My second grow, any ideas? work in progress


Well-Known Member
Can you explain your light cycle to me again? am i right in thinking that you're not doing it 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark, if not why not and what is your reason?


Active Member
My flowering tent is 12/12.
My veg room is 4hour/30min because I need em to only grow 1" a week and this only gives em 2 n half hours light a day slowing growth but stops em from flowering. (or thats the idea, lol)

Its a bit of an experiment but seems to work as intended!


Active Member
I love experiments aswell, got a MAD ass one comming soon!!!!!

I want to see if the MJ plant has a resonant frequency that increases growth!

Using a frequency generator and amplifier linked to this,

An aura bass shaker! (I had one as a kid and it gave me the idea) bolted to the root chamber to shake at a set frequency.........

hehe, I am a bit of a mad scientist


Active Member


Active Member
Ta m8, + rep to ya 2 :-)

Im takin em of of chemical nutes now, going for 2-3 weeks of organics to get some flavor in. Then a sweet flush of blackstrap molasses to finish. :weed:
sounds good mate what organics you going to use


Active Member
naah, no journal yet(still figuring the site out)

ill get some pics together and set a journal up. Been reading too many posts and studying to take pics/make journal,lol

Good luck to ya!


Active Member
naah, no journal yet(still figuring the site out)

ill get some pics together and set a journal up. Been reading too many posts and studying to take pics/make journal,lol

Good luck to ya!
lol, when ya do ill pop in. :-)


Active Member
So went to my fav grow shop, wilkinsons. lol

Got some organic nutes to brew for tea.

VitalEarth's - Chicken poo,
Sourced from happy hens! (lets hope that helps, lol)
4-3-2 (+trace elements and humus)

Wilko's - fish,blood & bone,

Wilko's - bonemeal,

And one of them cheap soil PH testers, I test the run off but more tests is better!

I still need to find some bat poo and blackstrap molasses, dont have any idea where to get bat poo? and think I will have to substitute molasses for treacle.


Active Member
bahh, don't get the moisture meter...those damn things suck! just the pH broth...Just lift the damn thing up and see if it's still heavy...looky there, just saved ya 5 bucks bwahahahahah...getting ready to's she looking this morning?