Hardroc's White Widow x Big Bud


New Member
They're from X-line
Thought I'd try 1 out.
I'll do the weekly updates thing. I like that alot better cause you can see the growth between weeks.

Started off in 1 of those little pucks that swell with water...can't remember the name...
Then moved to a 16oz party cup, then to a 2L ice cream container.
Then will move to.........still don't know what size my pots are lol, 1 week before flowering.

Vegging under 4 42watt 6500k cfls 20/4 for first week then to 18/6 the rest of the way throughout veg.
Flowering under a 400 watt Mh for 1st 2 weeks of flower, then switching to 400 hps till week 6, then back to the Mh for the last 2 weeks.
Will start flushing on week 7


For seedlings:
it was Miricle Grow, seedling mix

For veg:
FaFard pro mix
worm castings

LOL to all you M.G. haters :o:o:o
Still using the same bags of M.G. from my very 1st grow ahahahahahahahah

For veg:
M.G. all purpose

For flower:
M.G. bloom booster

Not sure how long I'm gonna veg for........at least another 5 weeks, whenever the closet is ready............


Active Member
...WTF ARE YOU DOING, YOU'RE KILLING IT!!! Hahahahahahha...I'm just kiddin! Looking very healthy. *pushes first guy who was here to the side and takes shotgun*



Well-Known Member
Those are looking really healthy. Is this female seeds x-line? This cross sounds really nice to me. I cant wait to see what the plants look like in flower. This is going to be wicked i am sub'd.


Well-Known Member
wow everytime i see one of the homies grows i have to read like 16-20 fucking pages to get uptodate first time get to see one this from the git. bitch looks real healthy


New Member
Those are looking really healthy. Is this female seeds x-line? This cross sounds really nice to me. I cant wait to see what the plants look like in flower. This is going to be wicked i am sub'd.
Yep them's the seeds. Thanks for the sub and the post

wow everytime i see one of the homies grows i have to read like 16-20 fucking pages to get uptodate first time get to see one this from the git. bitch looks real healthy
LOL I hear ya, 20 pages of just pretty much bumping their threads lol, I like to keep mine short, I don't mind ppl commenting, but don't like full out convo's in my journals.
I do journals for myself, I like to see the week by week growth. So it's more for me than anyone else, but I like to share what I'm doing with everyone, and show off my girls LOL


Well-Known Member
LOL I hear ya, 20 pages of just pretty much bumping their threads lol, I like to keep mine short, I don't mind ppl commenting, but don't like full out convo's in my journals.
I do journals for myself, I like to see the week by week growth. So it's more for me than anyone else, but I like to share what I'm doing with everyone, and show off my girls LOL
now im confused and dont know if i should respond or not lol, but thanks for sharing and cant wait to see pics of buds i wish i was smoking, love seeing the week by week

ok ill be quite for now ;D lol


New Member
looking good brothaman...shes short nice and tight.
Thanks for stopping in Smokey, That Afgoo makes me twitch down there everytime I see your pix lol

now im confused and dont know if i should respond or not lol, but thanks for sharing and cant wait to see pics of buds i wish i was smoking, love seeing the week by week

LOL, naw man it's ok to post, I was just saying I don't like ppl haveing pointless convo's in my journals lol

ok ill be quite for now ;D lol


New Member
now im confused and dont know if i should respond or not lol, but thanks for sharing and cant wait to see pics of buds i wish i was smoking, love seeing the week by week

ok ill be quite for now ;D lol
LOL, comments are welcome, just not a bunch of jabbering back and forth with other ppl, if ya know what I mean lol


Well-Known Member
May 23rd,
27 days of veg

Thanks Fuzzy, I forgot all about this thread LOL
I find she's really starting to lean on the sativa side of things
Still haven't fed her a drop of ferts
lol thats some funny shit u forgot about ur own thread spending to much time at club speedy? haha