How do YOU flush?


Active Member
Hey guys, well it has come to that lovely time again when I will be starting the flush process - should be taking a harvest in about 2 weeks. What do you think is the best method of flushing for normal soil grows????

So far I've been taking the plants out of the grow room, walking them over to the sink area, and flushing at the sink (not with tap water). Isn't there a better way to do this?? I'm thinking all of this moving probably stresses the plant, not to mention the heavy buds make the plant sway about when walking them over to the sink. Also, it's really inconvenient and laborious for me having to do this for each plant. Has anyone come up with a better way of doing this?? I would love to hear any ideas since I'm sorta dreading doing this again, for both my plants' and my own sake. Thanks!

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I dont flush at all, i cut off nutes 2-3 weeks before harvest. Never had a harsh or chemical taste to my dried and cured buds.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm not totally sold on flushing (at least for organic grows)
So What I did was water once with triple the pot volume in water
then just water regularly for another week before chop


Well-Known Member
well it means different things to different people

to some it means just water to some it means water and molasses
to some its for one week to some its for two weeks
and some dont flush
some flush with chemacals and water
some flush in sink with runming 3 times the amount of water as pot size through soil
some fill tube and dip the pot completly 2 or 3 times
i grow organic and still flush no food last 2 weeks molasses instead last week no liquids at all just light beginning of week last 3 days before chop is dark and dry you must come up with your own system like everything else 25 ways to do the same thing do what works for you

good luck
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