drying outdoors??

Nothing like drying your natural grown bud in the natural air, i would just take them and hangem up on a clothes line, if you dont have a clothes line, trying using a long tree branch.
I'm going to dry my outdoor crop in a 5x5x5 foot deer hunting ground blind out in the woods. It's basically a camouflaged tent with zip open dark mesh windows. The window mesh is dark so you can't see into it, but it will still let proper air flow through and keep out the rain. Best part is it is where i hunt, no one else hunts there and I'm out there a lot during the fall anyway. Space could be an issue, depending on how much I harvest in the end. My other idea is to use a brown tarp as a roof and string the plants up underneath, using the trees around it as anchors. Hope this helps, Good Luck!
I help with a few crops in the hills and we usually find 4 trees whose trunks sort of form a 4-point square/rectangle then we nail ten foot 2x4's between them perpendicularly (sp?) and pound in like 30 nails on each side, then run string between all the nails and pull it tight. I agree that when we dry the weed outside the cure is just fuckin awesome. Real fresh mountain air is good for you and your buds :) Anyway heres a pic (from underneath) of about 25 pounds of Maui hanging out in the woods.


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ive heard you can just hang it upside down in the trees (in the shade)an it will dry, not the best, but its camo an would work good,.

Or just Manicrue it realy good an put it in cage in a tree?
WOW 25 pounds of Maui. Outstanding! And dried outside, goodgagamoo man. My hat is off.:peace:

Lol thanks that is only 1/3 of the Maui crop. Not to mention the Hindu Kush crop and the Pineapple crop, so on and so on....but sadly, this is not my weed :( I help a few people out every year and I get to take cool photos like this to show to you people :) For what its worth, this guy grows 75-150lbs every year and, weather permitting, he dries every single bud outside in the fresh air.
What about the critters? Seems all too easy for a deer (or a few) to just come up and get blitzed off all the bud s/he wants. And bugs and diseases? I would imagine that a basically dead piece of plant matter would be a treat for all the aspects involved in decomposition. Plus, do they dry quicker outside?
I either have to do this or find a buddy who owns a place and trade him some bud for the drying space. I'd prefer not giving up some bud, and I like the idea of fresh air drying my buds.
Well for what its worth, what an inspiration to me. I can at this point only dream about stuff like that, imagine 150 pounds, that would be like seeing a million dollars in cash WOW! Well keep taking the photos, they sure do help, thank you...:peace:
There's a downside to drying outdoors.

It bleaches the buds.

Direct, and even reflected sunlight destroys THC.

A couple seasons, all my plants finished at once. I normally stagger my drying over a couple of months.

Anyway, I dried some plants hanging in a greenhouse, wrapped in black plastic, with the bottom of the "tent" left open for ventilation.

The buds were badly bleached.

What I'm saying is the best cure is done slowly in a dark environment.
There's a downside to drying outdoors.

What I'm saying is the best cure is done slowly in a dark environment.

Word. The bud outside in the breeze dries faster than inside by a couple days. As far as critters - we've seen deer, rabbits, bear, raccoons, all kinds of vegetation eating animals up on the hill, but never once have we found a hanging bud been to have been chomped by a creature :)
I was thinking bout building a 3ft wideX3ft longx 4ft tall box in the woods rite b4 harvest. Then cut some squares in the sides n make it so some small computer fans pull out the air from inside to the outside and hook them to a battery and go and replace it with a recharded one. THese fans wood just circulate air and would not blow directlt on the bud. Anyone think this would work? I tried it but with a much, much smaller box.
idk bro, im no expert on that kinna stuff,, but it sounds like something mothernature would want us ta do...lol.
im really considering trying this...but shiit, since tha light would decompose tha thc would it be smart tah js leave it out over night n bring it inside before tha sun comes up ??,,cause i wake up that time ta get ready for school anywayys..so it wouldnt be much of a bitch ta do... n then dry it in tha dark while its inside so that its in tha dark all tha time n dries faster because of the outdoor night breezes ???.....thanks.
no wild animals are interested in buds that much i never have probs with animals once the plants starts budding. i agree indoor drying is best i dont dry 150lbs or else i probly would have to. you want it dark breezy,with about 40% humidity but things never go as planned for me either.