Well-Known Member
Here we go again. You still don't understand evolution no matter how much you claim you do. If you weren't so stubborn and actually paid attention to what we post instead of reading it once, decide that it's just the same stuff you already know and jump ahead with your preconceived but incorrect ideas about evolution, maybe it would begin to sink in.No, nature would have to produce a series of highly precise changes to produce evolution. Not enough change would cause nothing and too much would simply cause extinction. Relative to the radical changes that take place, this would be like threading a needle thousands of times. It would require the perfect beneficial mutation combined with the perfect change in environment.
You might hate hearing it but it's true, your ideas about evolution continue to look and sound like straw men that creationists use and then do exactly what they do and ask for proof or evidence to for something that does not occur because is NOT HOW EVOLUTION WORKS.
So you admit it now, you took all of your biology courses at Bob Jones University.And changes in the environment are largely physical - an area floods or dries up. For evolution to occur, it would require the requisite physical mutation. ie fish growing legs or a land animal growing fins. Suppose a lake dries up and we assume there are fish that grew legs. What mutations occur for this to happen? Does one just develop an extra appendage that allows it to walk? If there is a series of small mutations, how is each small mutation significant enough to make a difference?
I'm not going to do the work for you again. Look up Tiktaalik, Sarcopterygii, Acanthostega, Pederpes
So I see you don't understand still that evolution works on populations.And not just that. It would also require that there were not a bunch of other things mucking up the works. If we suppose one fish has slightly longer pectoral fins as our first mutation, it could also be the case that this mutation occurs in a weak fish that still fails to outcompete stronger ones without the mutation.
What kind of science degree were you bragging about having again? Please tell me what school so I can make sure my friends and family don't send their kids there.
For about the umpteenth time...EVOLUTION IS NOT GOAL ORIENTED.
Do you need me to repeat it? You really need to quit thinking that way if you are going to understand it. You keep making up the rules that YOU think it should follow. That is why it is much more practical to look to historical events to get a better idea. Get back to me after you have researched the species I mentioned and examined the environment of modern day equivalents.