So I had a nice long detailed post with pics and colorful commentary all ready to go until I accidentally closed the wrong tab and lost it all. Sigh. I'll try again, but probably with less verbiage.
Tatan...I'm sure the SLH has some sativa, but I have no clue how much. Everything is more or less a hybrid these days anyway. She does have some pretty narrow leaves though.
Flower Pics
OG18xSkunk. Yellowing a bit, but I don't really care. This plant has been tough to appropriately feed being so large in such a small pot. Doing fine though.
Should be pretty descent buds though when all is said and done.
Chiesel. This plant is noticeably affected by the 600w addition (in a positive way).
Purple is really starting to creep in now.
Highly resinous plant as well.
Sleeskunk. Still a little deformed as it recovers from the timer fiasco, and a little curly in the leaves as she is quite sensitive to nutrients, but otherwise doing fine. Smell taste is absolutely fantastic. Hope she fills out down the stalk a little ways.
This strain produces some very thick, curly pistils that I just love looking at. Very visually appealing trait.
LSD, a little deformed still.
Plenty of resin though.
Other LSD. Skinny. Hoping it fills out.
It it doesn't fill out, I may keep one or two buds and turn the rest into hash.
Looks like a good hash candidate to me.
Power Kush. Going to be my largest yield from a small black pot to date. Big Plants + Small Pots = Lots of Watering/Feeding/WORK.
Cola #1. Many white pistils, so lots of new growth taking place. Encouraging sign. This strain is fucking delicious (I'm smoking a bowl as I write this).
Other "smaller" cola. Both are pretty nice.
Super Lemon Haze. Has been supercropped, though you can't tell.
This one was also supercropped, but apparently not enough, as it just straightened out the knot and continued its eternal stretch. This strain will probably get tall.
Onto the Vegging Plants
Jack the R.I.Pper. Looking healthy.
Ready to flower, just waiting on me to flip the switch, and I'm just waiting on some other flowering plants to hurry up and finish already.
Little baby Chiesel tied down the other day.
Little Sleeskunk, also tied down a few days ago. Still growing a little wonky as I took the clone when the mother plant was flowering...note the fan leaves on the right with only 2 leaves lol...
OG18xSkunk. Responding quite well to the LST. I really only tied it down a day or two ago. It has some pretty serious branching going on.
Should produce some nice buds.
Finally, LSD. I supercropped her a couple weeks ago and snapped the stem almost completely in half. You can't quite see in the pic, but the upper portion was literally hanging by a thread. I just let it go for about a week and it healed up a nice little knot, so I tied it down and let the lower branches catch up some more.