G-Force LED closet grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments Azoo and XxNinjaxX shows what a bit of reading gets you and a hell of a lot of good luck lol


Well-Known Member
1 mistake i have done so far is not sorting out my extraction system, awkward now the timers on 12/12 especially as i've got the lights on overnight to help with temp fluctuations, i'll have to move her and keep her in the dark so i can install it, underestimated the increase in smell when change the light pattern over have to do it asap ah well more work to do keep me busy anyway.


Well-Known Member
1 mistake i have done so far is not sorting out my extraction system, awkward now the timers on 12/12 especially as i've got the lights on overnight to help with temp fluctuations, i'll have to move her and keep her in the dark so i can install it, underestimated the increase in smell when change the light pattern over have to do it asap ah well more work to do keep me busy anyway.
Haha, there is always more work to do.. I think it impossible to have a completely automated system.. There are too many variables, if you think u have it all right and can walk away n not look at it, then something will most likely go wrong on you.. It's Murphy's Law :wall:


Well-Known Member
Lookin really nice smokeyjoes, they're lookin really compact and well colored :)

At I agree with XxNinjaxX, Murphy's Law is definitely a true one! ..unfortunately. haha


Well-Known Member
Be no fun anyway, but i prefer it this way keeps the mind busy and gives my hands something to do while waiting for the buds to show.

Can't wait to see them flower.

How many days does it normally take after going 12 to show?


Well-Known Member
I really couldn't tell ya, I'd imagine a week or two, depending on strain. Every time I've grown it's always been at maturity in veg, which was roughly 6 weeks for my ladies. I would imagine you should start to see preflowers after a week. And then week and a half you should see pistils coming up everywhere. Unless it's a boy then you see nanners. If you do, pick him RIGHT away. Don't wanna pollinate your ladies. :)


Well-Known Member
I've ordered my extraction system so that'll go in when it arrives, nothing fancy just venting to outside, will have timer set to blow out 15 mins everyhour should be enough and will help draw some fresh air inside, so i won't have to open the closet as often.

Also ordered some cfl's and sunmate reflector with easy rolls to make things a bit neater in there.

Planning on a refit after this grow and sorting all electrics out so all neat and tidy looks a mess at the moment and still have the extractor to go in yet, ah well not a problem be better for second grow.

talking about second grow anyone recommend any nice seeds for next grow, was thinking a white widow?

will take some pics later and put them up still in dark at mo.


Well-Known Member
4 days into flowering no signs of flowers but very early yet. last pic shows some of the new shoots coming from the LST'd shoots still worried about final height but first grow learning curve, new lights will give me more room when they arrive, and if all else fails i can always put lights around the side if she does get too tall.

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Just made a temporary reflector to bounce the light back to my little girl rather than going upwards do for a couple of days until new light and reflecter arrives.


Well-Known Member
She's been on 12/12 for 9 days no signs of any flowers yet will just have to wait.

Topped a couple of the tallest shoots to allow more even canopy. One of them was the one i FIM'd but obviously didn't cut low enough into the new shoot to work.

Cleaned up the canopy a bit and took off a few of the lower fan leaves they were blocking light getting to the new shoots.


Well-Known Member
You probably shouldn't top anymore since soon the plant will stop growing and start producing buds.

Normally when you initiate flowering you don't want to mess with them much or there is possibility of getting hermies. This includes topping, training, repotting, etc etc.

But you should be just fine if they're still growing


Well-Known Member
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She's looking good (I think), she's had a feed at half dose and she loved it picked her up nicely.

I've had to remove some of the lower fan leaves partly to increase air flow and also to allow the light to get to some of the new growth, should see the new tops getting a bit more strength now they have light on them.

No signs of flowers yet but still time, would be nice to see some tho :-(. Might be a bit short of light power still waiting for new light to arrive at mo she only got 90watts of 2700K cfl. Wish my 250watt would arrive so can get it in there. Think I'd see some more action then.

She's a little wet in photo's just had a misting of water over her leaves.

Been back in the closet see if she was drying out after the misting, might have seen first signs of white hairs will take photos and if clear enough post for you to see and confirm they are flowers ;-).


Well-Known Member
Are these first signs of flowers developing look like little white hairs seem to be more than i thought at first but hard to take photo as so small.

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In the 1st photo she looks a bit strange that was the shoot i tried to FIM but i didn't cut far enough for it to work.


Well-Known Member
Well been another 24hrs since noticed first signs of female flowers more now at the top of the shoots so convinced myself that these are flowers i'm very happy now roll on the buds developing.


Well-Known Member
Been a litle busy so no updates possible for a few days

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Lots more flowers now and grown a bit as well, hope doesn't grow too tall i'll run out of headroom. temps been at 80ish for a few days fans on full but very warm weather just have to keep as cool as I can.

Exhaust now in and wiring tidied up.


Well-Known Member
Eventually getting new CFL and reflector 2moro. Moron's who were delivering couldn't find the address on the delivery note because it's a new estate. But i'm collecting it instead now to save the time of re-posting. Was originally planning on keeping the LED's while i had CFL's on but don't think make too much difference, still might add one where she's growing slower as a boost.

Photos to follow later as she is doing well and no photos been posted for a while.

Also picking up some new nutes tomorrow as they could really do with some flowering food, help to fill up the buds a bit.


Well-Known Member
Under her new 250watt 2700k CFL, lights slightly high for photo taking,

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Also has had a feed of Bio Canna Flores should do the buds some good.

Now new light is in the extractor fan will get the ducting extended to the top of the closet to take away the hotter air from the top.

temps while lights on 29degC Humidity before feeding 45% ( prob gone up with watering )


Well-Known Member
15 Days since flowers showed, 26 days 12/12

Also added one of the LED's back in to help a couple of the smaller shoots catch up to the rest to even up the canopy i hope anyway.

I think she's looking lovely for a first grow, my long time growing friend very impressed with how she's doing.

Had a water only water last night, nutes next water.