,1 Hindu Kush,1 Bubba Kush,1 Og Kush,and 5 Recon's. 12 altogether. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
I guess I am old skool, I still use a wooden spoon. I like to use that because it feels like I have more control, I can also scrape down the sides, and manipulate the mulch easy...but that's me, I like to get a bit of exercise!!
Re the photos, like GG said HeadsUp, most cameras have that flower on them....and unless you got a wide mm range you need to stay around 25cm away to get the best results (mine is a 18-55mm) Really want to get up to a 100mm lens. Actually I want the Canon D7 if I am truthfull...but will need to make me some extra cash first for that!!

Good luck with the road trip Godfrey.

Have a good weekend folks,



mr west

Well-Known Member
I got a 300mm lense for my canon but u need to put it on the trypod and stand 3m away from ur subject. I use my 18-55 instead its as good with out the faffing lol. D i keep reading ppl saying sorry to hear bout thelma, so did i miss a post bout thelma?


Well-Known Member
np man! those shooting with digital slr's, if uwanna save $ for a lens,any 2.8 lens from a 18-55mm zoom to a 300-700mm are bad ass lenses...really expensive but im saving for one! :D they take amazing shots!...anyways GUESS WHAT TODAY IS!!!!

MT Marijuana

Active Member
Saturday smoke day??
Did I win a gold star??

Watched Blood Into Wine last night. It's a pretty funny/informative biography about maynard keenan's vineyard in AZ. I recommend it to any Tool fan or vino fan out there.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yep i'm with heads up, thats exactly how i had mine till i upgraded to seperate ventilation for the aircooled light (which knocked a couple of oC off :))


Well-Known Member
harvesting 3 of my ladies today! :D ..did 1 of the purps so far,I FUCKING HATE HARVESTING! ...ahhh soo many leaves to clip off FML! hands/wrist cramp up real easy so im gunna be takein smoke breaks inbetween each plant! :D