Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow


Active Member
NICE Jerry!! Haven't gotten a chance to read the whole thread just looked at this page, you have done well. Whats up with the sleeskunk? i have never heard of it, tell me about it or refer me to the right page:-P

With your new 600 watt system you will be more than impressed, i upgraded from 250 to 400 and was amazed by the difference, so going from 360 to 600 you will notice the huge boost in growth and yield of the end product. Congrats!!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
The Sleeskunk is just what I call it. It is Sleestack x Skunk from DNA...I got the attitude promo a few months ago that gave away 3 reg seeds each of OG18 x Skunk, Sleestack x Skunk, Kandy Kush x Skunk, Kushberry x Skunk and LA Confidential x Skunk. 15 free seeds is a pretty good deal, and now they sell some of the crosses for a pretty penny...

Anyway, I had a failed sleestack x skunk in a party cup grow that I gave up on a while back, but ended up getting a couple grams of the plant. Even those neglected couple of grams tasted very fruity, so I am pretty excited to see what she can do.

Thanks for the positive comments about the has been a pain in the ass to bring together, but at the end of the day everyone will be better for it!


Active Member
Sounds good, damn I missed that sale with attitude, I got both the GHS and the Barneys farm one though. You still have that purple pheno of chiesel around or did you not take a clone? I would love to get my hands on that!!

The Sleeskunk is just what I call it. It is Sleestack x Skunk from DNA...I got the attitude promo a few months ago that gave away 3 reg seeds each of OG18 x Skunk, Sleestack x Skunk, Kandy Kush x Skunk, Kushberry x Skunk and LA Confidential x Skunk. 15 free seeds is a pretty good deal, and now they sell some of the crosses for a pretty penny...

Anyway, I had a failed sleestack x skunk in a party cup grow that I gave up on a while back, but ended up getting a couple grams of the plant. Even those neglected couple of grams tasted very fruity, so I am pretty excited to see what she can do.

Thanks for the positive comments about the has been a pain in the ass to bring together, but at the end of the day everyone will be better for it!


Well-Known Member
Hey Jerry whats up, looking to seeing what you make of the difference with the 600 HPS

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Well Tatan, it's only been a few days, so I don't notice much difference yet, except it gets pretty hot. I've managed to keep the temp around 85 though, which is fine.

I have noticed the power kush starting to plump out a bit, though it is very close to being harvested. I'll get some pics tonight when the lights come back on.

Also, not sure if I mentioned this already or not, but I took 3 Super Lemon Haze clones a couple days ago. I had planned on stopping the grow after the plants vegging now completed flowering, but I thought I might really like the SLH given all the wonderful things I hear about it, so I said fuck it, I'll take some clones. I mean, you can't have enough Cannabis Cup winning buds lying around, right?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Oh and Cracker, I do still have the purple pheno Chiesel going plant in veg at the moment...I might take another clone or two of that as well, just because I love it so much and would hate to lose it.

But really, I'm going to stop growing sometime soon until I move...just keep telling myself that...


Active Member
Keep telling yourself that, haha.:cool:

Oh and Cracker, I do still have the purple pheno Chiesel going plant in veg at the moment...I might take another clone or two of that as well, just because I love it so much and would hate to lose it.

But really, I'm going to stop growing sometime soon until I move...just keep telling myself that...


Well-Known Member
Well Tatan, it's only been a few days, so I don't notice much difference yet, except it gets pretty hot. I've managed to keep the temp around 85 though, which is fine.

I have noticed the power kush starting to plump out a bit, though it is very close to being harvested. I'll get some pics tonight when the lights come back on.

Also, not sure if I mentioned this already or not, but I took 3 Super Lemon Haze clones a couple days ago. I had planned on stopping the grow after the plants vegging now completed flowering, but I thought I might really like the SLH given all the wonderful things I hear about it, so I said fuck it, I'll take some clones. I mean, you can't have enough Cannabis Cup winning buds lying around, right?
Super Lemon Haze... omg that will be awesome.. that plant is mostly sativa right ?


Well-Known Member
LOL @ you'll stop growing soon. I do hope you have someone to keep all those clones going.
....looking awesome. :peace:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So I had a nice long detailed post with pics and colorful commentary all ready to go until I accidentally closed the wrong tab and lost it all. Sigh. I'll try again, but probably with less verbiage.

Tatan...I'm sure the SLH has some sativa, but I have no clue how much. Everything is more or less a hybrid these days anyway. She does have some pretty narrow leaves though.

Flower Pics
OG18xSkunk. Yellowing a bit, but I don't really care. This plant has been tough to appropriately feed being so large in such a small pot. Doing fine though.

Should be pretty descent buds though when all is said and done.

Chiesel. This plant is noticeably affected by the 600w addition (in a positive way).

Purple is really starting to creep in now.

Highly resinous plant as well.

Sleeskunk. Still a little deformed as it recovers from the timer fiasco, and a little curly in the leaves as she is quite sensitive to nutrients, but otherwise doing fine. Smell taste is absolutely fantastic. Hope she fills out down the stalk a little ways.

This strain produces some very thick, curly pistils that I just love looking at. Very visually appealing trait.

LSD, a little deformed still.

Plenty of resin though.

Other LSD. Skinny. Hoping it fills out.

It it doesn't fill out, I may keep one or two buds and turn the rest into hash.

Looks like a good hash candidate to me.

Power Kush. Going to be my largest yield from a small black pot to date. Big Plants + Small Pots = Lots of Watering/Feeding/WORK.

Cola #1. Many white pistils, so lots of new growth taking place. Encouraging sign. This strain is fucking delicious (I'm smoking a bowl as I write this).

Other "smaller" cola. Both are pretty nice.

Super Lemon Haze. Has been supercropped, though you can't tell.

This one was also supercropped, but apparently not enough, as it just straightened out the knot and continued its eternal stretch. This strain will probably get tall.

Onto the Vegging Plants

Jack the R.I.Pper. Looking healthy.

Ready to flower, just waiting on me to flip the switch, and I'm just waiting on some other flowering plants to hurry up and finish already.

Little baby Chiesel tied down the other day.

Little Sleeskunk, also tied down a few days ago. Still growing a little wonky as I took the clone when the mother plant was flowering...note the fan leaves on the right with only 2 leaves lol...

OG18xSkunk. Responding quite well to the LST. I really only tied it down a day or two ago. It has some pretty serious branching going on.

Should produce some nice buds.

Finally, LSD. I supercropped her a couple weeks ago and snapped the stem almost completely in half. You can't quite see in the pic, but the upper portion was literally hanging by a thread. I just let it go for about a week and it healed up a nice little knot, so I tied it down and let the lower branches catch up some more.



Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
The flowering plants are rapidly nearing harvest. LSD(s), Sleeskunk and Power Kush will most likely all be harvested within the next week. OG18 Skunk and Chiesel both need a bit longer.

OG18 Skunk. Filling in finally.

Still a ways to go on this one.

Skinny LSD. She's coming down first I reckon.

Nice and resiny though.


Fox tailing a bit.

Tasty smoke.


My favorite

Very visually appealing too!

She is definitely the least affected by the light poisoning that mutated everyone else. Likes that 600w hps though.

Speaking of mutated...LSD

A far cry from my last batch of LSD...but resinous nonetheless

Big Bertha...aka...Power Kush

These are some very heavy buds

I'm guessing these two buds will probably weigh 1oz dried and cured. Now why can't they all grow like this?

Super Lemon Haze. Getting Super Stretchy.

Nice looking plant though.

But a little too big for her confines, so she got the supercrop. Again. Fuck this stupid stretch.

OG Kush. Even taller than the SLH.

She was taller anyway.

Veg room. Well, Flower Room #2 at the moment. I'm trying to finish off the last batch of flowering plants so I can throw this batch into the real flower room and move my clones to the veg room.

Clones. Left to Right...3 Super Lemon Haze (rooted), OG Kush (not rooted), Chiesel (not rooted).


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Well guys, it has been a month since my last update...where does the time go? Much has happened around here obviously. LSD, Chiesel, Power Kush, Sleeskunk and OG18xSkunk have all been long since harvested and have been curing for a couple weeks now.

Currently in flower, I have Super Lemon Haze, OG Kush, OG18xSkunk, Sleeskunk, LSD, Chiesel and Jack the Ripper. In veg I have 3 Super Lemon Haze, 1 Chiesel, and 1 JTR.

The SLH and OG both went to 12/12 on 5/4, so the've been flowering about a month and a half. The others are maybe a week behind.

SLH...she has gotten quite tall.

Should be a nice yielder though.

OG Kush. Also tall and smelling beautiful!

A lot of nice budsites on her too.

Not the best pic of LSD, but for only about a month flower she is doing fine.

Sleeskunk...not as promising as the last one I grew, but should be good anyway.

Chiesel. Still my favorite. I should only grow out this plant!

Love it.

OG18 Skunk...I could do without this one, but it is a nice yielder.

Finally JTR...this pheno I have likes to get stretchy and foxtaily...very much grows like a Sativa.

Forgot to get pics of the veg plants, but they are way less interesting anyway. I'll get some soon.

Please comment...I miss you guys!



Well-Known Member
I want to see some cured bud pictures.
...awesome growing, but the "cure" is what it's all about.:joint::joint::joint:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Ok, so it's been a long time since the last update again. Here's a brief rundown of what's new...

1) Veg room has turned into flower room #2 until OG Kush and Super Lemon Haze finish. I rigged up my 400w mh/hps and moved the veg room to a closet in another room.

2) I started 4 new seeds...Critical Jack, World of Seeds Afghan Kush, Pineapple Chunk and a Casey Jones bagseed (it was some killer bud...I got 5 seeds from 1 quarter in all, germinated 1). All these guys broke the soil about a week ago today. No pics this time...sorry.

3) Currently flowering under the 360w hps conversion bulb: Super Lemon Haze (3), Chiesel, Jack the Ripper, LSD (almost finished), Sleeskunk (needs to hurry up), and OG18xSkunk (I don't even like this plant).

4) Currently flowering under the 600w hps: OG Kush, Super Lemon Haze, Jack the Ripper, Chiesel.

That about sums it up. A rolling harvest will begin probably by the beginning of next week with the OG Kush. I could not be happier about this plant. The skunk cross freebies are alright (OG18 and Sleestack) but I'm over them. I have a rather deep pool of genetics at the moment to select from, but I have hard time letting strains go, even if they are not the best.

I only got pics of these three plants that happened to be out while the camera was at hand. OG Kush on left, Chiesel in the middle, Super Lemon Haze on the right.

Super Lemon Haze. Well into week 8 of flower and some buds are showing some serious amber trichomes already. Also experienced some pretty severe yellowing/leaf drop on this girl which undoubtedly hurt her yield. It received pretty much the same nutrients as the OG, which retained its leaves much better...I guess she is a heavy feeder.

Buds are looking alright...a bit on the small side but I guess it still has a few weeks to finish out. The jury is still out on this one, but I've got 3 more to take her place.

Trichomes are quite small on this plant, but she has plenty. Disregard the cat hair too...he likes to help me garden and get his hair in everything I own.

Reserva Privada OG Kush

This will be my yield champ without a doubt. Beautiful stinky dense buds that are very close to harvest.

This one has been supercropped into an "L" (unintentionally), and it got me thinking what other fun shapes or letters I could shape some buds into...I must be high.:roll:

Chiesel. Got a little burnt (from nutrients I think) but is pushing out tons of bud for a little plant.

That's all I got :leaf:

