Salvia Divinorum- The most potent naturally-occuring substance


Well-Known Member
Shit is cash man. Even the low potency, 10X still gets you high. I smoked 2 bowls of it in my little pipe, and I tripped so hard I thought there was a room inside my buddy's laptop and I tried to run into it.

Luckily he moved the computer...

Salvia Divinorum Basic Facts:
Concentration ranges from 10X-80X (10x will get you high and 80X will fuck you up)
Also known as the divine sage, is most known for it's psychoactive properties.
Traditionally used as incense, I smoke it in a pipe. Cash.

Post your salvia induced trips here man!


Well-Known Member
I've had no luck with salvia on 10+ occasions. I wish it had an effect on me.
What concentration did you smoke and how did you smoke it?
You can also chew the leaves so the Salvia-A seeps into your mebrane through your mouth, it's supposed to be more effective then smokin


Well-Known Member
10x everytime except for one which was 40x. Bought them from different head shops. I smoked them all through a water bong. Took a huge rip and held it in.

Everytime when I exhale I would just laugh a lot for about 30 seconds. If I was standing up, I'd lose control of my knees and have to sit down or else I'd fall. After the laughing stopped I had no other effects :(

note: there were 4 of us. Only 2 had gotten passed the laughing.


Well-Known Member
10x everytime except for one which was 40x. Bought them from different head shops. I smoked them all through a water bong. Took a huge rip and held it in.

Everytime when I exhale I would just laugh a lot for about 30 seconds. If I was standing up, I'd lose control of my knees and have to sit down or else I'd fall. After the laughing stopped I had no other effects :(

note: there were 4 of us. Only 2 had gotten passed the laughing.
You need to get some 30X, and chew that shit in your mouth, but don't swallow it. Think of it as chewing tobacco. Eating it doesn't work like it works with eating weed, it has to soak in through the membrain of your mouth. If you do that, it will have a stronger effect then shrooms have. I woulden't advise chewing anything above 40, unless you want to be seing shit that isn't there for hours. Chewing alone already makes the trip longer
Also another thing you might want to try a regular pipe because Salvia needs a much higher temperature then weed to release it's compounds man like a torch lighter is the best thing to use.


Well-Known Member
I'll try chewing, but I think it's illegal in fl. now. I'll have to find an online vendor


Well-Known Member
In stead of trying on 10 occasions, keep trying alot of times on one occasion, sooner or later your resistance will melt.


Well-Known Member
In stead of trying on 10 occasions, keep trying alot of times on one occasion, sooner or later your resistance will melt.
This is actually pretty smart. Try taking 3 hits one right after the other. If you don't trip the first 2 hits, your body will be like putty for the salvia to mold you :)


Well-Known Member
True it is extremely powerful, but the doses are more in the 100mg level.

What he is describing is a substance that induces effect with the smallest amount of material. If you took mgs of salvorin-A you would have a very powerful experience.



Well-Known Member
In my opinion salvia is an order of magnitude harder experience than dmt... Think ACID crossed with PCP.


Well-Known Member
Does not matter

That's not true at all.
Care to explain or are you just going to leave a few vague comments and leave us hanging.... ???

Traditional methods

Mazatech shamans crush the leaves to extract leaf juices from about 20 to 80 (about 50g/2 oz to 200g/7 oz.) or more fresh leaves. They usually mix these juices with water to create an infusion or 'tea' which they drink to induce visions in ritual healing ceremonies.
Chewing and swallowing a large number of fresh leaves is the other Mazatec method. Oral consumption of the leaf makes the effects come on more slowly, over a period of 10 to 20 minutes. The experience, from the onset of effects, lasts from about 30 minutes up to one and a half hours.
Doses for chewing are vastly exceed doses used for smoking. By calculating the concentrations per leaf ("an average concentration of 2.45 mg per gram" of leaf]), the average weight per leaf ("about 50 g" per 20 leaves, or 2.5g/leaf), and the standard dose for chewing (about 8-28 leaves), the doses can range from about 50mg to 172mg (a few to many times more salvinorin A than consumed when smoking).


Dry leaves can be smoked in a pipe, but most users prefer the use of a water pipe to cool the smoke. The temperature required to release salvinorin from the plant material is quite high (about 240°C). A cooler flame will work, but the direct application of a more intense flame, such as that of a torch lighter, is often preferred.
Some find that untreated dry leaf produces unnoticeable or only light effects. Concentrated preparations or extracts which may be smoked in place of untreated leaves, have become widely available. The enhanced leaf is described by a number followed by an x (e.g. 5x, 10x), the multiplicative factors being generally indicative of the relative amounts of leaf concentrate, though there is no accepted standard for these claims.
However, these numbers may be roughly indicative of the relative concentration of the active princible, (salvinorin A), but the measure should not be taken as absolute. Overall extract potency will depend on the (naturally varying) strength of the untreated leaf used in preparing the extract, as well as the efficiency of the extraction process itself. Extracts reduce the overall amount of inhalations needed to ingest a given amount of active principle, thus facilitating more powerful experiences, proportionate to the concentration strength of the dried leaves.
If salvia is smoked, then the main effects are experienced quickly. The most intense 'peak' is reached within a minute or so and lasts for 1–5 minutes, followed by a gradual tapering off. At 5–10 minutes, less intense yet still noticeable effects typically persist, giving way to a returning sense of the everyday and familiar until back to baseline after about 15 to 20 minutes.

Quid chewing

The traditional method of chewing the leaves has continued in modern use. However, salvinorin A is generally considered to be inactive when orally ingested, as salvinorin A is effectively deactivated by the gastrointestinal system. Therefore, in what's understood to be a modern innovation, the 'quid' of leaves is held in the mouth as long as possible in order to facilitate absorption of the active constituents through the oral mucosa. 'Quid' refers to the fact that at the end of this method the user spits out the leaves rather than swallowing them because ingesting the leaves has no known effect. Chewing consumes more of the plant than smoking, and produces a longer-lasting experience.

information taken from Wikipedia


Well-Known Member
Care to explain or are you just going to leave a few vague comments and leave us hanging.... ???

Traditional methods

Mazatech shamans crush the leaves to extract leaf juices from about 20 to 80 (about 50g/2 oz to 200g/7 oz.) or more fresh leaves. They usually mix these juices with water to create an infusion or 'tea' which they drink to induce visions in ritual healing ceremonies.
Chewing and swallowing a large number of fresh leaves is the other Mazatec method. Oral consumption of the leaf makes the effects come on more slowly, over a period of 10 to 20 minutes. The experience, from the onset of effects, lasts from about 30 minutes up to one and a half hours.
Doses for chewing are vastly exceed doses used for smoking. By calculating the concentrations per leaf ("an average concentration of 2.45 mg per gram" of leaf]), the average weight per leaf ("about 50 g" per 20 leaves, or 2.5g/leaf), and the standard dose for chewing (about 8-28 leaves), the doses can range from about 50mg to 172mg (a few to many times more salvinorin A than consumed when smoking).


Dry leaves can be smoked in a pipe, but most users prefer the use of a water pipe to cool the smoke. The temperature required to release salvinorin from the plant material is quite high (about 240°C). A cooler flame will work, but the direct application of a more intense flame, such as that of a torch lighter, is often preferred.
Some find that untreated dry leaf produces unnoticeable or only light effects. Concentrated preparations or extracts which may be smoked in place of untreated leaves, have become widely available. The enhanced leaf is described by a number followed by an x (e.g. 5x, 10x), the multiplicative factors being generally indicative of the relative amounts of leaf concentrate, though there is no accepted standard for these claims.
However, these numbers may be roughly indicative of the relative concentration of the active princible, (salvinorin A), but the measure should not be taken as absolute. Overall extract potency will depend on the (naturally varying) strength of the untreated leaf used in preparing the extract, as well as the efficiency of the extraction process itself. Extracts reduce the overall amount of inhalations needed to ingest a given amount of active principle, thus facilitating more powerful experiences, proportionate to the concentration strength of the dried leaves.
If salvia is smoked, then the main effects are experienced quickly. The most intense 'peak' is reached within a minute or so and lasts for 1–5 minutes, followed by a gradual tapering off. At 5–10 minutes, less intense yet still noticeable effects typically persist, giving way to a returning sense of the everyday and familiar until back to baseline after about 15 to 20 minutes.

Quid chewing

The traditional method of chewing the leaves has continued in modern use. However, salvinorin A is generally considered to be inactive when orally ingested, as salvinorin A is effectively deactivated by the gastrointestinal system. Therefore, in what's understood to be a modern innovation, the 'quid' of leaves is held in the mouth as long as possible in order to facilitate absorption of the active constituents through the oral mucosa. 'Quid' refers to the fact that at the end of this method the user spits out the leaves rather than swallowing them because ingesting the leaves has no known effect. Chewing consumes more of the plant than smoking, and produces a longer-lasting experience.

information taken from Wikipedia
I'm not arguing with you, because I don't know... but I would find a more reputable source than wikipedia.


Well-Known Member
Chewing is the prefered method with safety proven over thousands of years....
Smokeing salvia is a new thing.... And quite often a rather chaotic useless experience.