

hello im new here and i have a small plant that a friend gave me and it about 6-7 inches tall and has about 12 leaves.. ok so he was growing it in dirt in a cup what should i do so i dont kill this .. please any help would be great thanks alot!!:leaf::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
get a little bottle of ph down and a 1 gallon jud to water with. fill up your one gallon pot with soil pack it in tight but not too tight. get a spoon and center your whole in the pot. you might want to make a stencil with your cup and dig the whole that will fit it.


Well-Known Member
wait tell your plant sucks up all the water in the cup and is nice and dry than pop it out and plant it in that whole. water the one gallon pot with a quarter gallon of water so that you flush that fox farm its a little hot I allways flush when I transplant


Well-Known Member
water that bad boy with your water phed at 6.0 to 6.5 like a mix of mountain dew and piss color in your ph tester tube. only water when your plant sucks up all the water and your plant feels lite. when your plant gets around 15 inches tall repeat the first step but with a bigger pot. if your going indoor and its only one plant I would through it in a 5 gallon pot. out door I would through it in like a 15 gallon pot
stick with the ocean forest and dont use nutes. you are a newb so the nutes will mess you up for your first grow and ocean forest has many good thigns in it already, kinda like why fuck up a already good thing, right?


Well-Known Member
stick with the ocean forest and dont use nutes. you are a newb so the nutes will mess you up for your first grow and ocean forest has many good thigns in it already, kinda like why fuck up a already good thing, right?
yeah listen to this man. you can burn your plants up real quick that soil had all the nutrients you need


water that bad boy with your water phed at 6.0 to 6.5 like a mix of mountain dew and piss color in your ph tester tube. only water when your plant sucks up all the water and your plant feels lite. when your plant gets around 15 inches tall repeat the first step but with a bigger pot. if your going indoor and its only one plant I would through it in a 5 gallon pot. out door I would through it in like a 15 gallon pot
what do u mean by phed 6.0 to 6.5 how do i get to this sry but im very new at growing i only smoke it lol


Well-Known Member
its really simple. after you mix your water you add some ph down to your water. this shit is strong so like I said get the baby droper and put like 1 ml to your one gallon to start off then stir it up. fill the little plastic tube up half full with your water and put 5 drops of the indicator. and you want the color to be yellowish green


Well-Known Member
if it looks to green with only 1ml add like a couple more drops at a time and test it again tell you got it figured out. if you every do add any nutrient watch out cause it will raise or lower your ph.


Well-Known Member
are you growing this outdoor or indoor? just make sure if you add nutrient you ph test it cause your going to need to add sum or not add as much. if the color is to dark like orangeish just dump it out and add less ph down. I wouldnt add any nutrient in veg and if you do just add like 1ml to your gallon of water. thats the number one mistake that people make when they start to grow is over feeding. If you think of it this way you will do good "the less you can get away with feeding the better" less is better than more trust me