Purple KUSH Deep water culture grow with the Luas formula


Active Member
Closetgrowth sent me this link a few weeks ago. I can't find it right now. But, the person had used a reservoir about 35gal and a control bucket that would distribute water to all the buckets and also would drain them back into the reservoir when you needed to replace the water. I guess this would be the easiest way.
wait I thin I might have seen that setup. Is it the one where the system had like 50 steps and its looks like the guy spent 20 hours doing all the plumbing and putting everyhting together lol


Active Member
Ok time for some picture updates. I stepped the plants up to about 850 ppm 2 days ago as well as started to LST them and they seem to be responding to both very well. The plants have greened up a little but are still on the light side so I may step it up to around 1000 ppm utilizing just more of the GH Micro since thats the one with the nitrogen. But either way the plants have been growing at a explosive rate and the root growth is amazing on these things they are just really happy with those larger airstones.

On a side not ive been seeing a little spider mite damage so Ive been spraying them with neem every 2 or 3 days. I know these purple based strains are very susceptible to spider mites.

P.S. sorry for the annoying lines on the pics these high watt bulbs really mess with the lens and the cameras cant seem to take it but if anyone knows how to make them go away and advice would be appreciated



Well-Known Member
Dude that pushpin in the lid to LST off of is BRILLIANT. If I could rep you again I would. That's gonna make my LST'ing so much easier next time around than the way I did it this time


Active Member
You know what the funny thing is after i put the garden tie on the plant to bend it over i was all now where the heck am i gonna secure this down too now since i gotta move all these lids and all. Then I saw my reccomendation sitting on the wall and took a one of the thumb tacks off that was holding it up and it worked great so i bought a pack to use now for the rest lol


Well-Known Member
how did you do it last time btw?
Basically I cut several strings and tied paper clips to one end. I snared the branches with the paper clip (had to bend em for bigger branches) and taped the other end to the rim of the lid to hold til I tucked the rest of the tape and string under the rim of the bucket then closed it on it. It worked, but you had to take the lid off and re-tape to tighten or adjust the strings. This time I'm gonna use the string and your pushpin style and kind of wrap it like you would when mooring a boat. So a hybrid of both of our techniques.

Here's a pic to better show my old way if I didn't describe it well. I used the lid to "clamp" the string and tape in place



Active Member
Colorado- Yeah that does sound like it would be a pain to take the lids off to readjust and on everyone too. The pushpin will be way easier and also if you want u can try using these flexible tie things instead of string. I used string last time but I tied it around the plants to tight i guess and over time it like cut into the stem and the stems ended up growing around it. Im not sure if it has any adverse effects on yield or anything but it just looks like it was choking the heck out of the plant and made a weak spot in the branch. But yeah I found these flexible garden tie things at Target of all places and there great, its basically just a wire with a soft rubber coating but there rigid and way easier to adjust then tying and untying string and the best part there only .99 cents.

wesmokedro- thank you and I hope so lol

passthatsh!t23- Im going back and forth between safer insect killing soap and neem oil on sprayings. I dont really belive on putting harsh pesticides such as avid on my plants even though it does work way better. But as long as you keep up on your spraying early in the grow they wont really take over. I mean there almost impossible to get rid of and once you think there gone they will pop up again and by the time you see them its usually a disaster because your 5 weeks into flower and you dont want to spray your plants that late into the game.



Well-Known Member
passthatsh!t23- Im going back and forth between safer insect killing soap and neem oil on sprayings. I dont really belive on putting harsh pesticides such as avid on my plants even though it does work way better. But as long as you keep up on your spraying early in the grow they wont really take over. I mean there almost impossible to get rid of and once you think there gone they will pop up again and by the time you see them its usually a disaster because your 5 weeks into flower and you dont want to spray your plants that late into the game.
Would i be able to use regular dish soap, and if not what infect killing soap are you useing?


Active Member
Um I know they tell u to add a drop of dish soap to your sprayer in general just because it helps the water stick to the leaves. But its called Safer soap. Its not to expensive and if you get the 3 in 1 its also a fungicide too. Works great. heres a link so you can see what the bottle looks like. They sell it everywhere home depot and such not just hydro stores.


Well-Known Member
Yea I'll look into those tie things. That's why I used the paper clips on the end. I was worried tying would end up in the plant consuming the string. The paper clips hold much like those green foam things without holding so tight the plant can grow around them!


Active Member
OK so were onto day 11 and the plants are just looking better than ever. The plants were looking a little light for my taste so I have tweaked the Lucas Method a little. First of all instead of 850 ppm I have brought it up to 1000 ppm and the veg called for a 5ml micro and 10ml bloom for the whole grow I decided to average it out and give 7.5ml of the Micro and 7.5 of the bloom and both these changes in conjunction have seem to great increase the color of the plants and the speed of growth. The first pic Im going to upload is of one of the plants 4 days ago with the 5-micro/10-bloom 850 ppm like Lucas suggest and the second pic will be with the same plant but 4 days later and 7-micro/7-bloom 1000 ppm that I am now running and seems to be working better. we will call that the JAkeman method lol. The rest of the pics are self explanatory and I have to say I love picking up those lids and seeing those roots just exploding over a few days.



Respect man, you got the killer plants. Keep us posted on these things. I am very interested in adopting this system.

Currently I am running a wick system for my first grow and I seem to be on track with my bloom cycle. So this system is

from ClosetGrowth?


Active Member
Respect man, you got the killer plants. Keep us posted on these things. I am very interested in adopting this system.

Currently I am running a wick system for my first grow and I seem to be on track with my bloom cycle. So this system is

from ClosetGrowth?
Yes CG definitely inspired me to do this DWC grow. If it wast for his thread I would prob be in soil again and like a week behind these plants. And just like CG said I am not going back to soil indoor ever again.. soil is poop DWC blows it out of the water. DWC may be a little more time consuming but it really is rather simple method once you get it going and seems to be very productive so far.


Active Member
The leafs look a bit curled, what is your pH at?
PS: To get rid of the lines on your camera, you have to change the White Balance, not sure which one, i think fluorescent worked for me.


Active Member
The leafs look a bit curled, what is your pH at?
PS: To get rid of the lines on your camera, you have to change the White Balance, not sure which one, i think fluorescent worked for me.
There all ph'd at 5.8 and I been using my phone to take the pics with.. cant really change any settings on it. Guess ill just have to break out the digital camera to do that. But ill try changing the blance on that and see if it works thanks.


Well-Known Member
stuff look sick bro,great job,,i jus got some purple kush fems,rebuying another 10 pac, so far they look good,keep it up.


Active Member
OK so today has been 2 full weeks of veg and these plants have far surpassed to rate of growth in any soil or coco I have ever done. Probably gonna switch them into flower real soon and add the second 1000 light in there. The last of these pics is after a little bit more of LST

