Help!!!! 5th week flower!! Pictures!!!!

RooR RippeR

Active Member
Alright i watered my plants on saturday and i come and check on it today and all the top of the leaves are brown/twisted/dry on the topped plant but the other one is ok as of right now. also all the bottom ones are drooping. im guessing the water i had must havent been so good but my other plant is still green so idk. please someone help!!!!! will i make it to harvest?!?!!



Well-Known Member
cant say if u will make it to harvest but if i was u i would flush if u think its the water then its best to wash it out the soil but cant say id ull make it or not


Active Member
hard to believe that happened in one day.
did u water with battary acid. i think this problem may have been for a few weeks.
go back and check all measurments for a mistake

RooR RippeR

Active Member
hard to believe that happened in one day.
did u water with battary acid. i think this problem may have been for a few weeks.
go back and check all measurments for a mistake
lol i used tap water that has been sitting under the sun for a week and if you can count saturday was almost 3 days ago.

RooR RippeR

Active Member
What are your temps???
the temps are pretty high can reach up in the mid 90s. but i have a a/c running running on and off throughout the day to keep the temps lower. but if temps are the problem shouldnt my other plant be responding to the heat also?


Well-Known Member
Are they from the same mother plant???If not....plants are different...some can take more than me it looks like heat stress.....put your temp gauge at the top where the plant is exhibiting the problem and see what temperature you have at canopy level......

RooR RippeR

Active Member
Are they from the same mother plant???If not....plants are different...some can take more than me it looks like heat stress.....put your temp gauge at the top where the plant is exhibiting the problem and see what temperature you have at canopy level......
i got the gauge at the canopy and the plants are the same strain.


Well-Known Member
Same strain....but are they from the same mother??......even plants that are the same strain can have different needs.....hence different pheno types......


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats what I figured.....thats why I mentioned different pheno types......when leaves twist and cup upwards it is usually a sign of heat stress......


Well-Known Member
yeah i second the hypothesis of high temperature burning the leaves. It came on too quick and so severe I would not think it was a nutrient issue, ph off or not. Ya burned it... get your temperature down to around 80-85 at the most and get ur ph leveled at 6.5ish. Do NOT feed it water that has sat for more than 48 hours. I just take tap water and fill a reservoir with an aquarium air pump and airstones and let it bubble with the lid off for 18-24 hours, works perfectly. Those leaves are not gonna replenish themselves and ya the plant is in trouble, due to the fact that fan leaves act as the solar panels collecting light energy. It's your call if you wanna trim off a lil bit of damage, Id probably leave it, maybe mist it when it goes to dark time so it gets direct hydration. If you take the measures I suggested your plant will probably live till harvest, however degraded the yield may be comparitively. Just my two cents man, good luck to you. ~ BCbuddy