Well-Known Member
is it getting tight for room in there now? i reckon its gonna be mental in there in a couple of weeks. I can't wait to see the madness
is it getting tight for room in there now? i reckon its gonna be mental in there in a couple of weeks. I can't wait to see the madness
What is the one in the middle? it looks a bit cheesy, you should have something cheesy coz you're growing cheese and sensi sk1 is what cheese is.
It does look crazy in there mate
not necissarily but close in a way... all cannabis plants are different but require the same things to survive in essentiality.. ie NPK and all the other essential elements and nutrients and what not... just because something is the same strain doesnt necissarily mean it will like the same but theres a good chance of it...LOL, the one in the middle, there are about 5 in the middle........
Apparently GHS cheese is a cross between skunk #1 and an afghani, so nearly same. I figured if I grow similar strains then nute needs/size will be near same?
sell a few of the weaker clones to some buddys. make a little room and a little change. and keep the light cylce regular
If you keep em in small pots that will slow em down a bit, but make sure you get some run off so that you don't get a build up of unused nutes. Well thats what i do anyway lol my timing is awful, i'm always having to slow things down and rush things in veg. but i've only got one plant in flower atm and 3 small mothers (cheese, psychosis and livers) coz i'm stopping for a while. i've enough bud buried in the woods to last me over a year so i think its taking an unnessecary risk to keep at it. Yes i bury it lol i don't like having too much in the house just in case. The reason i'm keeping the mums is coz i've some nice genetics that took a while to get and i don't wanna lose them and i don't know anyone to keep them going for me