My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

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Thanks man, No arms not better yet, about 60%
If I would just rest it for a few days straight I suppose it would heal faster. I'm almost done, then I got all summer for it to heal.
Thanks man, Yea, they say Rome wasn't built in a day.
It was a pretty big project but I just took it one thing at a time and with a little help from my friends, Its really there.

Every morning I get my Coffee and go out there now. Its a great place.
Wow! I can hardly believe that was a bare patch of dirt not so long ago, and we've watched it become a greenhouse! You're amazing!
Thanks man, Yea, they say Rome wasn't built in a day.
It was a pretty big project but I just took it one thing at a time and with a little help from my friends, Its really there.

Every morning I get my Coffee and go out there now. Its a great place.

Hell yea!! coffee and a bowl 30 mins to a hour with the girls in the morning great way to get the day started.
does staying in there long enough increase the CO2 concentration in the green house noticeably?

does the run off water from the smaller pots drain into the large smart pots?
yea i know how ya feel im out in mine all the time. Its funny i cant smell it any more, but girl friend can smell before i open the door. lol
Damn cruzer almost looks like you built an add on to your house.Your gonna have some huge trees in there.Cant wait to see what you can do under the sun.
does staying in there long enough increase the CO2 concentration in the green house noticeably?

does the run off water from the smaller pots drain into the large smart pots?

I doubt the short time I am in there makes any difference on the co2 level.
Yes it does. Keeps the bottom of the soil in the small post moist but the reason they are like that is I want to see how they do before I transplant them.

yea i know how ya feel im out in mine all the time. Its funny i cant smell it any more, but girl friend can smell before i open the door. lol

Ha! like my cab. it vents outside and people say you can smell it from the driveway sometimes. I never smell it though.

Damn cruzer almost looks like you built an add on to your house.Your gonna have some huge trees in there.Cant wait to see what you can do under the sun.

Yea it almost scary huh. Sherwood forest, LOL (just saw the new Robin Hood)
Thanks man.
hey cruzer. wish i woulda seen this closer to the start. haven't been on this site as much lately. i'm clear back at seven, trying to read through. i did a greenhouse last year and documented. strange grow involving thieves, police, investigators. i had to raise the greenhouse up 2 feet late in the season becuz the plants overgrew it. got a dog to keep thieves at bay, dog kills neighbor dogs, city sentences dog to death, i incur $2400 in fines and bills. cops dont do shit about thieves, they just say,"we dont know what to do?" " this marijuana thing was just thrown on us." fucking cops. jeez!!!! anyways, i will catch up and be saying a little prayer that you won't have any bumps in the path off your "greenhouse grow 2010".

p.s. for a salesman, you have excellent craftsmanship. i can tell you are motivated, and passionate. your skills remind me of GTO.
Oh shit.

Man I'm sorry to hear about your dog. I went and read your journal.
Neighbors dogs are threating your son and your dog escapes his area to protect his own. He attacks two dogs at once.
Yes my friend, you had a champion, even if it was only for a short time.

Fucking city, Dog deserved a metal.

Thanks for the compliment. I do take pride in my work.
I just couldn't do it for a living, its hard work. But this, I figure I am only gonna build this once so I want to build it right.
Love the greenhouse man, and the progress i saw in your video looks great too. I tried to look but i couldn't find it, Did you stay within your $800 Budget? im thinking of building one at my future residence and yours is exactly what i was thinking of building, size and setup wise anyway. Thanks man and cant wait to see all those ladies start poppin some nice big colas!
Thanks man, $800? nope, passed that by a bit. I guess you could go bare bones and do it for the $800.
I kept adding things so with all the added extras I passed $1200 and that was while back LOL

Have you checked out the grow man? I posted the updates on the build there. The link is in my sig.
looking good man. one thing i wanna say is to be frank with your neighbors. you said you told one that it was a veggie greenhouse. come august they will absolutely smell the reefer. i could smell mine from 100 feet if the wind was right. i found that when i told my neighbors the truth about my greenhouse, they viewed me as someone that needed it. instead of being that horrible criminal growing pot in their neighborhood, i was the nice, broken body kid that lives next door. i found that people will actually look out for you. I'm sure this sounds naive', but i think at times it may be the best route. this does not apply, if you got some 20's punks living close. they will surely attempt to rip you off. got some security tricks for you later.
Thanks Cap.
When I said I was vegging I meant vegging during the summer. The winter and spring grows will be vegged indoors.
Yes this will be used for flowering the plants as well. Although I have chosen strains that have a berry or fruity smell I do realize there will be an odor. the overhead exhaust I am hoping when run through charcoal filter will help with that. (pics in the grow journal) I appreciate your honesty with your neighbors and see how that would be helpful but in my case the least amount of people knowing the better. I am perfectly legal. Let the cops come. I dont care. I just dont want to be ripped off.

I just got an IP cam and i'm playing around with it. Although it says it takes pics in 1 lux unless there is plenty of light you cant see anything. I look forward to any security suggestions you may have. Looking at this I will probably go CCTV
that cam is prolly IR based, most low light cams are.....
not infra red like you see in the movies, where everything is green and yellow... more like black and white, like you would see in military footage from the gulf wars....

to make it see in the dark, you need IR leds... invisible to the naked eye, they will cast a 'spotlight' only the camera (and you behind the monitor) can see.

some low light cams have them built in, looks like a bunch of dark led's around the lense. you can find them @ sams club and home depot pretty cheap.

another hint- though ip based cams are nice, whats even better is an ip based DVR.... an ip based dvr not only lets you view multiple cams using just one IP, it also records the images for later use... like handing them over to law enforcement, or to that thug you hire to rip the balls off of whoever cleaned you out.there are literally dozens of options to play with, one of my favorites is setting up a 'motion capture zone' for a camera, or series of cameras. its pretty simple, you point the cam @ whatever you want it too look @, then using the dvr controls, you can draw an outline, or box, of just about any shape, over the image the camera is capturing... then, from that point on, if anything moves inside the capture zone, the camera instantly starts recording..... some dvr's are so good at this they have whats called 'follow me' mode, using more than one camera, the first time movement is captured, the dvr uses logic to literally 'follow' the intruder through the series of installed cameras... kind of like the sequence of shots you see edited together for news clip, the dvr does the editing for you, as it happens... there's alot more you can do... covert cams, cams set up to alert you via cell/txt, etc etc....... even 'fake' cameras, or dummies, placed in a highly visible location, can be twice as effective of keeping out intruders as a backyard full of dogs.
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